Crusades - Siege of Jerusalem
Time: Wednesday Jun 7, 1099
Place: Jerusalem
Details: Bohemond remained in Antioch, retaining the city, despite his pledge to return it to Byzantine control, while "Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse" led the remaining Crusader army rapidly south along the coast to Jerusalem. An initial attack on the city failed, and the siege of Jerusalem of 1099 became a stalemate until they breached the walls on 15 July 1099. For two days the Crusaders massacred the inhabitants and pillaged the city.

Prince William-Israel visit
Jun, 2018 - Tel Aviv, Israel

Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Destruction of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Thursday Oct 19, 1009 - Jerusalem

Crusades-Kingdom of Jerusalem
1099 - Jerusalem

Donald Trump-Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
Wednesday Dec 6, 2017 - Jerusalem, Israel

Crusades-Siege of Jerusalem
Friday Oct 2, 1187 - Jerusalem

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick led the Sixth Crusade
1228 - Jerusalem

Donald Trump-First U.S. president to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem
Monday May 22, 2017 - Jerusalem, Israel

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Death
Wednesday Oct 9, 1974 - Jerusalem, Israel

Babylon-Destruction of Jerusalem
587 BC - Jerusalem

Seleucid Empire-Jews in the form of the Maccabees had fully established their independence
143 BC - Israel

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Peasants' revolt in Palestine
1834 - Palestine

World War 1-Battle of Jerusalem
Saturday Nov 17, 1917 - Jerusalem, Palestine

Byzantine Empire-Heraclius restored the True Cross
629 - Jerusalem

Crusades-Jerusalem was taken from the Fatimids
1073 - Jerusalem

David Cameron-Cameron's first visit to Israel as Prime Minister
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014 - Jerusalem, Israel

Roman Empire-Hadrian's army crushed the Bar Kokhba revolt
136 - Judea Province

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-the Avenue of the Righteous
Tuesday May 8, 1962 - Jerusalem, Israel

Arameans-Arameans conquered Sam'al
2nd Millenium BC - Jerusalem District, Israel

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Righteous Among the Nations
Thursday Jun 24, 1993 - Jerusalem, Israel

Crusades-Saladin disbanded the greater part of his army
Thursday Dec 12, 1191 - Holy Lands

World War 1-Ottoman army was defeated
Thursday May 3, 1917 - Tulkarm, Palestine

Shimon Peres-A President
Wednesday Jun 13, 2007 - Israel

Disasters with highest death tolls-1033 Ramala Earthquake
Tuesday Dec 10, 1033 - Fatimid Caliphate (now West Bank)

Donald Trump-Jewish National Fund Tree of Life Award
1983 - Israel

The Holocaust-Israel asked for compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany
Mar, 1951 - Israel

Dec, 2019 - Israel

Itzak Stern-Stern moved to Paris then to Israel
1940s - Israel

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-Erdoğan's visit to Israel
Sunday May 1, 2005 - Israel

Itzak Stern-Death
1969 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Diplomacy Award
Sunday Nov 29, 2015 - Israel

Shimon Peres-The 1977 elections
Tuesday May 17, 1977 - Israel

KFC-KFC Israel
1993 - Israel

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook acquired Onavo
Sunday Oct 13, 2013 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Minister of Immigrant Absorption
1969 - Israel

Shimon Peres-A Prime Minister
1977 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Last Day in Presidency
Thursday Jul 24, 2014 - Israel

Shimon Peres-HaNoar HaOved VeHaLomed
1941 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-David put his argument to the Cabinet to attack Latrun again
Sunday Sep 26, 1948 - Palestine

David Ben-Gurion-Six-Day War began
Monday Jun 5, 1967 - Sinai, Egypt & Jordan

Shimon Peres-Leaving the Labor Party
Wednesday Nov 30, 2005 - Israel

Shimon Peres-First elected to the Knesset
Tuesday Nov 3, 1959 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-Israeli declaration of independence
Friday May 14, 1948 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Death
Wednesday Sep 28, 2016 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Defense
1952 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-Immigrated
1906 - Palestine

Gulf War-the Scud attacks
Tuesday Jan 22, 1991 - Ramat Gan, Israel

David Ben-Gurion-Balfour Declaration
Nov, 1917 - Palestine

The Holocaust-Yom HaShoah
1951 - Israel

Shimon Peres-Immigrated to Palestine
1932 - Tel Aviv, Palestine (Present Day Tel Aviv, Israel)

Shimon Peres-Information Minister
1974 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-The house
1931 - Tel Aviv, Palestine, now Israel

Napoleon-Siege of Jaffa
Sunday Mar 3, 1799 - Jaffa, Sidon Eyalet, Ottoman Empire (Present Day Jaffa, Israel)

Crusades-Battle of Jaffa
Monday Jul 27, 1192 - Jaffa

Crusades-Treaty of Jaffa
Wednesday Sep 2, 1192 - Jaffa

Mark Zuckerberg-Accused by Israeli cabinet minister
Saturday Jul 2, 2016 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-Killing 23 Israeli soldiers
Friday Sep 24, 1948 - Palestine

Garry Kasparov-Played 30 games simultaneously
May, 2010 - Tel Aviv, Israel

David Ben-Gurion-The 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine
1936 - Palestine

Ancient Egypt-Fall of Ashdod
630s BC - Ashdod, Neo-Assyrian Empire

Mamluks-Baibars launched expeditions in Arsuf
1265 - Arsuf, Israel

Crusades-Battle of Arsuf
Saturday Sep 7, 1191 - Arsuf

David Ben-Gurion-Arab from Kafr Kanna was killed
Monday Apr 12, 1909 - Palestine

David Ben-Gurion-Death
Saturday Dec 1, 1973 - Ramat Gan, Israel

Crusades-Battle of Ascalon
Saturday Aug 12, 1099 - (Present-Day Ashkelon)

Shimon Peres-The Peres Center for Peace
1996 - Israel

Shimon Peres-2000 Israeli presidential election
Monday Jul 31, 2000 - Israel

World War 1-Battle of Beersheba
Wednesday Oct 31, 1917 - Beersheba, (Syria this time)

Shimon Peres-Predecessor of the Israel Defense Forces
1947 - Israel

David Ben-Gurion-A Prime Minister
Monday Feb 14, 1949 - Israel

Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Life in Jordan
May, 1984 - Amman, Jordan

Shimon Peres-Marriage
1945 - Israel

Crusades-Battle of Ain Jalut
Friday Sep 3, 1260 - Ayn Jalut, Galilee

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)
Thursday Apr 16, 1457 BC - Megiddo, Canaan

Ancient Egypt-Battle of Megiddo (609 BC)
609 BC - Megiddo, Canaan
On This Day - 7 June

Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in 1341
Wednesday Jun 7, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt

Mamluks-Al-Aziz Jamal ad-Din Yusuf was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1438
Thursday Jun 7, 1438 - Cairo, Egypt

Disasters with highest death tolls-1755 Tabriz Earthquake
Saturday Jun 7, 1755 - Iran

Nobel Prize-Awarding members
Monday Jun 7, 1897 - Norway and Sweden

Winston Churchill-MacDonald resigned and was replaced as Prime Minister by Baldwin
Friday Jun 7, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom

Lucky Luciano-62 counts of compulsory prostitution
Sunday Jun 7, 1936 - U.S.

Samuel Little -Little Birth
Friday Jun 7, 1940 - Reynolds, Georgia, U.S.

World War II-D-Day
Wednesday Jun 7, 1944 - Normandy, France

World War II-Battle of West Hunan
Thursday Jun 7, 1945 - West Hunan, near Zhijiang, China

Korean War-Kim Il-sung called for a Korea-wide election and consultative conference
Wednesday Jun 7, 1950 - North Korea

Che Guevara-Guevara set out
Sunday Jun 7, 1953 - Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador

Louis Armstrong-The Ninth Cavalcade of Jazz concert
Sunday Jun 7, 1953 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Alan Turing-Death
Monday Jun 7, 1954 - Wilmslow, Cheshire, United Kingdom

Cypriot intercommunal violence-A bomb exploded at the entrance of the Turkish Embassy in Cyprus
Saturday Jun 7, 1958 - Cyprus

Atomic Bomb-The 1960 Fort Dix IM-99 accident
Tuesday Jun 7, 1960 - New Jersey, U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-Fox fired Monroe and sued her
Thursday Jun 7, 1962 - U.S.

Ted Bundy-Bundy was transported Pitkin County Courthouse
Tuesday Jun 7, 1977 - Aspen, Colorado, U.S.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests-Students From major Shanghai universities Stormed Various Campus Facilities
Wednesday Jun 7, 1989 - Shanghai, China

1989 Tiananmen Square protests-Hundreds of Students staged a blockade at the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge as well as The Zhongyangmen Railway Bridge
Wednesday Jun 7, 1989 - Nanjing, Jiangsu, China

Bin Laden-The FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list
Monday Jun 7, 1999 - U.S.

Google LLC-Announcing a New $25 Million Round of Funding
Monday Jun 7, 1999 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

International Monetary Fund-Rodrigo Rato
Monday Jun 7, 2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Launched its App Center
Thursday Jun 7, 2012 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Uber-Uber confirms it has raised $1.2 billion in a Series D
Saturday Jun 7, 2014 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Uber-Uber CEO Travis Kalanick takes summer sabbatical after an investigation into the company's workplace culture
Wednesday Jun 7, 2017 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Facebook, Inc.-Facebook announced about a Bug
Thursday Jun 7, 2018 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Brummel Birth
Sunday Jun 7, 1778 - London

The Reign of Louis XIV King of France started in 1654
Sunday Jun 7, 1654 - France

Establishing of First Baptist Church in Boston
Sunday Jun 7, 1665 - Boston

Crusades-Battle of Ascalon
Saturday Aug 12, 1099 - (Present-Day Ashkelon)

Crusades-Kingdom of Jerusalem
1099 - Jerusalem