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  • Belgrade, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia
    Friday Sep 18, 1739
    Ottoman Empire

    Treaty of Belgrade

    Belgrade, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia
    Friday Sep 18, 1739

    The Austro-Russian–Turkish War (1735–1739), which was ended by the Treaty of Belgrade in 1739, resulted in the Ottoman recovery of northern Bosnia, Habsburg Serbia (including Belgrade), Oltenia, and the southern parts of the Banat of Temeswar; but the Empire lost the port of Azov, north of the Crimean Peninsula, to the Russians. After this treaty, the Ottoman Empire was able to enjoy a generation of peace, as Austria and Russia were forced to deal with the rise of Prussia.

  • Smolensk
    Friday Oct 30, 1739

    Grigory Potemkin Birth

    Friday Oct 30, 1739

    The Russian military leader and favorite of Catherine the Great, Grigory Potemkin, was born in Chizhovo.

  • Belgrade, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia
    Friday Sep 18, 1739
    Ottoman Empire

    Treaty of Belgrade

    Belgrade, Habsburg Kingdom of Serbia
    Friday Sep 18, 1739

    The Austro-Russian–Turkish War (1735–1739), which was ended by the Treaty of Belgrade in 1739, resulted in the Ottoman recovery of northern Bosnia, Habsburg Serbia (including Belgrade), Oltenia, and the southern parts of the Banat of Temeswar; but the Empire lost the port of Azov, north of the Crimean Peninsula, to the Russians. After this treaty, the Ottoman Empire was able to enjoy a generation of peace, as Austria and Russia were forced to deal with the rise of Prussia.

  • Smolensk
    Friday Oct 30, 1739

    Grigory Potemkin Birth

    Friday Oct 30, 1739

    The Russian military leader and favorite of Catherine the Great, Grigory Potemkin, was born in Chizhovo.
