Wladyslaw III Warnenczyk's death
Time: Sunday Nov 10, 1444
Place: Poland
Details: Wladyslaw III Warnenczyk, King of Poland and Hungary, died in battle at the age of 20.

King of Poland (1587)
Tuesday Aug 18, 1587 - Poland

The Holocaust-Germans began building additional camps and gas chambers
1942 - Poland

Solving the issue between Poland and the Holy Roman Empire
Thursday Jul 22, 1515 - Poland

Itzak Stern-Stern was engaged to Sophia
1938 - Poland

The Holocaust-Germany invaded Poland
Friday Sep 1, 1939 - Poland

Gustav Stresemann-Trade war against Poland
1925 - Poland

Penicillin-With Fire and Sword
1884 - Poland

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle announced that France officially recognized the new Polish western border
Wednesday Sep 6, 1967 - Poland

Papa John's Pizza-Opening Their First Restaurant In Poland
2017 - Poland

World War II-Battle of the Bzura
Saturday Sep 9, 1939 - Kutno, Łódź Voivodeship, Poland

Itzak Stern-Marriage
1945 - Poland

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle served as an instructor of Poland's infantry during its war with communist Russia
1921 - Poland

Emanuel Aloys Frster Birth
Friday Jan 26, 1748 - Poland

The Holocaust-A lot bodies were dug up and burned
Nov, 1942 - Poland

Revolutions of 1848-Greater Poland uprising
Mar, 1848 - Poland

The Holocaust-Resistance groups were formed
Jul, 1942 - Poland

United Nations-World War II was broke up
Friday Sep 1, 1939 - Poland (and then Europe)

World War II-World War II Begins
Friday Sep 1, 1939 - Poland

Marie Curie-Visiting Poland For The Last Time
1934 - Poland

The Holocaust-Gas vans equipped with gas cylinders had been used to kill the handicapped in occupied Poland
Jan, 1940 - Poland

Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels used his propaganda ministry access to information domestically in Poland
1939 - Poland

David Ben-Gurion-Russian Revolution
1905 - Poland

The Holocaust-Himmler changed efficient methods of killing
Dec, 1941 - Poland

Visa Inc.-Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection fined twenty banks a total of PLN 164 million (about $56 million) for jointly setting MasterCard's and Visa's interchange fees
Thursday Jan 4, 2007 - Poland

1905 Russian Revolution-Over 400,000 workers in Russian Poland were on strike
Jan, 1905 - Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)

Joseph Stalin-WWII Began
Friday Sep 1, 1939 - Poland

1905 Russian Revolution-Disturbances in the Russian-controlled Congress Poland culminated
Jun, 1905 - (Then Poland, Russian Empire) Now Poland

Armenian Genocide-Raphael Lemkin coined "genocide"
1943 - Poland

Alan Turing-Warsaw Meeting
Jul, 1939 - Warsaw, Poland

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Warsaw Pact
Saturday May 14, 1955 - Warsaw, Poland

Marie Curie-Born
Thursday Nov 7, 1867 - Warsaw, Congress Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)
On This Day - 10 November

Ottoman Empire-Battle of Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 - Varna, Bulgaria

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha's death
Friday Nov 10, 1848 - Egypt

Mexican Revolution-Madero Supporter Toribio Ortega Took up arms With a Group of Followers
Thursday Nov 10, 1910 - Chihuahua, México

Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania Re-entered The War on The Side of The Allied Forces
Sunday Nov 10, 1918 - Romania

Saturday Nov 10, 1923 - Ōdate, Akita Prefecture, Japan

The Holocaust-Kristallnacht
Thursday Nov 10, 1938 - Germany

World War II-Case Anton
Tuesday Nov 10, 1942 - Vichy France

Winston Churchill-End of the beginning
Tuesday Nov 10, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-Churchill flew to Paris to a reception by de Gaulle
Friday Nov 10, 1944 - Paris, France

United Nations-United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379
Monday Nov 10, 1975 - U.S.

3D printing-Hideo Kodama filed a patent for this XYZ plotter
Tuesday Nov 10, 1981 - Japan

Thursday Nov 10, 1983 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Apple Inc.-Apple Store website
Monday Nov 10, 1997 - U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal and Charles Barkley were ejected
Wednesday Nov 10, 1999 - Houston, Texas, U.S.

Apple Inc.-The iPod was first sold
Saturday Nov 10, 2001 - U.S.

X-box-Halo 2
Wednesday Nov 10, 2004 - Redmond, Washington, U.S.

Hachikō-Beginning of The Family Reunion
Sunday Nov 10, 2013 - Tokyo, Japan

Internet-President Obama recommended the FCC reclassify broadband Internet service
Monday Nov 10, 2014 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Sepp Blatter-Sexual Assault Allegations
Friday Nov 10, 2017 - Switzerland

Eminem-Walk on Water
Friday Nov 10, 2017 - U.S.

League of Legends-2019 Tournament
Sunday Nov 10, 2019 - Paris, France

William Hogarth Birth
Sunday Nov 10, 1697 - London

Louis III Birth
Saturday Nov 10, 1668 - Paris

Laurentius Paulinus Gothus Birth
Wednesday Nov 10, 1565 - Söderköping

Franois Couperin Birth
Saturday Nov 10, 1668 - Paris

Battle at Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 -
10 November 1444

Ottoman Empire-Battle of Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 - Varna, Bulgaria

Battle at Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 -
November 1444

Ottoman Empire-Battle of Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 - Varna, Bulgaria

Battle at Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 -

Ottoman Empire-Battle of Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 - Varna, Bulgaria

Battle at Varna
Sunday Nov 10, 1444 -