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Diego Maradona - "Sell your ceiling then amigo"

Time: 1987

Place: Vatican City

Details: During a meeting with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in 1987, they clashed on the issue of wealth disparity, with Maradona stating, "I argued with him because I was in the Vatican and I saw all these golden ceilings and afterwards I heard the Pope say the Church was worried about the welfare of poor kids. Sell your ceiling then amigo, do something!".



Battle during the Second Crusade
Crusades-Pope Innocent III announced a new crusade "Fourth Crusade"
Saturday Aug 15, 1198 - Vatican City
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo spent much of his time living in the Belvedere Courtyard in the Apostolic Palace
Sep, 1513 - Apostolic Palace, Belvedere Courtyard, Vatican City (then Rome)
Libraries-Cortile del Belvedere
1505 - Vatican City
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci-Commissioned to paint the walls of the Sistine Chapel
1479 - Sistine Chapel, Vatican City (then Rome)
Armenian Genocide
Armenian Genocide-30 countries have recognized the genocide
2021 - Worldwide
Libraries-Vatican Library
1475 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-First Encyclical
Saturday Jun 29, 2013 - Vatican City
Battle during the Second Crusade
Crusades-Gregory VIII issued the bull Audita tremendi calling for "Third Crusade"
Thursday Oct 29, 1187 - Vatican City
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Frederick III Holy Roman Emperor (Frederick III of Habsburg)
Friday Mar 19, 1452 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire
Valentine greeting card
Valentine's Day-Removal of saint valentine from the roman catholic calendar of saints
1969 - Vatican City
Amancio Ortega Portrait
Amancio Ortega-philanthropy
2012 - Vatican City
Battle during the Second Crusade
Crusades-Eugene III recently elected pope
Saturday Dec 1, 1145 - Vatican City
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Henry VII is Holy Roman Emperor
Wednesday Jun 29, 1312 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire
A jack-o'-lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
Halloween-All Hallows' Day was officially switched to 1 November
Thursday Nov 1, 835 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)
A jack-o'-lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
609 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)
A jack-o'-lantern, one of the symbols of Halloween
Halloween-Pope Gregory III
731 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Pope Benedict XIV authorized the publication of an edition of Galileo's complete scientific works which included a mildly censored version of the Dialogue
1741 - Rome, Italy (Now Vatican City)
Pope Francis-First Consistory
Thursday Aug 29, 2019 at 03:11:00 PM - Vatican City
Pope Francis-The pope has also continued the practice of having beatifications
Saturday Aug 16, 2014 - Vatican City
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-First German Pope
996 - Rome, Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Nicola Cabibbo announced a plan to honor Galileo by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls
Mar, 2008 - Vatican City
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Galileo's earliest telescopic observations, Pope Benedict XVI praised his contributions to astronomy
Dec, 2008 - Vatican City
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Pope Gregory XV died and was succeeded by Pope Urban VIII
Saturday Jul 8, 1623 - Rome, Papal States
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1519 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire
Pope Francis-First Canonizations
Tuesday May 12, 2015 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-Pope Francis signed a new apostolic constitution
Friday Dec 8, 2017 - Vatican City
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled
Saturday Oct 31, 1992 - Vatican City
Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire-Pope Innocent III broached the subject of a new crusade through legates and encyclical letters
1198 - Rome (Present-Day in Vatican)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Rome was rent by internal dissension
480 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Plan to erect a statue of Galileo on the grounds of the Vatican had been suspended
Jan, 2009 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-Laudato si'
Thursday Jun 18, 2015 - Vatican City
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Frederick II Holy Roman Empror
Sunday Nov 22, 1220 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire
Pope Francis-A Pope
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 - Vatican City
Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide-Pope Francis
Monday Mar 20, 2017 - Vatican City, Italy
Pope Francis-Met with Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
Friday May 10, 2013 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-First Easter homily
Sunday Mar 31, 2013 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-World Food Day
Monday Oct 16, 2017 - Vatican City
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Pope Paul IV
1555 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire
Pope Francis-The Name
Saturday Mar 16, 2013 - Vatican City
Pope Francis-Met with Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Friday Jun 19, 2015 - Vatican City
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-The death of Pope John Paul I
Thursday Sep 28, 1978 - Vatican City
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Death
Saturday Apr 2, 2005 at 03:30:00 PM - Vatican City, Italy
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-Unsuccessful Assassination
Wednesday May 13, 1981 - Vatican City
Pope John Paul II Image
Pope John Paul II-A Pope
Sunday Oct 22, 1978 - Vatican City
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-The Bersaglieri entered Rome and marched down Via Pia
1870 - Rome, Italy
Banner of the Holy Roman Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Hildebrand
1080s - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Porsena attacked Rome
508 BC - Ponte Sublicio, Italy
Romulus and his twin brother Remus
Roman Kingdom-Ancus further fortified the Janiculum Hill
630s BC - Rome
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Marcus Valerius Volusus
505 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Libraries-Biblioteca Vallicelliana
1565 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
535 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Galileo Galilei Linceo
1580s - Italy
Cesare Borgia returned to Rome
Cesare Borgia returned to Rome
Thursday Jan 17, 1501 - Rome
Eagle of Zeus, Ptolemaic mint
Ptolemaic Kingdom-Rome split between supporters of Mark Antony and Octavian
44 BC - Rome, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-200th goal for Roma
Wednesday Jan 16, 2008 - Rome, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-Returned from Injury
Thursday May 11, 2006 - Rome, Italy
Cleopatra and Caesar
Cleopatra-Ptolemy XII decided to leave Rome
57 BC - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Alliance between Rome and Carthage
270s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-He suffered a fracture of his left fibula and ligament damage
Sunday Feb 19, 2006 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-The ending of the constitutional history of the Roman Republic
27 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Gentleman's Agreement
Jan, 1937 - Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-Announced that he had accepted an offer from his former team Roma to become a club director
Monday Jul 17, 2017 - Rome, Italy
Libraries-Biblioteca Angelica
1604 - Rome, Italy
Cleopatra and Caesar
Cleopatra-The Temple of Venus Genetrix
46 BC - Rome, Italy
Romulus and his twin brother Remus
Roman Kingdom-Gauls destroyed many of Rome's historical records
Saturday Jul 18, 387 BC - Allia River, near Rome
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Sextian-Licinian
367 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Porsena once again sent ambassadors to the Roman senate
507 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Lazio transfer
Wednesday Jul 27, 2016 - Rome, Italy
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Rome, Italy
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-First European hat-rick
Thursday Feb 22, 2018 - Rome, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-Season-ending injury
Saturday Apr 19, 2008 - Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-100th appearance in UEFA club competitions
Thursday Oct 20, 2016 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Titus Aebutius Helva
499 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Contract extension
Saturday Oct 21, 2017 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Assassination of Julius Caesar
Tuesday Mar 15, 44 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome, Italy)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Second Triumvirate
43 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Ciro Immobile Image
Ciro Immobile-Second Capocannoniere
2018 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Valerius returned to Rome to celebrate a triumph
Friday Mar 1, 509 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Caeso Fabius Ambustus
401 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-Rome was declared Capital of Italy
Wednesday Mar 27, 1861 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus assigned in the war with Veii
479 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-King Victor Emmanuel sacked Mussolini
Tuesday Jul 25, 1944 - Rome, Italy
Flag of Repubblica Cispadana1
Unification of Italy-Garibaldi made a second attempt to capture Rome
1867 - Rome, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-Final match-day of the 2014–15 season
Sunday May 31, 2015 - Rome, Italy
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill met Mussolini
1927 - Rome, Italy
Charles de Gaulle
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle meet the Pope and the new Italian government
Friday Jun 16, 1944 - Rome, Italy
Francesco Totti
Francesco Totti-100th Serie A goal
Sunday Oct 3, 2004 - Rome, Italy
Libraries-Biblioteca Casanatense
1701 - Rome, Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Cardinal Bellarmine had written that the Copernican system could not be defended without "a true physical demonstration"
1615 - Rome, Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-An Astronomical Disputation on the Three Comets
1619 - Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Galileo became embroiled in a controversy with Father Orazio Grassi
1619 - Rome, Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Discourse on Comets
1619 - Italy
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Galileo visited the Collegium Romanum
1611 - Rome, Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Consul Gaius Marcius Rutilus first plebeian
356 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Caesar Augustus (The first phase of the Roman Empire)
Thursday Sep 23, 27 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei-Ottavio Brenzoni's letter
Saturday Jan 15, 1605 - Italy
3D medical animation corona virus Image
Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Italy Ministry of Health announced new guidelines
Thursday Feb 27, 2020 - Italy
Q. Servilius Caepio
Roman Republic-Rome had established herself as the major power in Italy
4th Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Aureus of Augustus, the first Roman Emperor
Roman Empire-Temple of the Sun
Friday Dec 25, 274 - Rome


The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Nokia's first fully portable mobile phone
1987 - Finland
Canon Camera
Cameras-Casio VS-101
1987 - Tokyo, Japan
Marco van Basten
Marco van Basten-Moving to A.C. Milan
1987 - Milan, Italy
Jair Bolsonaro Image
Jair Bolsonaro-The Artillery Advanced Course
1987 - Brazil
1987 - Porto Alegre, Brazil
Bill Gates Image
Bill Gates-Forbes List
1987 - Washington, U.S.
Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk-Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol
1987 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett-Salomon Inc.
1987 - New York, U.S.
Slobodan Milošević Image
Slobodan Milošević-Milošević declared support for Serbs in the Serbian autonomous Province of Kosovo
1987 - Serbia
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-The First Commercial Success Using The ARM Architecture
1987 - Cambridge, UK
Bernard Arnault
Bernard Arnault-LVMH
1987 - Paris, France
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-Releasing Nike Air Max
1987 - U.S.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa-Piazza del Duomo UNESCO World Heritage Site
1987 - Pisa, Italy
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Senate Judiciary Committee
1987 - U.S.
Logo for American sportswear company Nike Inc.
Nike, Inc.-Using The Beatles Song "Revolution" In a Commercial
1987 - U.S
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-The 1987 Iran–Contra affair
1987 - Nicaragua
Linux logo Tux Image
1987 - U.S.
Canon Camera
Cameras-MegaVision Tessera
1987 - U.S.
Chris Gardner Sep 2011
Christopher Paul Gardner-Gardner Rich & Co
1987 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Karbala-5
Thursday Jan 8, 1987 - Basra Governorate, Iraq
Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China 1988
1989 Tiananmen Square protests-General Secretary Was blamed and denounced Thoroughly and Forced To Resign as General Secretary
Friday Jan 16, 1987 - China
International Monetary Fund Headquarters
International Monetary Fund-Longest-serving Managing Director
Friday Jan 16, 1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-First Book
1987 - U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-He registered as a Republican
1987 - Manhatten, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump
Donald Trump-Trump spent $94,801
1987 - U.S.
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi-Sala died
Sunday Feb 1, 1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Rosa Parks Image
Rosa Parks-Parks co-founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development
Feb, 1987 - Detroit, Michigan, U.S.
Heysel plan
Heysel Stadium Events-Extradited and formally charged with manslaughter
Feb, 1987 - London, England, United Kingdom
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-Costa Rican President Submitted a Peace Plan
Sunday Feb 15, 1987 - Guatemala City, Guatemala
Elliot Page
Elliot Page-Elliot Page was born
Saturday Feb 21, 1987 - Canada
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-Love Among Thieves
Monday Feb 23, 1987 - U.S.
Disasters with highest death tolls-1987 Ecuador Earthquakes
Friday Mar 6, 1987 - Ecuador
Jim Carrey Image
Jim Carrey-1st Marriage
Saturday Mar 28, 1987 - U.S.
Microsoft Corporation current (2019) logo
Microsoft-Microsoft Released Its Version of OS/2
Thursday Apr 2, 1987 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.
Slobodan Milošević Image
Slobodan Milošević-Milošević addressed a Crowd of Serbs at the Historic Kosovo Field
Friday Apr 24, 1987 - Kosovo, Serbia
Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury-Hold On
1987 - England, United Kingdom
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Nasr-4
May, 1987 - Sulaymaniyah, Iraq
Disasters with highest death tolls-Black Dragon Fire
Wednesday May 6, 1987 - China and Soviet Union
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Stark
Sunday May 17, 1987 - Persian Gulf
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-No Deals, Mr. Bond was published
Thursday May 21, 1987 - United Kingdom
A Colombian marine on a field training exercise
Colombian conflict-The Ceasefire between FARC and the Colombian Government formally collapsed
Monday Jun 1, 1987 - Caquetá, Colombia
Berlin Wall Image
Berlin Wall-Concert close to the Wall
Saturday Jun 6, 1987 - Berlin, West Germany, Germany
Joe Biden
Joe Biden-Biden formally declared his candidacy for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination
Tuesday Jun 9, 1987 - U.S.
Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi-Pelosi won the special election
Jun, 1987 - San Francisco, California, U.S.
Margaret Thatcher Image
Margaret Thatcher-Thatcher re-elected for a third successive term
Thursday Jun 11, 1987 - London, England
Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi-Birth
Wednesday Jun 24, 1987 - Rosario, Argentina
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Boorstin retired
1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-The First Time That The Iraqis had attacked a Civilian area With poison gas
Saturday Jun 27, 1987 - Sardasht, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Daniel Craig - Film Premiere "Spectre" - James Bond
James Bond-The Living Daylights
Monday Jun 29, 1987 - United Kingdom
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower-A.J. Hackett made one of his first bungee jumps from the top of the Eiffel Tower
1987 - Paris, France
The Headquarters of the UNCTAD are located at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Geneva Conference 1987
Wednesday Jul 8, 1987 - Geneva, Switzerland
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-The UN Security Council passed The U.S.-sponsored Resolution 598
Monday Jul 20, 1987 - New York, U.S.
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Earnest Will
Friday Jul 24, 1987 - The Persian Gulf
Nicaraguan Revolution
Nicaraguan Revolution-The "Esquipulas II Accord"
Friday Aug 7, 1987 - Guatemala City, Guatemala
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Lithuania's protests
Sunday Aug 23, 1987 - Lithuania
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Baltic states
Sunday Aug 23, 1987 - Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-President Ronald Reagan nominated James H. Billington as the 13th librarian of Congress
1987 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-The Paraćin massacre
Thursday Sep 3, 1987 - Serbia
Huawei logo - image
Monday Sep 14, 1987 - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Chernobyl disaster-The I.A.E.A. held an Advisory Group Meeting at the Curie Institute in Paris on the medical handling of the Chernobyl disaster
Sep, 1987 - France
Hirohito-The Doctors discovered that Hirohito had Duodenal Cancer
Tuesday Sep 22, 1987 - Tokyo, Japan
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Capturing Iran Ajr
Thursday Sep 24, 1987 - The Persian Gulf
Atari logo
Atari, Inc.-The Federated Group
1987 - U.S. and Europe
A Colombian marine on a field training exercise
Colombian conflict-Assassination of The UP's 1986 Presidential Candidate
Oct, 1987 - La Mesa, Cundinamarca, Colombia
A painting dedicated to the founders of Black History Month, the Black United Students at Kent State University, by Ernie Pryor
Black History Month-Black History Month was first celebrated United Kingdom
Oct, 1987 - United Kingdom
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Armenians demonstrated
Saturday Oct 17, 1987 - Yerevan, Armenia
Iran-Iraq War Image
Iran–Iraq War-Operation Nimble Archer
Monday Oct 19, 1987 - Persian Gulf
New York Stock Exchange
New York Stock Exchange-Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropped 508 points
Monday Oct 19, 1987 - New York City, New York, U.S.
River Phoenix
River Phoenix-Phoenix purchased his family a ranch in Micanopy
1987 - California, United States
The Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China-Great Wall of China was designated by UNESCO
1987 - Paris, France
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Showing the national tricolor flag
Wednesday Oct 21, 1987 - Võru, Estonia
Chris Gardner and his Son
Christopher Jarrett Medina Gardner-Gardner Rich & Co
1987 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Best Buy opens its 800th store in Chicago, Illinois
Best Buy-Best Buy debuted on the New York Stock Exchange
1987 - New York, U.S.
Nov, 1987 - Qianmen, Beijing Shi China
Kremlin, Russia Image
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Latvia's protest
Wednesday Nov 18, 1987 - Riga, Latvia
Samsung wordmark (Logo) - image
Samsung-The Founder's Death
Thursday Nov 19, 1987 - Seoul, South Korea
Flag of Christmas Island
Christmas Island-The Australian Government Closed The Phosphate Mine
Dec, 1987 - Christmas Island
 Dahomey Amazons
Dahomey Amazons-Cobra Verde (flm)
1987 - Gremany
Diego Maradona
Diego Maradona-First ever Serie A Italian Championship
1987 - Naples, Italy
Chernobyl disaster-Soviet medical teams
1987 - Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
Chernobyl disaster-It was estimated increasing elective abortions after the Chernobyl disaster
1987 - Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
Robin Williams 1996 Image
Robin Williams-First Academy Award nomination
Wednesday Dec 23, 1987 - U.S.
Nintendo Image
Nintendo-The new Game Boy handheld system
1987 - Kyoto, Japan