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Scythian - The last period in the Scythian archaeological culture

Time: 3rd Century BC

Place: Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia

Details: The last period in the Scythian archaeological culture is the Late Scythian culture, which existed in the Crimea and the Lower Dnieper from the 3rd century BC.



Scythian comb
Scythian-Skilurus was king of Scythian
2nd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Greek physician Galen wrote about Scythians
2nd Century - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Scythian kings sought to extend their control over the Greek cities
2nd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
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World War II
World War II-Crimean Offensive
Saturday Apr 8, 1944 - Crimea, U.S.S.R.
Scythian comb
Scythian-Archaeological evidence
2nd Century - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Battle of the River Thatis
310s BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Scythian Neapolis
2nd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-"Armor of the Golden Man"
3rd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Oricos was a Scythian king
500 BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Scythian art
5th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-A society form of Scythians
7th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, North Asia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Cyaxares killed a large number of Scythian
620s BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Bartatua was a Scythian king
645 BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The capital of the Late Scythian kingdom
2nd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The greatest extent for Scythian
5th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote about relation between Scythians and Alans
4th Century - Crimean Peninsula
Scythian comb
Scythian-Ateas was king of Scythia
339 BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Late Scythian
3rd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Sarmatians begun expanding into Scythian territory
4th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Madius was a Scythian king
650s BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Scythians participated in the destruction of the Assyrian Empire
7th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Scythian clothes
7th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Herodotus description for Scythians
8th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The political center of the Scythians
3rd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Original Scythian art was disappeared
3rd Century BC - Crimean Peninsula
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Scythians first appearance
8th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Early Scythian
8th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Scyles was a Scythian king
5th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
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Scythian comb
Scythian-Scythian culture was flowered
4th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula
Scythian comb
Scythian-Octamasadas was a Scythian king
446 BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Ariapeithes was a king of the Scythians
5th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Classical Scythian period
7th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-The Scythians raided and exacted tribute from "the whole of Asia"
640s BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
Scythian comb
Scythian-Classical Scythian
6th Century BC - Crimean Peninsula, Central Eurasia
NATO flag
NATO Establishment-The Russian Intervention In Crimea
Thursday Feb 20, 2014 - Crimea