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Juneteenth - Ralph Abernathy made June 19 the "Solidarity Day of the Poor People’s Campaign"

Time: Wednesday Jun 19, 1968

Place: U.S.

Details: It soon saw a revival as black people began tying their struggle to that of ending slavery. In Atlanta, some campaigners for equality wore Juneteenth buttons. During the 1968 Poor People's Campaign to Washington, DC, called by Rev. Ralph Abernathy, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference made June 19 the "Solidarity Day of the Poor People’s Campaign".



Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson wrote a letter to Grimké
Thursday Jan 28, 1915 - U.S.
IBM-Financial Swaps
1981 - U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Former President Barack Obama endorsed Biden
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Major was assigned in 1919 to a transcontinental Army convoy to test vehicles and dramatize the need for improved roads in the nation
1919 - U.S.
World War II
World War II-United States and Japan had been engaged in negotiations
1941 - U.S. and Japan
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Islamic Center of Washington, DC
Monday Sep 17, 2001 - Islamic Center of Washington, DC, U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Phased oil price decontrol begins
Jun, 1979 - U.S.
Alan Turing
Alan Turing-Turing traveled to the United States
Nov, 1942 - Washington D.C., U.S.
A laser beam used for welding
Laser-U.S. Patent Office denied Gould's application, and awarded a patent to Bell Labs
1960 - U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Meeting with Condoleezza Rice
Tuesday Jul 10, 2001 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Jim Yong Kim was elected
Friday Apr 27, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Millennium Development Goals targets
2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Reduce Child Mortality
2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-War on AIDS
2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-The largest recipients of world bank loans
Nov, 2018 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-For the first time, two non-US citizens were nominated
2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-The bank announced that to protect against deforestation
1991 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Banking hacks image
Banking Frauds and Hacks-Data processors International
2003 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Third-World debt
1980s - Washington D.C., U.S.
Photograph taken showing the body of Will Brown after being burned by a white lynch mob - Red Summer
Red Summer-Washington race riot
Saturday Jul 19, 1919 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Developing world debt rose at an average annual rate of 20%
1976 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-World Bank Administrative Tribunal was established
1980 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Buy-Sell Program sales average more than 400,000 bbl/d (64,000 m3/d) from October 1979 through March 1980
Oct, 1979 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Voting powers at the World Bank were revised to increase the voice of developing countries
2010 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Achieve Universal Primary Education
2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Economic Development Institute
Friday Mar 11, 1955 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Aid for the world's poorest countries
Saturday Dec 15, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-Securities Investor Protection Corporation was established
1970 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-IMF formally came into existence
Thursday Dec 27, 1945 - U.S.
Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges-Bridges was awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal
Monday Jan 8, 2001 - U.S.
Bitcoin-Bitcoin traded as high as $41,973
Friday Jan 8, 2021 - U.S., and Worldwide
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-IMF establishes its "oil facility"
Jun, 1974 - U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-2013 Fiscal Monitor publication
Oct, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-IMF began its financial operations
Saturday Mar 1, 1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-$1 trillion mobilization
Mar, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Johan Witteveen
Saturday Sep 1, 1973 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Jacques de Larosière
Saturday Jun 17, 1978 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Gopinath was appointed to the World Bank–International Monetary Fund High-Level Advisory Group (HLAG)
Jun, 2021 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Gita was named one of the top 25 economists under 45 by the International Monetary Fund
2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Kristalina Georgieva
Tuesday Oct 1, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Gita Gopinath
Gita Gopinath-Chief economist of the International Monetary Fund
Oct, 2018 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Pierre-Paul Schweitzer
Sunday Sep 1, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust
Monday Apr 13, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Largest borrowers
Jan, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned
Wednesday May 18, 2011 - United States
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality
Jan, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Former Czechoslovakia was expelled in 1954
1954 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Rodrigo Rato
Monday Jun 7, 2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Ivar Rooth
Friday Aug 3, 1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Thursday Nov 1, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Per Jacobsson
Wednesday Nov 21, 1956 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Longest-serving Managing Director
Friday Jan 16, 1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-False estimation
Nov, 2020 - U.S. and Worldwide
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Discussion Paper
Monday May 20, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-First Managing Director
Monday May 6, 1946 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Andorra became the 190th member
Friday Oct 16, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Horst Köhler
Monday May 1, 2000 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-The first borrower
Thursday May 8, 1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-First female Managing Director
Tuesday Jul 5, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-World Bank establishes its "Third Window"
Jul, 1975 - U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-First President of the World Bank Group
1946 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-$12 billion plan
Sep, 2020 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Alden Winship "Tom" Clausen was President of the World Bank
Wednesday Jul 1, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Kristalina Georgieva served as Acting President of the World Bank
Friday Feb 1, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-John J. McCloy served as the president
1947 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Eugene "Gene" Robert Black Sr. became the President of the World Bank
1949 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Paul Dundes Wolfowitz served as the President of the World Bank
Wednesday Jun 1, 2005 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-George David Woods served as President of the World Bank
Jan, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-World Bank launches Support
Thursday Apr 2, 2020 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-James David Wolfensohn served as the president of the World Bank Group
Thursday Jun 1, 1995 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-David Malpass was elected President of the World Bank
Thursday Apr 4, 2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Robert Bruce Zoellick was the president of the World Bank
Sunday Jul 1, 2007 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Lewis Thompson Preston was President of the World Bank
Thursday Aug 1, 1991 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Barber Benjamin Conable Jr. was former President of the World Bank
Tuesday Jul 1, 1986 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-Robert McNamara became President of the World Bank
Monday Apr 1, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-John C. Frémont issued a martial edict freeing slaves of the rebels
Aug, 1861 - U.S.
A painting dedicated to the founders of Black History Month, the Black United Students at Kent State University, by Ernie Pryor
Black History Month-Negro History Week
Feb, 1926 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Goodwill Ambassador
Oct, 2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.
United Nations
United Nations-Dumbarton Oaks Conference
Friday Sep 22, 1944 - Washington D.C., U.S.
The World Bank
World Bank-International Development Association (IDA)
1960 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Five Men Were Caught breaking Into The Democratic party Headquarters
Saturday Jun 17, 1972 - The Democratic party headquarters, Watergate complex, Washington, D.C., U.S.
September 11 attacks
September 11 (9/11) Attacks-File 17
Friday Jul 1, 2016 - Embassy of Saudi Arabia, Washington D.C., U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-General Services Administrator Emily W. Murphy formally recognized Biden as the apparent winner of the 2020 election
Monday Nov 23, 2020 - U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Strivings of the Negro People
Sunday Aug 1, 1897 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Carter G. Woodson
Carter G. Woodson-Death
Monday Apr 3, 1950 - Shaw, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-U.S. Phase III price controls begin
Thursday Jan 11, 1973 - U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-U.S. Federal oil depletion allowance eliminated for large producers
1975 - U.S.
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Final Invasion Plan
Tuesday Apr 4, 1961 - U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt-Second Term
Tuesday Nov 8, 1904 - U.S.
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Diplomacy by Kissinger produces a disengagement agreement on the Syrian front
Friday May 31, 1974 - U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Emancipation Proclamation was formally issued
Jan, 1863 - U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-The Washington Post
Monday Aug 5, 2013 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-The Washington Post
Oct, 2013 - Washington, D.C., U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Final televised Address
Tuesday Jan 17, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving-Proclamation 3560
Tuesday Nov 5, 1963 - U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-1952 United States presidential election
Tuesday Nov 4, 1952 - U.S.
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Top 22 Most Wanted Terrorists
Wednesday Oct 10, 2001 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump dismissed FBI director James Comey
Tuesday May 9, 2017 - U.S.
King Edward VIII
Edward VIII-Edward visited President Dwight D. Eisenhower
1955 - Washington D.C., U.S.

On This Day - 19 June

Disasters with highest death tolls-1718 Gansu Earthquake
Sunday Jun 19, 1718 - Qing Empire (now China)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon-Tsar Alexander sent an envoy to seek an armistice with Napoleon
Friday Jun 19, 1807 - Tilsit (Present Day Sovetsk, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia)
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Freedmen in Texas organized the first of what became the annual celebration
Tuesday Jun 19, 1866 - Texas, U.S.
Father's Day
Father's Day-Father's Day celebration was held in Spokane, Washington
Sunday Jun 19, 1910 - Spokane, Washington, U.S.
J.F.Kennedy Image
John F. Kennedy-Baptized
Tuesday Jun 19, 1917 - Brookline, Massachusetts, U.S.
Irish War of Independence
Irish War of Independence-First cycle of attacks
Saturday Jun 19, 1920 - Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Francisco Franco
Francisco Franco-Wanted to enter the war
Wednesday Jun 19, 1940 - Cameroon
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle denied the legitimacy of the government at Bordeaux
Wednesday Jun 19, 1940 - London
Marilyn Monroe Image
Marilyn Monroe-1st Marriage
Friday Jun 19, 1942 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
World War II
World War II-Battle of the Philippine Sea
Monday Jun 19, 1944 - The Philippine Sea
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Successfully defended his doctoral thesis
Saturday Jun 19, 1948 - Rome, Italy
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Born
Tuesday Jun 19, 1951 - Maadi, Cairo, Egypt
Martin Luther King Image
Martin Luther King-Doctoral Studies
Sunday Jun 19, 1955 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.
Algerian War Image
Algerian War-Two FLN prisoners were executed
Tuesday Jun 19, 1956 - Algeria
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-Resignation
Saturday Jun 19, 1971 - Washington D.C.,U.S.
Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-Bhutan flag code of conduct
Monday Jun 19, 1972 - Bhutan
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-30,000 people attended festivities at Sycamore Park
Saturday Jun 19, 1976 - Sycamore Park, Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Milwaukee celebration was described as drawing over 100,000 attendees
Monday Jun 19, 1978 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-The protests in Kazakhstan
Monday Jun 19, 1989 - Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan
Bosnian War (The government building in the centre of Sarajevo burns after being hit by tank fire during the siege in 1992) Image
Bosnian War-A conflict in Novi Travnik
Friday Jun 19, 1992 - Novi Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Logo of Amazon
Amazon-Amazon's logotype
Monday Jun 19, 2000 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Rafael Nadal Image
Rafael Nadal-A knee Injury
Tuesday Jun 19, 2007 - London, England
Logo of the company Apple Inc.
Apple Inc.-iTunes Store
Thursday Jun 19, 2008 - U.S.
Prince Harry Image
Prince Harry-Harry's Resign
Friday Jun 19, 2015 - London, England
Pope Francis-Met with Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Friday Jun 19, 2015 - Vatican City
LeBron James
LeBron James-15-16 season Champion
Sunday Jun 19, 2016 - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
LeBron James
LeBron James-Won the 15-16 Playoffs
Sunday Jun 19, 2016 - Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.
Brexit-Negotiations commenced
Monday Jun 19, 2017 - United Kingdom
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Apple added Juneteenth to its calendars in iOS under official US holidays
Tuesday Jun 19, 2018 - Cupertino, California, U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Juneteenth Independence Day
Friday Jun 19, 2020 - Massachusetts, U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum announced that the state would formally recognize Friday
Friday Jun 19, 2020 - North Dakota, U.S.
Juneteenth Flag
Juneteenth-Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota proclaimed June 19, 2020, as Juneteenth Day
Friday Jun 19, 2020 - South Dakota, U.S.
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-The UK Reach 300K Infections
Friday Jun 19, 2020 - United Kingdom
Thomas Fuller Birth
Thomas Fuller Birth
Thursday Jun 19, 1608 - Aldwincle
John Barrow Birth
John Barrow Birth
Tuesday Jun 19, 1764 - Ulverston

June 1968

Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Gaullists achieved major success
Jun, 1968 - France
Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day Image
Memorial day-Three-day weekend
Friday Jun 28, 1968 - U.S.


Xanana Gusmão - image
Xanana Gusmão-National Service
1968 - Timor-Leste
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Tito offered to fly to Prague
1968 - Prague, Czechslovak
Flag of Christmas Island
Christmas Island-Retitling The Official Secretary
1968 - Christmas Island
Visa Inc. logo
Visa Inc.-Manager at the National Bank of Commerce , Dee Hock, was asked to supervise that bank's launch of its own licensed version of BankAmericard in the Pacific Northwest market
1968 - U.S.1
Visa Inc. logo
Visa Inc.-Alliance of banks issued credit cards under the Chargex name
1968 - Canada
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-The First Use of The Term "microprocessor"
1968 - Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-The Central Air Data Computer
1968 - U.S.
Juan Trippe
Juan Trippe-Trippe gave up the Presidency
1968 - Florida, U.S.
Slobodan Milošević Image
Slobodan Milošević-Milošević got a job at the Tehnogas company
1968 - Serbia
Oculus Rift
Virtual reality-The first head-mounted display System
1968 - U.S.
Computer animation-Nikolai Konstantinov
1968 - Russia (Then: Soviet Union)
Computer animation-The Atlas Computer Laboratory
1968 - Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Howard Hughes 1938 Image
Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Movie obsession
1968 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Computer animation-Evans & Sutherland
1968 - U.S.
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Ted dropped out of college
1968 - Seattle, Washington, U.S.
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Image
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-The UK's Foreign Office Minister's Visit
Monday Jan 8, 1968 - United Arab Emirates
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle refused to devalue the France
1968 - France
King Edward VIII
Edward VIII-The last royal ceremony the Duke attended
1968 - England, United Kingdom
Mushroom cloud above Nagasaki after atomic bombing
Atomic Bomb-1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash
Sunday Jan 21, 1968 - Thule Air Base (formerly Pituffik), Greenland
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Eligible to serve
1968 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump began his career
1968 - New York, U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-The Tet Offensive
Tuesday Jan 30, 1968 - South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh-Tet Offensive
Wednesday Jan 31, 1968 - Vietnam
The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-New Delhi Conference
Wednesday Jan 31, 1968 - New Delhi, India
Chris McCandless Image
Chris McCandless: Into the Wild-Birth
Monday Feb 12, 1968 - El Segundo, California, U.S.
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Image
Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan-The Important Meeting
Sunday Feb 18, 1968 - United Arab Emirates
Celine Dion
Celine Dion-Dion birth
Sunday Mar 24, 1968 - Quebec, Canada
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-Colonel Sun was published
Thursday Mar 28, 1968 - United Kingdom
Wordmark of Sony - image
Sony Corporation-Introduced The Trinitron brand
Apr, 1968 - Tokyo, Japan
The World Bank
World Bank-Robert McNamara became President of the World Bank
Monday Apr 1, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Martin Luther King Image
Martin Luther King-Assassination
Thursday Apr 4, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-Divorce of his Parents
Monday Apr 22, 1968 - U.S.
George W. Bush
George W. Bush-Military Career
May, 1968 - Texas, U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-Peace Talks began
Friday May 10, 1968 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-The mass demonstrations challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy
May, 1968 - France
Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk-Birth
Sunday May 12, 1968 - San Diego, California, U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden earned a Juris Doctor from Syracuse University College of Law
1968 - Syracuse, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Graduation
May, 1968 - Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle disappeared
Wednesday May 29, 1968 - France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Pompidou persuaded De Gaulle to dissolve parliament
Thursday May 30, 1968 - Paris, France
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-Gaullists achieved major success
Jun, 1968 - France
Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day Image
Memorial day-Three-day weekend
Friday Jun 28, 1968 - U.S.
Computer animation-Cybernetic Serendipity
Jul, 1968 - Worldwide
Frank Sinatra 1957 - image
Frank Sinatra-3rd Divorce
Aug, 1968 - Mexico
KFC-First in Australia
1968 - Sydney, Australia
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy-Bundy attended the 1968 Republican National Convention
Aug, 1968 - Miami, Florida, U.S.
Harald V Image
Harald V-Marriage
Thursday Aug 29, 1968 - Oslo Domkirke, Karl Johans gate, Oslo, Norway
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden clerked at a Wilmington law firm headed by prominent local Republican William Prickett
1968 - Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden disliked incumbent Democratic Delaware governor Charles L. Terry's conservative racial politics
1968 - Delaware, U.S.
Nobel Prize
Nobel Prize-Sveriges Riksbank Donation
1968 - Brunkebergstorg, Stockholm, Sweden
Yasunari Kawabata
Yasunari Kawabata-Nobel Prize
Wednesday Oct 16, 1968 - Stockholm, Sweden
River Phoenix
River Phoenix-Phoenix's mother met John Lee
1968 - California, United States
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Classified 1-Y
Oct, 1968 - U.S.
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon-Winning The 1968 United States Presidential Election
Tuesday Nov 5, 1968 - U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-C. Peter McColough became Xerox's CEO
1968 - U.S.
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-Raising
1968 - Houston, Texas, U.S.
Xerox headquarters in Norwalk
Xerox-Xerox Tower
1968 - Rochester, New York, U.S.
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-14-year marriage ends
1968 - U.S.
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-Marriage
Monday Dec 2, 1968 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa-Hoffa's Influence and Control After 1967
1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Steven Spielberg image
Steven Spielberg-The Opportunity
Wednesday Dec 18, 1968 - USA
Jeff Bezos
Jeff Bezos-Adoption
1968 - U.S.
Portrait of Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 - image
Neil Armstrong-Slayton offered Armstrong the Post of Commander of Apollo 11
Monday Dec 23, 1968 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Collage of Images From The Vietnam War
Vietnam War-Military Deaths In 1968
1968 - Vietnam