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Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List) - Schindler arrested in The 40s

Time: 1940s

Place: Kraków, Poland

Details: Schindler was arrested twice on suspicion of black market activities and once for breaking the Nuremberg Laws by kissing a Jewish girl, an action forbidden by the Race and Resettlement Act. The first arrest, in late 1941, led to him being kept overnight. His secretary arranged for his release through Schindler's influential contacts in the Nazi Party. His second arrest, on 29 April 1942, was the result of his kissing a Jewish girl on the cheek at his birthday party at the factory the previous day. He remained in jail five days before his influential Nazi contacts were able to obtain his release. In October 1944, he was arrested again, accused of black marketeering and bribing Göth and others to improve the conditions of the Jewish workers. He was held for most of a week and released. Göth had been arrested on 13 September 1944 for corruption and other abuses of power and Schindler's arrest was part of the ongoing investigation into Göth's activities. Göth was never convicted on those charges but was hanged by the Supreme National Tribunal of Poland for war crimes on 13 September 1946.



Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Meeting Itzhak Stern
Nov, 1939 - Kraków, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Black Sunday
Sunday Aug 6, 1944 - Karkow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Study for the priesthood
1942 - Karkow, Poland
Dżok Monument
1990 - Kraków, Poland
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Business Consultant
Nov, 1939 - Kraków, Poland
Miriam Bella's death
Miriam Bella's death
Thursday Aug 15, 1619 - Kraków
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Schindler Interest
1940 - Kraków, Poland
Itzak Stern
Itzak Stern-Oskar Schindler was first introduced to Stern
Saturday Nov 18, 1939 - Poland
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-German Enamelware Factory DEF
Monday Nov 13, 1939 - Kraków, Poland
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Protecting his workers
1941 - Poland
Itzak Stern
Itzak Stern-The ghetto was fully liquidated
1943 - Krakow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Germans Occupied Poland
1938 - Karkow, Poland
Itzak Stern
Itzak Stern-Birth
Friday Jan 25, 1901 - Kraków, Grand Duchy of Cracow, Austro-Hungarian Empire (Present Day Poland)
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Arriving in Kraków
Oct, 1939 - Kraków, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Promotion to the Sacred College of Cardinals
Monday Jun 26, 1967 - Karkow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Transferred to the parish of Saint Florian
1949 - Karkow, Poland
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Emalia's Peak
1944 - Kraków, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Archbishop of Kraków
Monday Jan 13, 1964 - Karkow, Poland
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Decree Issuance
Thursday Aug 1, 1940 - Kraków, Poland
Dżok Monument
Džok-Dżok Monument
Saturday May 26, 2001 - Kraków, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-A Priest
Friday Nov 1, 1946 - Karkow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Germans fled the City
Wednesday Jan 17, 1945 - Karkow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Jagiellonian University
1938 - Karkow, Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Hit a German Trunk
Tuesday Feb 29, 1944 - Karkow, Poland
Dżok Monument
Džok-Džok's owner died
1990s - Poland
Itzak Stern
Itzak Stern-Schindler decided to open a new factory
1944 - Płaszów, Poland
Augustyn Kordecki Birth
Augustyn Kordecki Birth
Sunday Nov 16, 1603 - Iwanowice
The Holocaust-The Jews arranged an uprising in Auschwitz
Saturday Oct 7, 1944 - Poland
The Holocaust-Jews were deported from Hungary to Auschwitz II-Birkenau
May, 1944 - Poland
The Holocaust-Polish leaders in Warsaw had learned about the mass killing of Jews in Auschwitz
Jul, 1942 - Poland
The Holocaust-Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviets
Saturday Jan 27, 1945 - Poland
The Holocaust-Auschwitz concentration camp
1943 - Poland
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Birth
Tuesday May 18, 1920 - Wadowice, Poland