Flag of the United States - The Star-Spangled Banner: The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem
Time: Friday Nov 21, 2008
Place: Washington D.C., U.S.
Details: Following the reopening of the National Museum of American History on November 21, 2008, the flag is now on display in a special exhibition, "The Star-Spangled Banner: The Flag That Inspired the National Anthem" where it rests at a 10 degree angle in dim light for conservation purposes.

Flag of the United States-Conservation treatment
1994 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Patch Adams-Adams birth
May, 1945 - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-355 Mass Shootings in 2015
Dec, 2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Hirohito-The Hull note
Wednesday Nov 26, 1941 - Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
2002 - William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building Washington, D.C., U.S.

Angelina Jolie-A Place in Time
Friday Apr 27, 2007 - United States

Flag of the United States-Eben Appleton converted the loan to a gift
1912 - U.S.

Bretton Woods Conference-International Monetary Fund
Friday Apr 21, 1944 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Great Depression-Surplus
Jan, 1929 - U.S.

Great Depression-Automobile sales fall
May, 1930 - U.S.

World Bank-Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
1988 - Washington D.C., U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-March on Washington
Wednesday Aug 28, 1963 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-Mass Shooting per Day
Aug, 2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Angelina Jolie-The Global Humanitarian Award
Oct, 2005 - Washington D.C., United States

Mass Shootings in the United States-Washington Navy Yard Shooting
Saturday Nov 16, 2013 at 08:16:00 AM - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Bank of America-Justice Department announced a $335 million settlement with Bank of America over discriminatory lending practice at Countrywide Financial
Dec, 2011 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Amazon-The Department of Justice files suit against Apple Inc and five major publishing houses
Apr, 2012 - Washington D.C., U.S.

George Washington-Washington Monument
Monday Feb 24, 2020 at 01:12:00 AM - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bitcoin-Bitcoin price reached a new all-time high "$19,850.11"
Monday Nov 30, 2020 - U.S., and Worldwide

1973 oil crisis-Motorists faced long lines at gas stations
1973 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-DOE announces a $5 per barrel entitlement to importers of heating oil
May, 1979 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-U.S. Government ends Mandatory Oil Import Program
Apr, 1973 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-American domestic output of oil was peaking
1969 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-National maximum speed limit of 55 mph (89 km/h)
1974 - U.S.

1973 oil crisis-US production had declined to 16% of global output
1973 - U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Johnson Complained About Stanton's Restoration
1868 - Washington D.C, U.S.

Best Buy-FBI hired several Best Buy employees to combat child pornography
2019 - U.S.

Bitcoin-FBI seized about ₿30,000
Oct, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Osama Bin Laden's Family
Friday Sep 14, 2001 - J. Edgar Hoover Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.

Bank of America-Federal Bureau of Investigation report
Mar, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Fbi Released Photos of All 19 Hijackers
Thursday Sep 27, 2001 - J. Edgar Hoover Building Washington, D.C., U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Friday Apr 14, 1865 - Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Mental Illness
1950s - Washington, D.C, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-9/11 Commission
Apr, 2004 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-Immense Personal Strain
1960s - Washington D.C., U.S.

Mother's Day-Protesting
1925 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Rumors of the Scandal
1998 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Atlantic Charter-The Charter's content
Thursday Aug 21, 1941 - Washington D.C., U.S.

League of Legends-P Visa
Thursday Jul 11, 2013 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump called "for the restoration of democracy in Venezuela"
Sep, 2018 - U.S.

Frederick Douglass-15th Amendment
Thursday Feb 3, 1870 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump mocked the Emoluments Clause
Monday Oct 21, 2019 - U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Marriage
Feb, 1957 - Washington D.C., U.S.

World Bank-Bank concentrated on meeting the basic needs of people in the developing world
1974 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Flag of the United States-Muriel Bowser had dozens of 51-star flags installed on Pennsylvania Avenue
2019 - Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 09:42:00 AM - Orville Wright Federal Building, Washington D.C., U.S.

Internet-Federal Communications Commission (FCC) was reported to be considering a new rule that would permit Internet service providers to offer content providers a faster track to send content
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014 - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Internet-Net Neutrality
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Internet-3–2 vote
Thursday Dec 14, 2017 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Christopher Paul Gardner-Early adulthood
1970s - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Gulf War-Speech in US Congress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1990 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Internet-the FCC decided to consider two options regarding Internet services
Thursday May 15, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Internet-President Obama recommended the FCC reclassify broadband Internet service
Monday Nov 10, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Invasion of Panama-Torrijos–Carter Treaties
Wednesday Sep 7, 1977 - Washington, D.C., U.S.

Nancy Pelosi-Nancy attended John F. Kennedy's inaugural address when he was sworn in as U.S. president
Jan, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Nicaraguan Revolution-President Reagan Signed National Security Decision Directive Number 7
Thursday Aug 6, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Donald Trump-Tenth most admired man in America
1988 - The Gallup Building, Washington, D.C., Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Chris McCandless: Into the Wild-Relocation to Washington, D.C
1976 - Washington, D.C, U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-Slow and Confused Communication
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 at 08:53:00 AM - Orville Wright Federal Building, Washington, D.C., U.S.

Library of Congress-Burning of Washington
Wednesday Aug 24, 1814 - Washington D.C., U.S.

United Nations-United Nations Declaration
Thursday Jan 1, 1942 - U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-NTSB foundings
Wednesday Jan 21, 2009 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Joe Biden-First term (2009–2013)
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - U.S.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-A Sexual Relationship
Dec, 1997 - U.S.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton-House managers took Videotaped Closed-Door Depositions
Monday Feb 1, 1999 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Vietnam War-A Televised Speech
Wednesday Apr 23, 1975 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Joe Biden-Biden announced his decision not to run for president in 2016
Wednesday Oct 21, 2015 - U.S.

Lady Gaga-Gaga sang the US national anthem
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021 - Washington D.C., U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-The President's Daily Brief (June 29, 2001)
Friday Jun 29, 2001 - White House, Washington D.C., U.S.

Xerox-Xerox resolved an anti-trust suit with the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
1975 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Harry S. Truman-A President
Thursday Apr 12, 1945 - U.S.

George W. Bush-Son of a president
Friday Jan 20, 1989 - Washington D.C, U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-President Teddy Roosevelt dishonorably discharged 167 black soldiers
1906 - U.S.

Korean War-MacArthur was the subject of congressional hearings
May, 1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Nicaraguan Revolution-Ronald Reagan cancelled the dispersal of Economic Aid to Nicaragua
Jan, 1981 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Lorenzo Thomas
Friday Feb 21, 1868 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Joe Biden-"Absolutely Comfortable"
May, 2012 - U.S.

Black Friday-President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a presidential proclamation proclaiming Thanksgiving to be the fourth Thursday in November rather than the last Thursday
1939 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump appointed his personal pastor
Nov, 2019 - U.S.

Nancy Pelosi-Trump signed a stopgap bill to reopen the government without any concessions regarding a border wall for three weeks up
Friday Jan 25, 2019 - U.S.

Richard Nixon-The End of His Term of office as Vice President
Friday Jan 20, 1961 - White House, Washington D.C., U.S.

World Bank-International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
1966 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Richard Nixon-Nixon Approved a Five-year Cooperative Program
Wednesday May 24, 1972 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Roosevelt to recognize de Gaulle
1944 - U.S.

Stan Lee-Receiving National Arts Medal
Tuesday Nov 18, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Lincoln rejected Fremont's two emancipation attempts
May, 1862 - U.S.

Joe Biden-"To the gates of hell"
2014 - U.S.

Red Summer-Another telegram
Aug, 1919 - U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump makes a lot of money with the Saudis
2015 - U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Emancipation Proclamation
Thursday Jan 1, 1863 - U.S.

Great Depression-Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as President
Saturday Mar 4, 1933 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Donald Trump-Trump dramatically escalated his rhetoric against North Korea
Aug, 2017 - U.S.

September 11 (9/11) Attacks-President's Daily Briefing (August 6, 2001)
Monday Aug 6, 2001 - White House, Washington D.C., U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-The Same Result
Tuesday May 26, 1868 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Warren Buffett-Presidential Medal of Freedom
2011 - The White House, Washington D.C., U.S.

George W. Bush-President of U.S.
Saturday Jan 20, 2001 - Washington D.C, U.S.

John F. Kennedy-A President
Friday Jan 20, 1961 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Red Summer-A letter from the National Equal Rights League
Tuesday Nov 25, 1919 - U.S.

Abraham Lincoln-Grant's victories impressed Lincoln
1863 - U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower voiced his disagreements with the Democrats and declared himself to be a Republican
1951 - U.S.
On This Day - 21 November

Napoleon-Berlin Decree
Friday Nov 21, 1806 - Berlin, Germany

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-The Battle of Konya
Wednesday Nov 21, 1832 - Konya, Turkey

Audrey Hepburn-Father Joseph
Thursday Nov 21, 1889 - Auschitz, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary (Present-Day Czech Republic)

First Sino-Japanese War-Taking the City of Lüshunkou
Wednesday Nov 21, 1894 - Lüshunkou District, Dalian, Liaoning, China

Xinhai Revolution-Organizing The Great Han Shu Northern Military Government
Tuesday Nov 21, 1911 - Guang'an, Sichuan, China

Irish War of Independence-There was a day of dramatic bloodshed in Dublin
Sunday Nov 21, 1920 - Dublin, Ireland

Irish War of Independence-Bloody Sunday
Sunday Nov 21, 1920 - Cork, Ireland

Charles de Gaulle-The new cabinet was finalized
Wednesday Nov 21, 1945 - France

Chinese Civil War-Pingjin Campaign
Sunday Nov 21, 1948 - China

International Monetary Fund-Per Jacobsson
Wednesday Nov 21, 1956 - Washington D.C., U.S.

George W. Bush-Physical exam failure
Thursday Nov 21, 1974 - Texas, U.S.

Freddie Mercury-Love of My Life
Friday Nov 21, 1975 - United Kingdom

Red Dog (Pilbara)-Poisoned
Wednesday Nov 21, 1979 - Karratha, Western Australia

Croatian War of Independence-NATO attacked the Udbina
Monday Nov 21, 1994 - Udbina, Croatia

Bosnian War-NATO aircraft attacked the Udbina airfield
Monday Nov 21, 1994 - Udbina, Croatia

Bosnian War-The war ended with the Dayton Peace Agreement
Tuesday Nov 21, 1995 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.

Eminem-Angry Blonde
Tuesday Nov 21, 2000 - U.S.

Microsoft-Xbox Release
Wednesday Nov 21, 2001 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

James Bond-Die Another Day
Thursday Nov 21, 2002 - U.S. and United Kingdom

Lionel Messi-Substitutional in El Clásico
Saturday Nov 21, 2015 - Madrid, Spain

FIFA World Cup-Not in summer
Monday Nov 21, 2022 - Qatar

Monday Nov 21, 1729 - Amesbury
November 2008

Nokia-Nokia ends mobile phone sales in Japan
Nov, 2008 - Japan

IKEA-Subway Train Decorated In IKEA Style
Nov, 2008 - Novosibirsk, Russia

Marvel Studios-Marvel Studios signed a lease with Raleigh Studios to host its headquarters and production offices and film the next four movies on the studios' slate
Nov, 2008 - U.S.

Barack Obama-Won the the Presidential Elections 2008
Tuesday Nov 4, 2008 - U.S.

Joe Biden-2008 Vice President election
Tuesday Nov 4, 2008 - U.S.

Vodafone-The Agreement
Thursday Nov 6, 2008 - South Africa

Pope Francis-For 2nd time President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference
Tuesday Nov 11, 2008 - Argentina

Barack Obama-Resignation
Sunday Nov 16, 2008 - U.S.

Stan Lee-Receiving National Arts Medal
Tuesday Nov 18, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Diego Maradona-Maradona managed Argentina for the first time
Wednesday Nov 19, 2008 - Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Shimon Peres-Honorary Knighthood
Thursday Nov 20, 2008 - London, England

2008 Sichuan earthquake-More than 90,000 people in total were dead or missing
Saturday Nov 22, 2008 - China

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility was announced
Tuesday Nov 25, 2008 - U.S.

Nintendo-The Nintendo DS successor Japan release
Nov, 2008 - Kyoto, Japan

Kaká-2007 Serie A Footballer of the Year
Jan, 2008 - Milan, Italy

Zlatan Ibrahimović-Serie A Footballer of the Year
2008 - Milan, Lombardy, Italy

HTC-First WiMAX supported phone
2008 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan

HTC-The HTC Dream
2008 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Warren Buffett-The Richest Man in the World
2008 - U.S.

Nike, Inc.-Nike acquired Umbro
2008 - Cheadle, Greater Manchester, England

Ciro Immobile-First contract
2008 - Turin, Italy

Nike, Inc.-Nike became The First Company To Receive Cannes advertising Award Twice
2008 - Cannes, France

Banking Frauds and Hacks-Societe generals
2008 - Paris, France

Nike, Inc.-Nike sold Bauer Hockey
2008 - Exeter, New Hampshire, U.S.

Nike, Inc.-Nike Introduced The Air Jordan XX3
2008 - U.S.

Joe Biden-Post-election transition
2008 - U.S.

Joe Biden-2008 Vice Presidential campaign
2008 - U.S.

Marvel Studios-Marvel Animation was incorporated to direct Marvel's efforts in animation and home entertainment markets
Jan, 2008 - U.S.

Microprocessor-About 10 Billion CPUs Were Manufactured
2008 - U.S.

Françoise Bettencourt Meyers-A Criminal Complaint
2008 - France

Marc Patrick O'Leary: Washington and Colorado Serial Rapist (Unbelievable)-Marie
2008 - Lynnwood, Washington, U.S.

Jacinda Ardern-International Union of Socialist Youth
2008 - Vienna, Austria

Banking Frauds and Hacks-Heartland Payment System
2008 - Edmond, Oklahoma, U.S.

Bernard Arnault-Princess Yachts
2008 - Plymouth, England, U.K.

Google LLC-Google announced Its "Project 10100"
2008 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-33 games for the Miami Heat in the 2007–08 season
2008 - Miami, Florida, U.S.

Colombian conflict-The Results of a Mitochondrial DNA Test For Emmanuel
Friday Jan 4, 2008 - Colombia

Richard Branson-Virgin Healthcare announced that it would open a chain of health care clinics
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - United Kingdom

Colombian conflict-FARC released Rojas and Gonzalez
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Colombia

Disasters with highest death tolls-2008 Afghanistan Blizzard
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Afghanistan

Bank of America-Bank of America announced that it would buy Countrywide Financial
Friday Jan 11, 2008 - U.S.

Colombian conflict-Hugo Chávez stated his disapproval with The FARC Strategy
Sunday Jan 13, 2008 - Caracas, Venezuela

Muhammad Yunus-Muhammad Yunus Day
Monday Jan 14, 2008 - Houston, Texas, U.S.

Qasem Soleimani-Soleimani looking into the death of Imad Mughniyah
2008 - Syria

Francesco Totti-200th goal for Roma
Wednesday Jan 16, 2008 - Rome, Italy

Bank of America-Doubled interest rate
Jan, 2008 - U.S.

Angelina Jolie-Worthy
2008 - United States

Diego Maradona-Coach Alfio Basile resigned
2008 - Argentina

Colombian conflict-FARC released four political hostages "as a gesture of goodwill" toward Chávez
Feb, 2008 - Colombia

Best Buy-Best Buy opened its first store in San Juan
Feb, 2008 - San Juan, Puerto Rico

Shaquille O'Neal-The Phoenix Suns acquired O'Neal
Feb, 2008 - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

Virat Kohli-2008 ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup
Feb, 2008 - Malaysia

Xanana Gusmão-The Assassination attempt
Monday Feb 11, 2008 - Timor-Leste

Russian Invasion of Ukraine-Obvious threats
Tuesday Feb 12, 2008 - Russia

Johan Cruyff-The New Technical director at his boyhood club Ajax
Wednesday Feb 20, 2008 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal made his Suns debut
Wednesday Feb 20, 2008 - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

Raúl Castro-16th President of Cuba
Sunday Feb 24, 2008 - Havana, Cuba

Fidel Castro-Retirement
Sunday Feb 24, 2008 - Havana, Cuba

Visa Inc.-Visa announced it would go ahead with an IPO of half its shares
Monday Feb 25, 2008 - U.S.

Nancy Pelosi-Pelosi was named Permanent Chair
2008 - Denver, Colorado, U.S.

Microsoft-EU Imposed Fine
Wednesday Feb 27, 2008 - Brussels, Belgium

Kaká-A Contract extension
Friday Feb 29, 2008 - Milan, Italy

Colombian conflict-The Military Operation in Ecuador on a FARC Position
Saturday Mar 1, 2008 - Ecuador

John Maynard Keynes-The death of the dream of global free-market capitalism
Mar, 2008 - U.S.

Colombian conflict-Killing Iván Ríos
Monday Mar 3, 2008 - Caldas, Colombia

Carlos Slim-The World's Second-Richest Person 2008
Wednesday Mar 5, 2008 - U.S.

Atari, Inc.-Infogrames acquisition
Thursday Mar 6, 2008 - New York, U.S.

iOS-IPhone SDK
Thursday Mar 6, 2008 - Cupertino, California, U.S.

Margaret Thatcher-Collapsing at a House of Lords dinner
Friday Mar 7, 2008 - London, England

Francesco Totti-500th overall appearance for Roma
Sunday Mar 9, 2008 - Rome, Italy

Bank of America-Federal Bureau of Investigation report
Mar, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Qasem Soleimani-Soleimani helped arrange a ceasefire
Mar, 2008 - Iraq

YouTube-480×360 pixels
Mar, 2008 - San Bruno, California, U.S.

Jimmy Hoffa-Barbara Retired as an Associate Circuit Judge
Mar, 2008 - St. Louis County, Missouri, U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The Federal Reserve guaranteed Bear Stearns' bad loans to facilitate its acquisition by JPMorgan Chase
Monday Mar 17, 2008 - U.S.

Mona Lisa-Research in 2008
2008 - Urbino University, Urbino, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Nicola Cabibbo announced a plan to honor Galileo by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls
Mar, 2008 - Vatican City

Visa Inc.-Visa sold 406 million shares at US$44 per share ($2 above the high end of the expected $37–42 pricing range), raising US$17.9 billion in the largest initial public offering in U.S. history
Tuesday Mar 18, 2008 - U.S.

Visa Inc.-the IPO underwriters exercised their overallotment option
Thursday Mar 20, 2008 - U.S.

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth attended the first Maundy service
Thursday Mar 20, 2008 - Dublin, Ireland

Visa Inc.-Honor All Cards
Wednesday Mar 26, 2008 - Europe

Dwayne Johnson-Non-Wrestling Appearances
Saturday Mar 29, 2008 - U.S.

KFC-First in Cambodia
Apr, 2008 - Phnom Penh, Cambodia

YouTube-YouTube consumed as much bandwidth as the entire Internet in 2000
Monday Apr 7, 2008 - London, England, United Kingdom

Black Friday-Several major Canadian retailers ran Black Friday deals of their own to discourage shoppers from leaving Canada
2008 - Canada

Prince William-William deployment
Thursday Apr 10, 2008 - Afghanistan

Prince Harry-The Lieutenant
Sunday Apr 13, 2008 - England

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was admitted to King Edward VII's Hospital
Apr, 2008 - England, United Kingdom

Francesco Totti-Season-ending injury
Saturday Apr 19, 2008 - Italy

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development-Accra Conference
Monday Apr 21, 2008 - Accra, Ghana

Nike, Inc.-Nike's Campaign at The Earth Day 2008
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008 - U.S.

Best Buy-U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) fined the company $280,000
Saturday Apr 26, 2008 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Cyclone Nargis
Sunday Apr 27, 2008 - Myanmar

Huawei-Establishing a Technology research facility in Sydney
May, 2008 - Sydney, Australia

Colombian conflict-Extraditing the Jailed paramilitary leaders to the United States
May, 2008 - U.S.

Leaning Tower of Pisa-The Tower stopped moving for the first time in its History
2008 - Pisa, Italy

Bank of America-LaSalle Bank and LaSalle Bank Midwest branches adopted the Bank of America
Monday May 5, 2008 - U.S.

Vladimir Putin-Second premiership
Thursday May 8, 2008 - Moscow, Russia

Vodafone-Vodafone in Chile
Sunday May 11, 2008 - Santiago, Chile

Disasters with highest death tolls-2008 Sichuan Earthquake
Monday May 12, 2008 at 02:28:00 PM - Chengdu, China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Tremors in Vietnam
Monday May 12, 2008 - Vitnam

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Russia
Monday May 12, 2008 - Tuva, Russia

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Start of rescue operations
Monday May 12, 2008 - China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Unaccepted offer
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Beijing accepted the aid of the Tzu Chi Foundation from Taiwan
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - Beijing, China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Ministry of Civil Affairs stated that 10.7 billion yuan had been donated by the Chinese public
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-15 Special Operations Troops parachuted into inaccessible Mao County
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - Mao County, Ngawa Prefecture, Sichuan Province, China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-UNICEF reported that China formally requested the support of the international community to respond to the needs of affected families
Wednesday May 14, 2008 - New York City, New York, U.S.

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Largest non-combat airlifting operation in People's Liberation Army history
Friday May 16, 2008 - China

Angelina Jolie-Kung Fu Panda
Thursday May 15, 2008 - United States

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Rescue groups from several countries
Friday May 16, 2008 - China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-China stated it had also received $457 million in donated money and goods for rescue efforts
Friday May 16, 2008 - China

2008 Sichuan earthquake-Praising
Saturday May 17, 2008 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

2008 Sichuan earthquake-The Giving of Love
Sunday May 18, 2008 - Beijing, China