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Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Videotapes would suffice as testimony

Time: Thursday Feb 4, 1999

Place: Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.

Details: On February 4, however, the Senate voted 70–30 that excerpting these videotapes would suffice as testimony, rather than calling live witnesses to appear at trial.



Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Tenure of Office Act
1867 - Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Closing Arguments
Monday Feb 8, 1999 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-A Lengthy Document
1998 - Washington D.C., U.S.
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Impeachment of Andrew Johnson-Declaration of William D. Kelley
Saturday Feb 22, 1868 - House of Representatives, Washington D.C, U.S.
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Lewinsky discussing her affidavit in the Paula Jones Case
Saturday Feb 6, 1999 - Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.

On This Day - 4 February

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February 1999

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Impeachment of Bill Clinton
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Monday Feb 1, 1999 - Washington D.C., U.S.
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Tuesday Feb 2, 1999 - Caracas, Venezuela
Kosovo War Image
Kosovo War-The Rambouillet talks began
Saturday Feb 6, 1999 - Château de Rambouillet, France
Impeachment of Bill Clinton
Impeachment of Bill Clinton-Lewinsky discussing her affidavit in the Paula Jones Case
Saturday Feb 6, 1999 - Senate, Washington D.C., U.S.


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