location_onMagnesia ad Sipylum (Present-Day Manisa, Turkey)
calendar_today 190 BC
Kingdom of Pergamon
Battle of Magnesia
location_onMagnesia ad Sipylum (Present-Day Manisa, Turkey)
calendar_today 190 BC
Before he became king, Attalus II was a military commander. In 190 BC he took part in the Battle of Magnesia, which was the final victory of the Romans in the war against the Seleucids.
location_onMagnesia ad Sipylum (Present-Day Manisa, Turkey)
calendar_today 190 BC
Kingdom of Pergamon
Battle of Magnesia
location_onMagnesia ad Sipylum (Present-Day Manisa, Turkey)
calendar_today 190 BC
Before he became king, Attalus II was a military commander. In 190 BC he took part in the Battle of Magnesia, which was the final victory of the Romans in the war against the Seleucids.