Bay of Pigs Invasion - Transporting wounded and sick prisoners
Time: Saturday Apr 14, 1962
Place: U.S.
Details: On 14 April 1962, 60 wounded and sick prisoners were freed and transported to the US.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The FDIC announced plans to open IndyMac Federal Bank, FSB
Friday Jul 18, 2008 - U.S.

Eminem-Music To Be Murdered By
Friday Jan 17, 2020 - U.S.

Neil Armstrong-Neil was promoted to ensign
Tuesday Jun 5, 1951 - U.S.

Microprocessor-About 10 Billion CPUs Were Manufactured
2008 - U.S.

Jim Carrey-Divorve
1995 - U.S.

Rosa Parks-Graduation
1933 - U.S.

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Real Algebra contribution
1952 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Anti-Japanese propaganda
1942 - U.S.

Marvel Studios-Rumors circulated that Marvel was looking to create $20–40 million movies based on properties
Apr, 2010 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Wong received her first screen credit for Bits of Life
Monday Sep 26, 1921 - U.S.

IKEA-Safer Homes Together advertising campaign
Jul, 2015 - U.S. - England - Ireland

Memorial day-Decoration to Memorial day
20th Century - U.S.

Computer animation-Apple II
1978 - U.S.

Tony Hawk-900
Sunday Jun 27, 1999 - U.S.

Jim Carrey-U.S. Citizenship
Oct, 2004 - U.S.

Internet-TCP was published as RFC 675
Dec, 1974 - U.S.

Napoleon-Napoleon decided to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States
1803 - U.S.

Nike, Inc.-Nike's Campaign at The Earth Day 2008
Tuesday Apr 22, 2008 - U.S.

Microprocessor-The Central Air Data Computer
1968 - U.S.

Anna May Wong-Anna May Wong Productions
Mar, 1924 - U.S.

Laser-New world record by developing an erbium-doped fiber laser with a linewidth of only 10 millihertz
2017 - U.S. and Germany

Spanish Flu-First public Health Report
Friday Apr 5, 1918 - Kansas, U.S.

Neil Armstrong-Promotion
Saturday May 9, 1953 - U.S.

Microprocessor-US$44 Billion Worth of Microprocessors Were Manufactured and Sold
2003 - U.S.

Richard Nixon-One of The Largest Landslide Election Victories In American History
Tuesday Nov 7, 1972 - U.S.

Antibiotic-The Term Antibiotic was First Used
1942 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The Federal Open Market Committee began reducing the federal funds rate from its peak of 5.25%
Aug, 2007 - U.S.

Apple Inc.-System 7
Monday May 13, 1991 - U.S.

Microprocessor-Creating The Four-Phase Systems Inc. AL-1
1969 - U.S.

Memorial day-The first official celebration of Confederate Memorial Day
Thursday Jan 1, 1874 at 12:00:00 PM - U.S.

Cameras-MegaVision Tessera
1987 - U.S.

Sojourner Truth-Mob Convention
Wednesday Sep 7, 1853 - U.S.

Kroger-The Kroger Company acquired Dillon Companies
1983 - Kansas, United States

Computer animation-Breakout Year
1991 - U.S.

Microsoft-Social Network Yammer
Monday Jun 25, 2012 - U.S.

Christopher Paul Gardner-The Pursuit of happyness
2006 - U.S.

The Wright brothers-First known commercial air cargo
Monday Nov 7, 1910 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.

iOS-Latest iOS
Thursday Sep 19, 2019 - U.S.

Visa Inc.-BankAmericard Rewards Visa
Oct, 2007 - U.S.

Bob Marley-"I Shot the Sheriff" Reached Number 1 On The Billboard Hot 100
Saturday Sep 14, 1974 - U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-How to Bring the South Back into the Union
Jul, 1863 - U.S.

Computer animation-Titanic
1997 - U.S.

Virtual reality-The first "immersive" VR experience
1991 - U.S.

St. Patrick's Day-U.S. celebrations
Saturday Mar 17, 1601 - U.S.

Apple Inc.-Mac App Store
Thursday Jan 6, 2011 - U.S.

Flag of the United States-Star for Kansas
Thursday Jul 4, 1861 - U.S.

Microprocessor-The 32-bit x86 Architectures became Increasingly Dominant In The Markets
1993 - U.S.

Mass Shootings in the United States-Mother Jones
2015 - U.S.

Tony Hawk-Pandemonium
2010 - U.S.

Harry S. Truman-A Colonel
1930s - U.S.

Virtual reality-The Cave automatic virtual environment
1991 - U.S.

Jimmy Carter-The 1980 United States presidential election
Tuesday Nov 4, 1980 - U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-First Appearance on Screen
Sunday Dec 7, 1947 - U.S.

Frank Sinatra-Sinatra signed with Columbia Records
Tuesday Jun 1, 1943 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-US Securities and Exchange Commission relaxed the net capital rule
2004 - U.S.

Andrew Yang-Approach of VFA
2012 - U.S.

Sofia Kenin-Top 150
Aug, 2017 - U.S.

Statue of Liberty-Gathering Americans Opinions
1871 - U.S.

Eminem-10-disc vinyl box set
Thursday Mar 12, 2015 - U.S.

Oculus-ZeniMax Media
Feb, 2017 - U.S.

Richard Nixon-Retirement
Monday Jun 6, 1966 - U.S.

Black Friday-As the phrase gained national attention
1980s - U.S.

Black Friday-Kmart opened at 7:00 a.m. on Thanksgiving
2009 - U.S.

The Wright brothers-Two Family flights
Wednesday May 25, 1910 - U.S.

Nike, Inc.-The Swoosh Was First Used by Nike
Friday Jun 18, 1971 - U.S.

Apple Inc.-First decline in a decade
Tuesday Jan 29, 2019 - U.S.

iOS-AppStore apps by 2020
2020 - U.S.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Civil Rights Act
1866 - U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-The US raised the readiness level against Russia
Thursday Oct 25, 1962 at 10 PM - U.S

Jim Carrey-1st Marriage
Saturday Mar 28, 1987 - U.S.

Spanish Flu-Over 10000 Cases in the U.S.
Sep, 1918 - Kansas, U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009 - U.S.

Willis Carrier-Law of constant dew-point depression
Friday May 17, 1907 - U.S.

Great Depression-U.S. government discontinues open market operations
Jun, 1932 - U.S.

Virtual reality-Sensorama
1962 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Bill H.R.4173, Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009
Friday Dec 11, 2009 - U.S.

Netflix-ABQ Studios acquirement
Oct, 2018 - U.S.

Zlatan Ibrahimović-Negotiations With Barcelona
Thursday Jul 23, 2009 - U.S

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Half black and half white
2015 - U.S.

Dwayne Johnson-First Appearance on Smackdown Since October 2014
Monday Sep 30, 2019 - U.S.

Robin Williams-My Favorite Orkan
1978 - U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal announced that he would join Turner Network Television (TNT) as an analyst on its NBA basketball games
Thursday Jul 14, 2011 - U.S.

1911 - North America

Laser-Different performance goals
20th Century - U.S. and Worldwide

Friday Jun 18, 2010 - U.S.

Robin Williams-Stand-Up comedies
1980s - U.S.

Bin Laden-Most Wanted List
Tuesday May 3, 2011 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Friday Feb 13, 2009 - U.S.

Marcus Garvey-Branches in 25 U.S. states
Nov, 1918 - U.S.

Jim Carrey-2nd Divorce
Jul, 1997 - U.S.

Visa Inc.-A settlement of US$6.24 billion has been reached and a court is scheduled to approve or deny the agreement
Thursday Nov 7, 2019 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report
Jan, 2011 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-BNP Paribas blocked withdrawals from two of its funds
Thursday Aug 9, 2007 - U.S.

Walt Disney-Joining The United States Army
1918 - France
On This Day - 14 April

Leonardo da Vinci-Birth
Wednesday Apr 14, 1452 - Anchiano, Italy

George Washington-Washington then proceeded to New York City
Sunday Apr 14, 1776 - New York, U.S.

USA civil war-President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth
Friday Apr 14, 1865 - U.S

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
Friday Apr 14, 1865 - Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., U.S.

Frederick Douglass-Douglass delivered the keynote speech at the unveiling of the Emancipation Memorial
Friday Apr 14, 1876 - Lincoln Park, Washington D.C., U.S.

Marie Curie-Verifing From Her Hypothesis
Thursday Apr 14, 1898 - Paris, France

W. E. B. Du Bois-Paris Exhibition of 1900
Saturday Apr 14, 1900 - Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Paris Métro in Paris, France

Sunday Apr 14, 1912 at 11:40:00 PM - Atlantic Ocean

Spanish Civil War-Second Spanish Republic
Tuesday Apr 14, 1931 - Spain

World War II-Stresa Front
Sunday Apr 14, 1935 - Stresa, Italy

Edward VIII-Memorandum Summarizing
Wednesday Apr 14, 1937 - London, Englad, United Kingdom

Bay of Pigs Invasion-The invasion Fleet
Friday Apr 14, 1961 - Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua

Neil Armstrong-The reason for choosing Armstrong to be the First
Monday Apr 14, 1969 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Justin Trudeau-Visit of U.S. President Richard M. Nixon
Friday Apr 14, 1972 - Canada

David Cameron-Special Adviser to the Chancellor
Tuesday Apr 14, 1992 - London, England

Bosnian War-Serbs took 150 U.N. personnel hostage
Thursday Apr 14, 1994 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Xanana Gusmão-2002 East Timorese presidential election
Sunday Apr 14, 2002 - Timor-Leste

Hugo Chávez-Chávez's Return
Sunday Apr 14, 2002 - Caracas, Venzuela

Garry Kasparov-Held for some 10 hours
Saturday Apr 14, 2007 - Moscow, Russia

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-Protest against The possible candidacy of Erdoğan in the 2007 presidential election
Saturday Apr 14, 2007 - Ankara, Turkey

Windows-XP support end
Tuesday Apr 14, 2009 - Redmond, Washington, United States

Eminem-RECOVERY announcement
Wednesday Apr 14, 2010 - U.S.

Justin Trudeau-The Winner of the leadership election
Sunday Apr 14, 2013 - Canada

Nokia-Nokia announced that it had agreed to purchase Alcatel-Lucent
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015 - Espoo, Finland

Internet-Net Neutrality
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Aaron Hernandez-Acquitted of the charge
Friday Apr 14, 2017 - Florida, U.S.

OnePlus-OnePlus 8 and OnePlus 8 Pro were unveiled
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 - China

Joe Biden-Former President Barack Obama endorsed Biden
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 - U.S.

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Trump halted Funding the WHO
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020 - U.S.

Peace of Susa
Saturday Apr 14, 1629 - England

Battle of Barnet
Friday Apr 14, 1471 - Warwick

William Augustus Birth
Monday Apr 14, 1721 - Cumberland

Mary I of Scotland married James Hepburn
Friday Apr 14, 1578 - Scotland
April 1962

Neil Armstrong-NASA announcement
Apr, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-1,179 men were Convicted For Treason
Saturday Apr 7, 1962 - Cuba

Algerian War-The Évian Accords
Sunday Apr 8, 1962 - France

Algerian War-The Second referendum on the independence of Algeria
Sunday Apr 8, 1962 - France

James Bond-The Spy Who Loved Me was published
Monday Apr 16, 1962 - United Kingdom

Mao Zedong-The Conference of the Seven Thousand
Jan, 1962 - Beijing, China

Magdi Yacoub-Moving to United Kingdom
1962 - United Kingdom

Warren Buffett-A Millionaire
1962 - U.S.

Algerian War-The OAS turned to bank robbery to finance its war
1962 - France

Rosa Parks-The Governement's Policies Effect on Detroit
1962 - Detroit, Michigan, U.S.

Virtual reality-Sensorama
1962 - U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-A group of missile construction specialists traveled to Havana
Jan, 1962 - Cuba

Warren Buffett-Berkshire Hathaway
1962 - Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.

Computer animation-Ivan Sutherland
1962 - Boston, U.S.

Algerian War-A "General Offensive"
Wednesday Jan 10, 1962 - Algeria

Cuban Missile Crisis-Edward planned to overthrow the Cuban government
Jan, 1962 - Cuba

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's economic system caused economic growth in France
1962 - Paris, France

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Graduation
1962 - Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, England, United Kingdom

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Dhofar Rebellion
1962 - Oman

Jim Carrey-Born
Wednesday Jan 17, 1962 - Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

Mona Lisa-The most highly-valued painting in the world
1962 - Paris, France

Lucky Luciano-Death
Friday Jan 26, 1962 - Naples, Italy

Neil Armstrong-His Daughter's Death
Sunday Jan 28, 1962 - Antelope Valley, Lancaster, California, U.S.

Bob Marley-Marley Recorded Four Songs
Feb, 1962 - Jamaica

Colombian conflict-The Fort Bragg top-level U.S. Special Warfare team visited Colombia
Feb, 1962 - Colombia

Algerian War-The OAS attempted to assassinate the Culture Minister André Malraux
Wednesday Feb 7, 1962 - France

Gary Ridgway-Ridgway suffers from health problems
1962 - Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

Algerian War-A peace accord was reached for granting independence to all of Algeria
Tuesday Feb 20, 1962 - France

Cuban Missile Crisis-Soviet decided to put nuclear missiles in Cuba
Thursday Feb 22, 1962 - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis-The US objective for the overthrow the Cuban government
Feb, 1962 - Cuba

Nancy Pelosi-Graduated
1962 - Trinity College in Washington, D.C., U.S.

Conflict in Myanmar-Coup d'état
Thursday Mar 1, 1962 - Myanmar

Neil Armstrong-Neil was selected as one of seven Pilot-Engineers who would fly the X-20
Thursday Mar 15, 1962 - U.S.

Neil Armstrong-NASA announcement
Apr, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Bay of Pigs Invasion-1,179 men were Convicted For Treason
Saturday Apr 7, 1962 - Cuba

Algerian War-The Évian Accords
Sunday Apr 8, 1962 - France

Algerian War-The Second referendum on the independence of Algeria
Sunday Apr 8, 1962 - France

James Bond-The Spy Who Loved Me was published
Monday Apr 16, 1962 - United Kingdom

Cuban Missile Crisis-The U.S confronted the Soviet plan in Cuba
May, 1962 - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis- Khrushchev agreed to plant bombs secretly
May, 1962 - Cuba

Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-the Avenue of the Righteous
Tuesday May 8, 1962 - Jerusalem, Israel

Juan Carlos I-Marriage
Monday May 14, 1962 - Athens, Greece

Marilyn Monroe-John F. Kennedy's early birthday celebration
Saturday May 19, 1962 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.

Neil Armstrong-Armstrong was involved in the "Nellis Affair"
Monday May 21, 1962 - Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, U.S.

Neil Armstrong-The NACA Medical Exam
Jun, 1962 - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-sculpting dummy
Friday Jun 1, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Plan Procedures
Jun, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

Neil Armstrong-Armstrong applied to become an Astronaut
Monday Jun 4, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Winston Churchill-Churchill had a fall in Monte Carlo
Jun, 1962 - Monte Carlo

The Beatles-Martin's first recording session with the Beatles
Wednesday Jun 6, 1962 - EMI's Abbey Road Studios, London, England

Marilyn Monroe-Fox fired Monroe and sued her
Thursday Jun 7, 1962 - U.S.

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Beginning The Escape
Monday Jun 11, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Inmates
Monday Jun 11, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Executing The Plan
Monday Jun 11, 1962 at 10 PM - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Discovery of the escape
Tuesday Jun 12, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

Pelé-1962 World Cup
Sunday Jun 17, 1962 - Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos, Ñuñoa, Chile

June 1962 Alcatraz escape attempt: Escape from Alcatraz-Investigations
Thursday Jun 21, 1962 - Alcatraz, San Francisco, USA

Library of Congress-Memorandum by Douglas Bryant
1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Laser-Robert N. Hall demonstrated the first laser diode device
1962 - U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-France recognized Algerian independence
Tuesday Jul 3, 1962 - Algeria

Algerian War-The declaration of independence
Thursday Jul 5, 1962 - Algeria

Cuban Missile Crisis-Specialists in missiles arrived in Cuba
Jul, 1962 - Cuba

Vietnam War-Agreement Promising to respect the neutrality of Laos
Monday Jul 23, 1962 - Laos

Marilyn Monroe-Death
Saturday Aug 4, 1962 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Nelson Mandela-Police captured Mandela
Sunday Aug 5, 1962 - Howick, South Africa

Libraries-Wolfsburg Municipal Library
1962 - Wolfsburg, Germany

Cuban Missile Crisis-John A. McCone and John F. Kennedy discussed Soviets' plan
Friday Aug 10, 1962 - U.S

Internet-On-Line Man-Computer Communication
Aug, 1962 - U.S.

The Beatles-Best's dismissal
Thursday Aug 16, 1962 - England

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle targeted for death
Wednesday Aug 22, 1962 - France

Cuban Missile Crisis-The first issue between US and Soviet
Thursday Aug 30, 1962 - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis-Senator Kenneth Keating warning of a missile base in Cuba
Friday Aug 31, 1962 - U.S

Brunei revolt-Holding Elections
Sep, 1962 - Brunei

Igor Stravinsky-Travinsky Returned To Russia For The First Time Since 1914
Sep, 1962 - Moscow, Russia (Soviet Union)

Cuban Missile Crisis-U-2 flight espionage returned to Cuba
Sep, 1962 - Cuba

The Beatles-The session at EMI
Tuesday Sep 4, 1962 - London, England

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle sought a constitutional amendment
Sep, 1962 - France

Neil Armstrong-Joining the NASA Astronaut Corps as part of "The New Nine"
Thursday Sep 13, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-R-12 missiles arrived in September
Sunday Sep 16, 1962 - Cuba

Neil Armstrong-NASA announcement of The Selection of The Second Group
Monday Sep 17, 1962 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle dissolved the National Assembly
Thursday Oct 4, 1962 - Paris, France

James Bond-Dr. No (film)
Friday Oct 5, 1962 - United Kingdom

Algerian War-Algeria was admitted as the 109th member of the United Nations
Monday Oct 8, 1962 - Algeria

Internet-Director of the newly established Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO)
Oct, 1962 - U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-CIA's National reviewed the U-2 photographs
Monday Oct 15, 1962 - U.S

Cuban Missile Crisis- President Kennedy received a personal message from Khrushchev
Wednesday Oct 17, 1962 - Cuba

Cuban Missile Crisis-Planning for an air strike or a naval blockade
Friday Oct 19, 1962 - U.S

Cuban Missile Crisis-Kennedy and EXCOMM discussed cuban missile crisis
Sunday Oct 21, 1962 - U.S

Cuban Missile Crisis-Kennedy announced the missles' discovery
Monday Oct 22, 1962 at 07 PM - Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Soviet ships arriving off Cuba
Wednesday Oct 24, 1962 - U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-The US raised the readiness level against Russia
Thursday Oct 25, 1962 at 10 PM - U.S

Cuban Missile Crisis-Crisis ends
Saturday Oct 27, 1962 - Cuba

John F. Kennedy-Dismantle the missile sites
Sunday Oct 28, 1962 - U.S.S.R. (Now Russia)

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's proposal to change the election procedure for the French presidency
Sunday Oct 28, 1962 - Paris, France

Brunei revolt-Hints of brewing Trouble
Nov, 1962 - Sarawak, Malaysia

Richard Nixon-Losing The 1962 California Gubernatorial Election
Tuesday Nov 6, 1962 - California, U.S.

Cuban Missile Crisis-Soviet increased intermediate-range ballistic missiles
1962 - Russia

Xerox-Xerox purchased University Microfilms International
1962 - Michigan, U.S.

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-Sarawak Insurgency formally began
Dec, 1962 - Sarawak, Malaysia

Communist insurgency in Sarawak-SCO still lacked a military wing and its members had not yet undergone military training
Dec, 1962 - Sarawak, Malaysia

Jackie Chan-Early appearances
Wednesday Dec 5, 1962 - Hong Kong, China

Brunei revolt-Police Were Put on Full Alert
Thursday Dec 6, 1962 - Brunei

Brunei revolt-The Rebellion broke out
Saturday Dec 8, 1962 at 02:00:00 AM - Brunei

Brunei revolt-TNKU Controlled Pekan Besar
Saturday Dec 8, 1962 at 05:00:00 AM - Brunei

Brunei revolt-The Beverleys landed
Saturday Dec 8, 1962 at 10:00:00 PM - Brunei