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  • Florence, Italy
    Jan, 1503
    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo

    Florence, Italy
    Jan, 1503

    By this same month, Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the model for the Mona Lisa, which he would continue working on until his twilight years.

  • Italy
    Leonardo da Vinci

    The Virgin and Child with St. Anne


    A prevalent tradition in Florence was the small altarpiece of the Virgin and Child. Many of these were created in tempera or glazed terracotta by the workshops of Filippo Lippi, Verrocchio and the prolific della Robbia family. Leonardo's early Madonnas such as The Madonna with a carnation and the Benois Madonna followed this tradition while showing idiosyncratic departures, particularly in the latter in which the Virgin is set at an oblique angle to the picture space with the Christ Child at the opposite angle. This compositional theme was to emerge in Leonardo's later paintings such as The Virgin and Child with St. Anne.

  • Florence, Italy
    Sunday Oct 18, 1503
    Leonardo da Vinci

    Guild of Saint Luke

    Florence, Italy
    Sunday Oct 18, 1503

    Leonardo had left Borgia's service and returned to Florence by early 1503, where he rejoined the Guild of Saint Luke on 18 October of that year.

  • Milan
    Monday Nov 23, 1503

    Bona's death

    Monday Nov 23, 1503

    The Italian Duke of Milan, Bona, passed away at the age of 54.

  • Florence, Italy
    Jan, 1503
    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo

    Florence, Italy
    Jan, 1503

    By this same month, Leonardo had begun working on a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo, the model for the Mona Lisa, which he would continue working on until his twilight years.

  • Italy
    Leonardo da Vinci

    The Virgin and Child with St. Anne


    A prevalent tradition in Florence was the small altarpiece of the Virgin and Child. Many of these were created in tempera or glazed terracotta by the workshops of Filippo Lippi, Verrocchio and the prolific della Robbia family. Leonardo's early Madonnas such as The Madonna with a carnation and the Benois Madonna followed this tradition while showing idiosyncratic departures, particularly in the latter in which the Virgin is set at an oblique angle to the picture space with the Christ Child at the opposite angle. This compositional theme was to emerge in Leonardo's later paintings such as The Virgin and Child with St. Anne.

  • Florence, Italy
    Sunday Oct 18, 1503
    Leonardo da Vinci

    Guild of Saint Luke

    Florence, Italy
    Sunday Oct 18, 1503

    Leonardo had left Borgia's service and returned to Florence by early 1503, where he rejoined the Guild of Saint Luke on 18 October of that year.

  • Milan
    Monday Nov 23, 1503

    Bona's death

    Monday Nov 23, 1503

    The Italian Duke of Milan, Bona, passed away at the age of 54.
