Roman Empire - Time of peace
Time: 280s
Place: Rome
Details: The army discipline which Aurelian had repaired was cultivated and extended under Probus, who was however more shy in the practice of cruelty. One of his principles was never to allow the soldiers to be idle, and to employ them in time of peace on useful works, such as the planting of vineyards in Gaul, Pannonia, and other districts, in order to restart the economy in these devastated lands.
Roman Empire-Caligula was assassinated
Thursday Jan 24, 41 - Palatine Hill, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire
Roman Empire-Pertinax died
Thursday Mar 28, 193 - Rome, Roman Empire
Roman Empire-A romur
Wednesday Mar 6, 222 - Rome
Roman Empire-Construction began of Antonine Wall
142 - United Kingdom
Roman Empire-Vespasian
Monday Jul 1, 69 - Rome