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  • Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868
    Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    The First Vote

    Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868

    The first vote was taken on May 16 for the eleventh article. Prior to the vote, Samuel Pomeroy, the senior senator from Kansas, told the junior Kansas Senator Ross that if Ross voted for acquittal that Ross would become the subject of an investigation for bribery. Afterward, in hopes of persuading at least one senator who voted not guilty to change his vote, the Senate adjourned for 10 days before continuing voting on the other articles.

  • Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868
    Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    Article XI

    Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868

    All republicans voted guilty (35 Votes), the majority of democrats also voted guilty (10 votes) and 9 democrats voted not guilty on Article XI.

  • Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868
    Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    The First Vote

    Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868

    The first vote was taken on May 16 for the eleventh article. Prior to the vote, Samuel Pomeroy, the senior senator from Kansas, told the junior Kansas Senator Ross that if Ross voted for acquittal that Ross would become the subject of an investigation for bribery. Afterward, in hopes of persuading at least one senator who voted not guilty to change his vote, the Senate adjourned for 10 days before continuing voting on the other articles.

  • Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868
    Impeachment of Andrew Johnson

    Article XI

    Washington D.C., U.S.
    Saturday May 16, 1868

    All republicans voted guilty (35 Votes), the majority of democrats also voted guilty (10 votes) and 9 democrats voted not guilty on Article XI.
