Hittites - Telepinu
Time: 1500 BC
Place: Turkey
Details: The next monarch of note following Mursili I was Telepinu (c. 1500 BC), who won a few victories to the southwest, apparently by allying himself with one Hurrian state (Kizzuwatna) against another (Mitanni). Telepinu also attempted to secure the lines of succession.
Hittites-Labarna I
1680s BC - Hurma, Turkey
Crusades-Battle of Mount Cadmus
Tuesday Jan 6, 1148 - Pisidia
Leonardo da Vinci-The Virgin and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist
1500 - Florence, Italy
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Janbalat was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1500
Saturday Jun 30, 1500 - Cairo, Egypt
Ancient India-The Vedic period
1500 BC - Indian subcontinent (Present-Day India)
Arresting of Duke Sforza
Tuesday Apr 10, 1500 - Milan
Blood Wedding
Sunday Jul 15, 1500 - Perugia
Michael's death
Tuesday Apr 10, 1500 - Volterra