1268 Cilicia earthquake - The Earthquake
Time: 1268
Place: Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, Ilkhanate, Principality of Antioch (Present-Day Adana, Turkey)
Details: The Cilicia earthquake occurred northeast of the city of Adana in 1268. Over 60,000 people perished in the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia in southern Asia Minor.
Disasters with highest death tolls-1268 Cilicia Earthquake
1268 - Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (now Turkey)
Byzantine Empire-Justinian and Khosrau agreed on a 50-year peace
562 - Byzantine Empire
Holy Roman Empire-Frederick's Death
Sunday Jun 10, 1190 - Saleph River, Cilician Armenia (Present Day Turkey)
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Casemates of İbrahim Pasha
1833 - Tarsus, Mersin Province, Turkey
Roman Empire-Florian died
Sep, 276 - Tarsus, Cilicia
Roman Empire-Maximinus Daza died
Jul, 313 - Tarsus, Roman Empire
Mamluks-Baibars' troops attacked took Antioch
1268 - Antakya, Turkey
Disasters with highest death tolls-1268 Cilicia Earthquake
1268 - Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia (now Turkey)