X-ray - X-rays emitted from Lenard tubes
Time: 1888
Place: Hungary
Details: Starting in 1888, Philipp Lenard conducted experiments to see whether cathode rays could pass out of the Crookes tube into the air. He built a Crookes tube with a "window" in the end made of thin aluminum, facing the cathode so the cathode rays would strike it (later called a "Lenard tube"). He found that something came through, that would expose photographic plates and cause fluorescence. He measured the penetrating power of these rays through various materials. It has been suggested that at least some of these "Lenard rays" were actually X-rays.

Hungarian–Romanian War-Sending South African General Jan Smuts To Hungary
Friday Apr 4, 1919 - Hungary

World War 1-Deceleration of the War
Tuesday Jul 28, 1914 - Austria-Hungary

Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Hungary)
1925 - Hungary

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Austrian troops were defeated by the Hungarian
Friday Sep 29, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Hungary)

Ferdinand II signed a peace treaty
Tuesday Feb 4, 1620 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Releasing most of The Political Prisoners From The 1956 Hungarian Revolution
1963 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-1945 Hungarian parliamentary election
Sunday Nov 4, 1945 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Fighting Ceased
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 - Hungary

Battle of Mohacs
Tuesday Aug 12, 1687 - Hungary

Ferdinand IV's death
Thursday Jul 9, 1654 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Ernő Gerő broadcast a Speech Condemning The writers' and Students' Demands
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 at 08:00:00 PM - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Establishment of The "Revolutionary Workers'-Peasants' Government of Hungary"
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Serbian Army Attack
Tuesday Nov 5, 1918 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Relations between Hungary and The United States began to Improve
1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Local Revolutionary Councils Had been Officially Sanctioned
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Hungary

German revolutions of 1848–1849-Ferdinand decided to send Austrian and Croatian troops to Hungary to crush a democratic rebellion
Sep, 1848 - Central Europe (Present-Day Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Imre Nagy Broadcast His Final Plea To The Nation and The World
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 05:20:00 AM - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy Formally declared Hungary's Withdrawal From The Warsaw Pact
Thursday Nov 1, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Military Action Towards The demonstrations in Front of The Office of State Security and The Local Jail
Friday Oct 26, 1956 - Kecskemét, Hungary

BMW-BMW announced to build 1 billion euro car factory in Hungary
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Rákosi Removed Nagy From Office
Apr, 1955 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Army Tested The Strength of The Hungarian Defense
Sunday Jul 27, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Army Units Were brought In To Secure Csepel and Restore Order
Saturday Oct 27, 1956 - Csepel, Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-A Ceasefire Was Arranged
Sunday Oct 28, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Coordinated Attack against Hungary
Friday Jul 11, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Army Units withdrew from Csepel
Monday Oct 29, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Negotiations On The Soviet Withdrawal
Saturday Nov 3, 1956 - Tököl, Hungary

Revolutions of 1848-Hungarian Revolution of 1848
Wednesday Mar 15, 1848 - null

Incandescent light bulb-Filling lamps with krypton gas rather than argon
1930 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-A mass of Protesters Gathered in Front of The Parliament Building
Thursday Oct 25, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Lionel Messi-International Team debut
Wednesday Aug 17, 2005 - Budapest, Hungary

Angelina Jolie-The Land of Blood and Honey
Friday Dec 23, 2011 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Entering Budapest
Sunday Aug 3, 1919 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungarian Army retreated Towards Budapest
Thursday Jul 31, 1919 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Resurrect MEFESZ Student Union
Monday Oct 22, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Soviet Army Had Completely Encircled Budapest
Saturday Nov 3, 1956 at 09:30:00 PM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Most of Budapest Became Under Soviet Control
Thursday Nov 8, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Free Kossuth Rádió Stopped Broadcasting
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 08:07:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Councils decided To End The Nationwide Labour Strikes and Resume Work
Monday Nov 5, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Byzantine Empire-Attila's death
453 - Eastern Europe (most commonly known in Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Ernő Gerő Requested Soviet Military Intervention
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Armoured Units Crossed Into Buda and Fired The First Shots at The Army Barracks on Budaörsi Road
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 04:25:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Josip Broz Tito-Went on to come second in the army fencing championships
May, 1914 - Budapest, Austria-Hungary

Lacoste-Opening a New Flagship Store In Budapest
Mar, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Hungarian Currency Experienced Marked Depreciation
1946 - Hungary

World War II-Fall of Budapest
Tuesday Feb 13, 1945 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

World War II-Budapest Offensive
Monday Oct 30, 1944 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

Huns-The Romans breached the treaty
440 - Danube River, Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-László Rajk was Reburied
Saturday Oct 6, 1956 - Hungary

Nikola Tesla-Tesla moved to Budapest
1881 - Budapest, Hungary

Freddie Mercury-Queen also played behind the Iron Curtain
1986 - Budapest, Romania

Uber-Uber leaves Budapest
Sunday Jul 24, 2016 - Budapest, Hungary

The Holocaust-Jews were deported from Hungary
May, 1944 - Hungary

The Holocaust-Jews were required to wear the yellow star in Hungary
Wednesday Mar 22, 1944 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy was Executed
Monday Jun 16, 1958 - Budapest, Hungary

World War II-Operation Panzerfaust
Monday Oct 16, 1944 - Budapest, Kingdom of Hungary

Libraries-Bibliotheca Corviniana
1490 - Budapest, Hungary

The Holocaust-Hitler ordered the military occupation of Hungary
Sunday Mar 19, 1944 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Protesters Convened Next To The Statue of József Bem
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Organised Defence of The City Evaporated
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 08:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Successful Communist Coup d'état
Friday Mar 21, 1919 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Aster Revolution in Budapest
Thursday Oct 31, 1918 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Soviet Tanks Penetrated Budapest
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 03:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Incident at Radio Budapest building
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Incandescent light bulb-Sándor Just and Croatian Franjo Hanaman were granted a Hungarian patent for a tungsten Filament Lamp
Tuesday Dec 13, 1904 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Arresting The Leader of The Hungarian Catholic Church
1949 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Representatives of The Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Romania met to Review Internal Developments in Hungary
Jan, 1957 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Attacking The Central Committee of The Communist Party building
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Communist Party merged With The Social Democratic Party
1949 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Imre Nagy Replaced András Hegedüs as Prime Minister
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-There Were 71 Cases of Armed Clashes between The Army and The Populace In Fifty Communities
Monday Oct 29, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Nagy and His Group Were Arrested
Thursday Nov 22, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Removal of Stalin's Bronze Statue
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 at 09:30:00 PM - Budapest, Hungary

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo travelled to Hungary
1485 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Armed Protesters Attacked The ÁVH detachment Guarding The Budapest Hungarian Working People's Party Headquarters
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The Soviet Tanks Entered Budapest
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 at 02:00:00 AM - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Technical University Students Staged a demonstration
Tuesday Oct 23, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Most Soviet Troops had Withdrawn from Budapest
Tuesday Oct 30, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Soviet Tanks were stationed outside the Parliament
Wednesday Oct 24, 1956 - Budapest, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Signed an armistice With Czechoslovakia
Monday Jun 23, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-Rákosi was deposed as General Secretary of The Hungarian Working People's Party
Wednesday Jul 18, 1956 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Beginning The Retreat of The Hungarian Army behind The demilitarized Zone
Saturday Mar 22, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Received Notification of The New Demarcation Line
Wednesday Mar 19, 1919 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Releasing Béla Kun
Thursday Mar 20, 1919 - Hungary (then Kingdom of Hungary)

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-János Kádár Proclaimed The "Hungarian Revolutionary Worker-Peasant Government"
Sunday Nov 4, 1956 at 06:00:00 AM - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungarian Forces Established a Solid Bridgehead at Szolnok
Sunday Jul 20, 1919 - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Breaking Through The Tisza River defense Lines
Tuesday Apr 29, 1919 - Szolnok, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Army crossed the Tisza River
Tuesday Jul 29, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania controled The Entire East bank of The Tisza River
Thursday May 1, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania was Forced Into Further Retreat
Tuesday Jun 3, 1919 - Tisza River, Hungary

Hungarian Revolution of 1956-The post-war Hungarian Economy Suffered From Multiple Challenges
1946 - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-Hungary Sued For Peace
Friday May 2, 1919 - Hungary

Louis of Hungary and Maria of Bohemia married
Thursday Jul 22, 1515 - Louis of Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Hungarian Infantry Crossed The Tisza River and Attacked Romanian Positions.
Sunday Jul 20, 1919 at 03:00:00 AM - Hungary

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Troops departed Hungary
1920 - Hungary

Computer-First Computing Device
1888 - England

Brunei revolt-Brunei became a British Protectorate
1888 - Brunei

1888 - U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Schoolhouse Blizzard
Thursday Jan 12, 1888 - U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Great Blizzard of 1888
Mar, 1888 - U.S.

Eiffel Tower-Completion of the first level
Tuesday Mar 20, 1888 - Paris, France

Winston Churchill-Churchill narrowly passed the entrance exam for Harrow School
Apr, 1888 - London, England, United Kingdom

Eiffel Tower-Start of construction on the second stage
Tuesday May 15, 1888 - Paris, France

Nikola Tesla-The innovative electric motor patented in May 1888
May, 1888 - U.S.

Nikola Tesla-William Arnold Anthony and Electrical World magazine editor Thomas Commerford Martin arranged for Tesla to demonstrate his AC motor
Thursday May 17, 1888 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Christmas Island-Annexation of the Island by The British Crown
Wednesday Jun 6, 1888 - Christmas Island

Frederick Douglass-Douglass became the first African American to receive a vote for President of the United States
1888 - U.S.

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois attended Harvard College
1888 - Harvard University, Massachusetts, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-Brown and Peck negotiated a licensing deal with George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor
Jul, 1888 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-Travelling to Mumbai
Thursday Aug 9, 1888 - Mumbai, India

Eiffel Tower-Completion of the second level
Tuesday Aug 21, 1888 - Paris, France

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-Travelling to London
Tuesday Sep 4, 1888 - London, England

Nikola Tesla-Tesla's demonstration of his induction motor and Westinghouse's subsequent licensing of the patent
1888 - U.S.

Nobel Prize-Death obituart
1888 - Paris, France

Eiffel Tower-Construction of the upper stage
Wednesday Dec 26, 1888 - Paris, France