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George Washington - Second Term

Time: Wednesday Feb 13, 1793

Place: U.S.

Details: The Electoral College unanimously elected him president on February 13, 1793, and John Adams as vice president by a vote of 77 to 50.



George Washington
George Washington-Washington declined to run for a third term of office
1792 - U.S.
Flag of the United States
Flag of the United States-The Continental Navy raised the Colors as the ensign of the fledgling nation
1776 - U.S.
Benjamin Banneker
Benjamin Banneker-Banneker wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson
Friday Aug 19, 1791 - U.S.
George Washington
George Washington-Washington assembled his cabinet to discuss how to deal with the situation
Wednesday Aug 3, 1791 - U.S.
Flag of the United States
Flag of the United States-Letter from George Washington
Monday May 10, 1779 - U.S.

On This Day - 13 February

A mural showing women dressed in traditional Hanfu silk robes, from the Dahuting Tomb of the late Eastern Han dynasty (25–220 AD)
Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-He of Han died
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George Washington
George Washington-Washington signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act
Wednesday Feb 13, 1793 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Birth
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Winston Churchill
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World War II
World War II-Fall of Budapest
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

13 February 1793

George Washington
George Washington-Washington signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act
Wednesday Feb 13, 1793 - U.S.

February 1793

George Washington
George Washington-Washington signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act
Wednesday Feb 13, 1793 - U.S.


Fulton Image
Robert Fulton-Canal Mania enthusiastic
1793 - England, United Kingdom
Fulton Image
Robert Fulton-Fulton proposed plans for steam-powered vessels
1793 - England, United Kingdom
George Washington
George Washington-Washington signed into law the Fugitive Slave Act
Wednesday Feb 13, 1793 - U.S.
George Washington
George Washington-Washington sworn into office by Associate Justice William Cushing
Monday Mar 4, 1793 - Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
George Washington
George Washington-Neutrality Proclamation
Monday Apr 22, 1793 - U.S.