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  • Guaviare, Colombia
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008
    Colombian conflict

    Operation Jaque

    Guaviare, Colombia
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008

    On July 2, 2008, the Colombian armed forces launched Operation Jaque that resulted in the freedom of 15 political hostages, including former Colombian presidential candidate Íngrid Betancourt, Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes, and Keith Stansell, three American military contractors employed by Northrop Grumman and 11 Colombian military and police. Two FARC members were arrested. This trick to the FARC was presented by the Colombian government as a proof that the guerrilla organisation and influence is declining.

  • Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008
    Warren Buffett

    Obama's Campaign

    Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008

    On July 2, 2008, Buffett attended a $28,500 per plate fundraiser for Obama's campaign in Chicago.

  • Guaviare, Colombia
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008
    Colombian conflict

    Operation Jaque

    Guaviare, Colombia
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008

    On July 2, 2008, the Colombian armed forces launched Operation Jaque that resulted in the freedom of 15 political hostages, including former Colombian presidential candidate Íngrid Betancourt, Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes, and Keith Stansell, three American military contractors employed by Northrop Grumman and 11 Colombian military and police. Two FARC members were arrested. This trick to the FARC was presented by the Colombian government as a proof that the guerrilla organisation and influence is declining.

  • Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008
    Warren Buffett

    Obama's Campaign

    Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
    Wednesday Jul 2, 2008

    On July 2, 2008, Buffett attended a $28,500 per plate fundraiser for Obama's campaign in Chicago.
