Hirohito - The Coronation
Time: Nov, 1928
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Details: In November 1928, the Emperor's ascension was confirmed in ceremonies (sokui) which are conventionally identified as "enthronement" and "coronation" (Shōwa no tairei-shiki); but this formal event would have been more accurately described as a public confirmation that his Imperial Majesty possesses the Japanese Imperial Regalia, also called the Three Sacred Treasures, which have been handed down through the centuries.
Hirohito-Hirohito was formally proclaimed Crown Prince and Heir Apparent
Thursday Nov 2, 1916 - Tokyo, Japan
Hirohito-Hirohito was removed from the court and placed in the care of the family of count Kawamura Sumiyoshi
Jul, 1901 - Tokyo, Japan
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November 1928
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