Algerian War - The Code de l'Indigénat made the discrimination official
Time: 1881
Place: Algeria
Details: In 1881, the Code de l'Indigénat made the discrimination official by creating specific penalties for indigènes and organizing the seizure or appropriation of their lands.

Algerian War-A meeting between Massu, Trinquier, Fossy-Francois and Aussaresses
Saturday Mar 23, 1957 - Algeria

Algerian War-Ali La Pointe assassinated the Mayor of Boufarik and President of the Federation of Mayors of Algeria
Friday Dec 28, 1956 - Algeria

Algerian War-The first referendum on the self-determination of Algeria
Sunday Jan 8, 1961 - France and Algeria

Algerian War-Two FLN prisoners were executed
Tuesday Jun 19, 1956 - Algeria

Algerian War-A French military colony
1834 - Algeria

Incandescent light bulb-The First public building in the world, To be lit entirely by Electricity
1881 - Westminster, London, England

Dmitri Mendeleev-Mendeleev loves Anna
1881 - Saint Petersburg, Russia

Frederick Douglass-Life and Times of Frederick Douglass
1881 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Budapest
1881 - Budapest, Hungary

Disasters with highest death tolls-Thumb Fire
Monday Sep 5, 1881 - Michigan, U.S.

Ottoman Empire-Ottoman Public Debt Administration
1881 - Ottoman Empire

Disasters with highest death tolls-1881 Haiphong Typhoon
Saturday Oct 8, 1881 - Haiphong, Vietnam

Pablo Picasso-Born
Tuesday Oct 25, 1881 - Málaga, Spain

Diving horse-Crossing a bridge
1881 - Nebraska, U.S.