Kingdom of Pergamon - Romans gave these possessions to Pergamon
Time: 188 BC
Place: Pergamon
Details: In 188 BC, after the war against the Seleucids, the Romans seized the possessions of the defeated Antiochus III the Great in Asia Minor and gave Mysia, Lydia, Phrygia, and Pamphylia to the kingdom of Pergamon and Caria Lycia and Pisidia, in the southwestern corner of Asia Minor, to Rhodes, another Roman ally. Later the Romans gave these possessions of Rhodes to Pergamon.
Libraries-Library of Pergamum
3rd Century BC - Roman Empire (Present Day Pergamum, Turkey)
Kingdom of Pergamon-Philetaerus enjoyed considerable autonomy
270s BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)
Kingdom of Pergamon-Eumenes III claimed the throne
132 BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)
Library of Alexandria-Apollodorus of Athens
100s BC - Pergamum, Turkey
Kingdom of Pergamon-Last Attalid king died
133 BC - Pergamon (Present-Day Bergama, Turkey)
Seleucid Empire-Treaty of Apamea
188 BC - Apamea, Syria
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Hui died
188 BC - Chang'an, China