Chichen Itza - Trying to establish a capital
Time: 1532
Place: Yucatán, Mexico
Details: Montejo returned to Yucatán in 1531 with reinforcements and established his main base at Campeche on the west coast. He sent his son, Francisco Montejo The Younger, in late 1532 to conquer the interior of the Yucatán Peninsula from the north. The objective from the beginning was to go to Chichén Itzá and establish a capital.
Chichen Itza-Developing of Chichen Itza
8th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Accusing Edward Thompson with theft
1926 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Purchasing the Hacienda Chichén
1894 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-The Maya force Montejo out
1534 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Regional prominence
7th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Mayapan conquers Chichen Itza
13th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Hieroglyphic
832 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Later expeditions
1961 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Final conquest
1588 - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Excavation and restoration of Chichen Itza
1923 - Yucatán, Mexico
Maya civilization-One of the largest groups of Maya live in the Yucatan Peninsula
2nd Millenium - Yucatán, Mexico
Maya civilization-Three separate Spanish expeditions explored the Yucatán coast
1510s - Yucatán, Mexico
Chichen Itza-Yucatán conquest by Spain
1527 - Yucatán, Mexico
Maya civilization-Contact period and Spanish conquest (1511–1697 AD)
2nd Millenium - Yucatán, Mexico
Maya civilization-The final episode of Classic Period collapse
12th Century - Yucatán, Mexico
Maya civilization-Mayapan was abandoned after a period of political turbulence
1448 - Tecoh Municipality, Yucatán
Maya civilization-Temple of Kukulcán
8th Century - Tinum, Yucatán, Mexico
Inca Empire-Pizarro then founded the city of Piura
Jul, 1532 - Piura, Peru
Ottoman Empire-Siege of Güns
Friday Aug 5, 1532 - Austria, and Hungary
Inca Empire-Atahualpa
1532 - Inca
Inca Empire-Conquistadors returned to Peru
1532 - Inca
Inca Empire-Battle of Cajamarca
Wednesday Nov 16, 1532 - Cajamarca, Peru