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  • Texas, U.S.
    May, 1968
    George W. Bush

    Military Career

    Texas, U.S.
    May, 1968

    In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard.

  • Paris, France
    Friday May 10, 1968
    Vietnam War

    Peace Talks began

    Paris, France
    Friday May 10, 1968

    On 10 May 1968, peace talks began between the United States and North Vietnam in Paris. Negotiations stagnated for five months, until Johnson gave orders to halt the bombing of North Vietnam. At the same time, Hanoi realized it could not achieve a "total victory" and employed a strategy known as "talking while fighting, fighting while talking", in which military offensives would occur concurrently with negotiations.

  • France
    May, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    The mass demonstrations challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy

    May, 1968

    The mass demonstrations and strikes in France in May 1968 severely challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy.

  • San Diego, California, U.S.
    Sunday May 12, 1968
    Tony Hawk


    San Diego, California, U.S.
    Sunday May 12, 1968

    Tony Hawk was born on May 12, 1968, in San Diego, California to Nancy and Frank Peter Rupert Hawk, and was raised in San Diego. He has two older sisters, Pat and Lenore, and an older brother, Steve.

  • Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.
    May, 1968
    Donald Trump


    Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.
    May, 1968

    While at Wharton, he worked at the family business, Elizabeth Trump & Son, graduating in May 1968 with a B.S. in economics.

  • France
    Wednesday May 29, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    De Gaulle disappeared

    Wednesday May 29, 1968

    On 29 May, De Gaulle disappeared without notifying Prime Minister Pompidou or anyone else in the government, stunning the country.

  • Paris, France
    Thursday May 30, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    Pompidou persuaded De Gaulle to dissolve parliament

    Paris, France
    Thursday May 30, 1968

    On 30 May, Pompidou persuaded him to dissolve parliament (in which the government had all but lost its majority in the March 1967 elections) and hold new elections instead.

  • Texas, U.S.
    May, 1968
    George W. Bush

    Military Career

    Texas, U.S.
    May, 1968

    In May 1968, Bush was commissioned into the Texas Air National Guard.

  • Paris, France
    Friday May 10, 1968
    Vietnam War

    Peace Talks began

    Paris, France
    Friday May 10, 1968

    On 10 May 1968, peace talks began between the United States and North Vietnam in Paris. Negotiations stagnated for five months, until Johnson gave orders to halt the bombing of North Vietnam. At the same time, Hanoi realized it could not achieve a "total victory" and employed a strategy known as "talking while fighting, fighting while talking", in which military offensives would occur concurrently with negotiations.

  • France
    May, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    The mass demonstrations challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy

    May, 1968

    The mass demonstrations and strikes in France in May 1968 severely challenged De Gaulle's legitimacy.

  • San Diego, California, U.S.
    Sunday May 12, 1968
    Tony Hawk


    San Diego, California, U.S.
    Sunday May 12, 1968

    Tony Hawk was born on May 12, 1968, in San Diego, California to Nancy and Frank Peter Rupert Hawk, and was raised in San Diego. He has two older sisters, Pat and Lenore, and an older brother, Steve.

  • Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.
    May, 1968
    Donald Trump


    Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.
    May, 1968

    While at Wharton, he worked at the family business, Elizabeth Trump & Son, graduating in May 1968 with a B.S. in economics.

  • France
    Wednesday May 29, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    De Gaulle disappeared

    Wednesday May 29, 1968

    On 29 May, De Gaulle disappeared without notifying Prime Minister Pompidou or anyone else in the government, stunning the country.

  • Paris, France
    Thursday May 30, 1968
    Charles de Gaulle

    Pompidou persuaded De Gaulle to dissolve parliament

    Paris, France
    Thursday May 30, 1968

    On 30 May, Pompidou persuaded him to dissolve parliament (in which the government had all but lost its majority in the March 1967 elections) and hold new elections instead.
