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  • Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
    Jan, 1979

    Microsoft Moved Its Headquarters To Bellevue

    Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
    Jan, 1979

    Microsoft moved its headquarters to Bellevue, Washington in January 1979.

  • U.S.
    Jan, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    First emergency Crude Oil Buy-Sell Program allocations

    Jan, 1979

    First emergency Crude Oil Buy-Sell Program allocations.

  • Iran
    Monday Jan 15, 1979
    Ruhollah Khomeini

    Shah left the country

    Monday Jan 15, 1979

    Khomeini was not allowed to return to Iran during the Shah's reign (as he had been in exile). On 16 January 1979, the Shah left the country (ostensibly "on vacation"), never to return.

  • Egypt
    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979
    Iranian Revolution

    Shah and his family left Iran for exile in Egypt

    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979

    On the morning of 16 January 1979, Bakhtiar was officially appointed prime minister. The same day, a tearful Shah and his family left Iran for exile in Egypt, never to return.

  • Egypt
    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    Shah leaves Iran on vacation, never to return

    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979

    Shah leaves Iran on vacation, never to return. Bakhtiar government was established by the Shah to preside until unrest subsides.

  • K.S.A.
    Saturday Jan 20, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    Saudi Arabia announces a drastic cut in first-quarter production

    Saturday Jan 20, 1979

    Saudi Arabia announces a drastic cut in first-quarter production. 9.5 MMBD ceiling imposed. Although actual cuts never reach announced levels, spot prices of Middle East light crudes rise 36 percent.

  • Tehran, Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979
    Iranian Revolution

    Khomeini Returned To Tehran

    Tehran, Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979

    Bakhtiar invited Khomeini back to Iran, with the intention of creating a Vatican-like state in the holy city of Qom, declaring that "We will soon have the honor of welcoming home the Ayatollah Khomeini". On 1 February 1979 Khomeini returned to Tehran in a chartered Air France Boeing 747. The welcoming crowd of several million Iranians was so large he was forced to take a helicopter after the car taking him from the airport was overwhelmed by an enthusiastic welcoming crowd.

  • Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979
    Ruhollah Khomeini

    Return to Iran

    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979

    Two weeks later, on Thursday, 1 February 1979, Khomeini returned in triumph to Iran, welcomed by a joyous crowd estimated (by the BBC) to be of up to five million people.

  • Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
    Jan, 1979

    Microsoft Moved Its Headquarters To Bellevue

    Bellevue, Washington, U.S.
    Jan, 1979

    Microsoft moved its headquarters to Bellevue, Washington in January 1979.

  • U.S.
    Jan, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    First emergency Crude Oil Buy-Sell Program allocations

    Jan, 1979

    First emergency Crude Oil Buy-Sell Program allocations.

  • Iran
    Monday Jan 15, 1979
    Ruhollah Khomeini

    Shah left the country

    Monday Jan 15, 1979

    Khomeini was not allowed to return to Iran during the Shah's reign (as he had been in exile). On 16 January 1979, the Shah left the country (ostensibly "on vacation"), never to return.

  • Egypt
    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979
    Iranian Revolution

    Shah and his family left Iran for exile in Egypt

    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979

    On the morning of 16 January 1979, Bakhtiar was officially appointed prime minister. The same day, a tearful Shah and his family left Iran for exile in Egypt, never to return.

  • Egypt
    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    Shah leaves Iran on vacation, never to return

    Tuesday Jan 16, 1979

    Shah leaves Iran on vacation, never to return. Bakhtiar government was established by the Shah to preside until unrest subsides.

  • K.S.A.
    Saturday Jan 20, 1979
    1973 oil crisis

    Saudi Arabia announces a drastic cut in first-quarter production

    Saturday Jan 20, 1979

    Saudi Arabia announces a drastic cut in first-quarter production. 9.5 MMBD ceiling imposed. Although actual cuts never reach announced levels, spot prices of Middle East light crudes rise 36 percent.

  • Tehran, Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979
    Iranian Revolution

    Khomeini Returned To Tehran

    Tehran, Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979

    Bakhtiar invited Khomeini back to Iran, with the intention of creating a Vatican-like state in the holy city of Qom, declaring that "We will soon have the honor of welcoming home the Ayatollah Khomeini". On 1 February 1979 Khomeini returned to Tehran in a chartered Air France Boeing 747. The welcoming crowd of several million Iranians was so large he was forced to take a helicopter after the car taking him from the airport was overwhelmed by an enthusiastic welcoming crowd.

  • Iran
    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979
    Ruhollah Khomeini

    Return to Iran

    Wednesday Jan 31, 1979

    Two weeks later, on Thursday, 1 February 1979, Khomeini returned in triumph to Iran, welcomed by a joyous crowd estimated (by the BBC) to be of up to five million people.
