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River Phoenix - The cause of death

Time: Monday Nov 15, 1993

Place: West Hollywood, California, U.S.

Details: The November 15, 1993 autopsy report stated that there were "high concentrations of morphine and cocaine in the blood, as well as other substances in smaller concentrations." The cause of death was "acute multiple drug intoxication".



Igor Stravinsky
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1945 - West Hollywood, California, U.S.
Netflix 2014 logo
Netflix-Netflix acquired Millarworld
Monday Aug 7, 2017 - West Hollywood, California, U.S.
Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk-xXx
2002 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Tony Hawk
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1987 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.
Marvel Studios
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Nov, 2008 - U.S.

On This Day - 15 November

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Friday Nov 15, 1867 - Pennsylvania, U.S.
Rwandan genocide
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Saturday Nov 15, 1884 - Berlin, Germany
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Thursday Nov 15, 1945 - China
Dwight D. Eisenhower
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November 1993

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Nov, 1993 - Russia
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Monday Nov 1, 1993 - Madrid, Spain
PlayStation logo
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Tuesday Nov 16, 1993 - Tokyo, Japan
Shaquille O'Neal
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Saturday Nov 20, 1993 - Barclays Center, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.


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1993 - Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Rwandan genocide
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