Arameans - Tiglath-pileser III occupied Arpad
Time: 740 BC
Place: Aleppo, Syria
Details: The Assyrian king, Tiglath-pileser III, occupied Arpad (currently Tel Rifaat), the center of the Aramaic resistance in northern Syria in 740 BC.
Hittites-Hattusili I captured Aleppo
1620s BC - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-Atarshumki I was the King of Bit Agusi
8th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-Arpad was capital of the Aramaean state of Bit Agusi
10th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Byzantine Empire-Nikephoros took Aleppo
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Arameans-The Neirab steles
8th Century BC - Aleppo, Syria
Arameans-The toponym A-ra-mu appears in an inscription at the East Semitic
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Assyria-Battle of Carchemish
605 BC - Carchemish
Arameans-Arameans under Roman and Parthian rule
2nd Century BC - Syria
Arameans-The Arameans conquered Sam'al
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Arameans-The Kilamuwa Stele
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Ancient Greece-Battle of Issus
Sunday Nov 5, 333 BC - Issus (Present-Day Hatay, Turkey)
Seleucid Empire-Antiochus IV Epiphanes
Sep, 175 BC - Seleucid Empire
Seleucid Empire-Antiochus III the Great
223 BC - Antioch, Seleucid Empire
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha defeated Ottoman army at Beilan
Friday Jul 29, 1831 - Belen, Hatay, Turkey
Byzantine Empire-Battle of Akroinon
740 - Byzantine Empire