Arameans - The Kingdom of Aram-Damascus
Time: 13th Century BC
Place: Damascus, Syria
Details: The Kingdom of Aram-Damascus was an Aramean state around Damascus in Syria, from the late 12th century BC to 732 BC.
Mamluks-The Armenian Orthodox Church in Mamluk Sultanate era
1374 - Damascus, Syria
Charles de Gaulle-French artillery and warplanes fired on demonstrators in Damascus
Sunday May 20, 1945 - Damascus, Syria
Qasem Soleimani-The Champion of the Syrian Arab Republic
Monday Jan 13, 2020 - Syria
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha occupied Damascus
1831 - Damascus, Syria
Charles de Gaulle-Churchill told de Gaulle "immediately to order French troops to the ceasefire"
Thursday May 31, 1945 - Damascus, Syria