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Abraham Lincoln - Tad Lincoln

Time: Tuesday Apr 5, 1853

Place: Springfield, Illinois, U.S.

Details: The youngest, Thomas "Tad" Lincoln, was born on April 4, 1853, and survived his father but died of heart failure at age 18 on July 16, 1871.



Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Edward Baker Lincoln
Wednesday Mar 11, 1846 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-William Wallace Lincoln
Sunday Dec 22, 1850 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln and Mary bought a house
1844 - Springfield, Illinois, U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln received a patent for a flotation device for the movement of boats in shallow water
1849 - U.S.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln and Mary engaged
1840 - Illinois, U.S.

On This Day - 5 April

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Eiffel Tower
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