George Washington - Visited his mother
Time: Feb, 1784
Place: Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S.
Details: Washington was longing to return home after spending just 10 days at Mount Vernon out of 8 1⁄2 years of war. He arrived on Christmas Eve, delighted to be "free of the bustle of a camp and the busy scenes of public life". He was a celebrity and was fêted during a visit to his mother at Fredericksburg in February 1784, and he received a constant stream of visitors wishing to pay their respects to him at Mount Vernon.
Abraham Lincoln-Battle of Fredericksburg
Thursday Dec 11, 1862 - Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S.
George Washington-Birth
Saturday Feb 23, 1732 - Westmoreland County, Virginia, U.S.
Bin Laden-The Initial list of the top 22 FBI Most Wanted Terrorists
Wednesday Oct 10, 2001 - U.S.
George Washington-Father's Death
Saturday Apr 13, 1743 - Ferry Farm, Stafford County, Virginia, U.S. (then Colony of Virginia)
Abraham Lincoln-Battle of Chancellorsville
Thursday Apr 30, 1863 - Spotsylvania County, Virginia, U.S.
Napoleon-Napoleon was admitted to the École Militaire
1784 - École Militaire, Paris, France
Mozart-Mozart meets Haydn
1784 - Vienna, Austria
Mozart-A new baby and a new house
Tuesday Sep 21, 1784 - Vienna, Austria
Bank of America-Massachusetts Bank was chartered
1784 - U.S.
Mozart-Becoming a Freemason
Tuesday Dec 14, 1784 - Vienna, Austria