Huns - The Hunnic language
Time: 6th Century
Place: Balkans
Details: The Hunnic language, was the language spoken by Huns in the Hunnic Empire.

Kosovo War-Multi-party elections were held in Serbia
Sunday Dec 9, 1990 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The Hyperinflation
Jan, 1994 - Serbia

370s - Balkans

Kosovo War-The new controversial Serbian Constitution was promulgated
Friday Sep 28, 1990 - Serbia

Josip Broz Tito-Commander in Chief of all project national liberation military forces
Friday Jun 27, 1941 - Yugoslavia

Slobodan Milošević-The Serbian Economy began growing
1997 - Serbia

Kosovo War-NATO started its bombing campaign against Yugoslavia
Wednesday Mar 24, 1999 at 07:00:00 PM - Yugoslavia

Kosovo War-the Yugoslav government announced it would press ahead with the creation of a multi-party system
Jan, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

4th Century - Balkans

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević gave support to Croatian Serbs
1989 - Serbia

Huns-History of the Huns
370s - Balkans

Kosovo War-The Paraćin massacre
Thursday Sep 3, 1987 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Controlling Central Serbia along with The Provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina
1989 - Serbia

Kosovo War-Milošević accepted the terms of an international peace plan
Thursday Jun 3, 1999 - Serbia

Huns-Appearance of Huns
376 - Balkans

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević allowed the mobilization of Serb Nationalist Organizations to go Unhindered
1980s - Serbia

Bosnian War-The Zulfikarpašić–Karadžić agreement
Jul, 1991 - Serbia

430s - Balkans

Kosovo War-Serbia approved the new amendments to the Constitution of Serbia
Sunday Jul 1, 1990 - Serbia

Kosovo War-SANU Memorandum
Sep, 1986 - Serbia

World War 1-Serbia division
Dec, 1915 - Serbia

Roman Empire-Aemilianus defeated the invaders
253 - Moesia and Pannonia

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević-Rugova Education agreement
Sunday Sep 1, 1996 - Serbia

Croatian War of Independence-The Republic of Serbian Krajina
Thursday Dec 19, 1991 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Dragoslav Avramović was Nominated The Governor of The National Bank of The FR Yugoslavia
Mar, 1994 - Serbia

Kosovo War-The Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS)
Tuesday Jul 17, 1990 - Serbia

Byzantine Empire-Successful Byzantine campaigns against Avars and Slavs
602 - Balkan Peninsula

Josip Broz Tito-Work in a railway works
Oct, 1926 - Smederevska Palanka, Serbia

Croatian War of Independence-A Smaller Yugoslavia
Thursday Dec 26, 1991 - Serbia

Croatian War of Independence-Regarding Croatia and Slovenia
Wednesday Jun 27, 1990 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Kosovo War-the North Atlantic Council ratified the agreement and suspended air operations
Thursday Jun 10, 1999 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The President of The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Wednesday Jul 23, 1997 - Serbia (Then The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)

Croatian War of Independence-The Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference on Yugoslavia
Tuesday Aug 27, 1991 - Europe

Kosovo War-Aerial bombardment of Yugoslavia
Wednesday Mar 24, 1999 - Yugoslavia

Croatian War of Independence-Merging Referendum
Jun, 1993 - Serbia

Bosnian War-The Arbitration Commission of the Peace Conference
Saturday Jan 11, 1992 - Serbia

Josip Broz Tito-The Comintern sent precise instructions calling for immediate action
Tuesday Jul 1, 1941 - Yugoslavia

Kosovo War-An Operation to clear the border of the KLA
Sunday May 31, 1998 - Serbia

Huns-Octar and Ruga
420s - Balkans

450s - Balkans

Kosovo War-Operation Rapid Guardian
Friday Oct 1, 1999 - Serbia

Kosovo War-Arms trading relations between Russia and Yugoslavia were exposed
Jun, 2000 - Serbia

Bosnian War-The Army of Republika Srpska
Tuesday May 12, 1992 - Serbia

World War 1-Serbia Responds
Jul, 1914 - Serbia

Huns-The pastoral letter by Pope Leo
452 - Balkans

Slobodan Milošević-The Tehnogas company chairman
1973 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The Bulldozer Revolution
Thursday Oct 5, 2000 - Belgrade, Serbia (Then Yugoslavia)

Huns-Attila killed his brother
445 - Balkans

Huns-Ruga's death
435 - Balkans

Hungarian–Romanian War-Károlyi Signed an Armistice With The Allied Nations
Wednesday Nov 13, 1918 - Belgrade, Serbia

Ottoman Empire-Treaty of Passarowitz
Thursday Jul 21, 1718 - Passarowitz, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia "Požarevac, Serbia"

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević was arrested
Sunday Apr 1, 2001 - Belgrade, Serbia (Then Yugoslavia)

Slobodan Milošević-Born
Wednesday Aug 20, 1941 - Požarevac, Serbia (Then German-occupied Serbia)

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević met with Koštunica and publicly accepted defeat
Friday Oct 6, 2000 - Belgrade, Serbia (Then Yugoslavia)

Slobodan Milošević-The Head of Beobanka
1978 - Serbia

Croatian War of Independence-Attempt to convince them to declare a state of emergency
Tuesday Mar 12, 1991 - Serbia (Yugoslavia)

Ten-Day War (Slovenian Independence War)-Mechanical Breakdowns
Wednesday Jul 3, 1991 - Belgrade, Serbia

Nikola Tesla-Rest Place
1957 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević recognized the opposition victories
Tuesday Feb 4, 1997 - Serbia

Kosovo War-the only meeting between Milošević and Ibrahim Rugova happened on 15 May in Belgrade
Friday May 15, 1998 - Belgrade, Serbia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won Grand Officer of the Order of St. Sava
1892 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-President of The Belgrade League of Communists City Committee
Monday Apr 16, 1984 - Belgrade, Serbia

Bosnian War-The Serb people wished to remain in Yugoslavia
Thursday Oct 24, 1991 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević got a job at the Tehnogas company
1968 - Serbia

Johan Cruyff-Third European Cup
Wednesday May 30, 1973 - Belgrade, Serbia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won Cross Cross of the Order of the Yugoslav Crown
1931 - Yugoslavia

Joe Biden-Biden spent a week in the Balkans
Apr, 1993 - Then Yugoslavia

Slobodan Milošević-Graduation
1966 - Belgrade, Serbia (then Yugoslavia)

Slobodan Milošević-Marriage
Mar, 1965 - Serbia

Josip Broz Tito-Tito arranged for a demonstration to greet the French foreign minister
Dec, 1937 - Belgrade, Serbia

World War II-Yugoslav coup d'état
Thursday Mar 27, 1941 - Belgrade, Kingdom of Yugoslavia (Present Day Belgrade, Serbia)

Ottoman Empire-Suleiman the Magnificent captured Belgrade
1521 - Belgrade

Slobodan Milošević-The Serbian Assembly approved the Constitutional Amendments
Tuesday Mar 28, 1989 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Submitting an amended Serbian Constitution
1989 - Serbia

World War 1-Belgrade under fire
Nov, 1914 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists
Wednesday May 28, 1986 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The 1990 Serbian Constitution
1990 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The NATO Air Strikes against Yugoslavia
Wednesday Mar 24, 1999 - Serbia (Then Yugoslavia)

Slobodan Milošević-Milošević was charged with ordering Ivan Stambolić's Murder
2003 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Setting up The "Milošević Commission"
May, 1988 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The President of The Presidency of The Socialist Republic of Serbia
Monday May 8, 1989 - Serbia

Josip Broz Tito-The Government and military met with the German officials in Belgrade
Thursday Apr 17, 1941 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The 2000 Presidential Election
Sunday Sep 24, 2000 - Serbia

World War II-Guerrilla liberation war in Yugoslavia
Apr, 1941 - Yugoslavia

Slobodan Milošević-The 1st President of The Republic of Serbia
Friday Jan 11, 1991 - Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-Belgrade Speech
Saturday Nov 19, 1988 - Belgrade, Serbia

World War II-Invasion of Yugoslavia
Sunday Apr 6, 1941 - Yugoslavia

Nikola Tesla-Tesla won Grand Cross of the Order of St. Sava
1926 - Yugoslavia

Ottoman Empire-Treaty of Belgrade
Friday Sep 18, 1739 - Belgrade, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-The Presidential Candidate For The SKJ's Serbian Branch Central Committee
Friday Feb 21, 1986 - Belgrade, Serbia

Slobodan Milošević-A 36-hour Blackout of Two Independent Media Stations
Mar, 1991 - Serbia

World War II-Belgrade Offensive
Saturday Sep 16, 1944 - Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Present Day Belgrade, Serbia)

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Belgrade Conference
Monday Jun 6, 1983 - Belgrade, Serbia

World War 1-Kolubara battles
Aug, 1914 - Serbia

Byzantine Empire-Balkans operations
550s - Balkans

Josip Broz Tito-The new Constitution was passed
Thursday May 16, 1974 - Yugoslavia