Nicaraguan Revolution - The FSLN began a Campaign of Kidnappings
Time: 1970s
Place: Nicaragua
Details: In the 1970s the FSLN began a campaign of kidnappings which led to national recognition of the group in the Nicaraguan media and solidification of the group as a force in opposition to the Somoza Regime.

Nicaraguan Revolution-A General Strike Called For The End of The Somoza Regime
Monday Jan 23, 1978 - Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Revolution-President Somoza Resigned
Tuesday Jul 17, 1979 - Managua, Nicaragu

Nicaraguan Revolution-The Organization of American States Supervised Negotiations between The FSLN and The Government
1979 - Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Revolution-The administration of U.S. President Jimmy Carter Cut Off aid To the Somoza Regime
1978 - Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Revolution-Forming The FSLN
1961 - Managua, Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Revolution-Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal was Murdered
Tuesday Jan 10, 1978 - Nicaragua

Nicaraguan Revolution-The FSLN Staged a Massive Kidnapping Operation
Tuesday Aug 22, 1978 - Nicaragua