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Nikola Tesla - Tesla evaded conscription into the Austro-Hungarian Army

Time: 1874

Place: Tomingaj, Austrian Empire (Present day Tomingaj, Croatia)

Details: In 1874, Tesla evaded conscription into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan by running away southeast of Lika to Tomingaj, near Gračac. There he explored the mountains wearing hunter's garb. Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and mentally. He read many books while in Tomingaj and later said that Mark Twain's works had helped him to miraculously recover from his earlier illness.



Destroyed Yugoslav Army T-55 tank. This tank was hit by a Croatian AT missile, abandoned by its crew and later destroyed by another JNA tank
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Destroyed Yugoslav Army T-55 tank. This tank was hit by a Croatian AT missile, abandoned by its crew and later destroyed by another JNA tank
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Monday Nov 21, 1994 - Udbina, Croatia
Destroyed Yugoslav Army T-55 tank. This tank was hit by a Croatian AT missile, abandoned by its crew and later destroyed by another JNA tank
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Staphylococcus aureus - Antibiotics Test plate
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