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  • Guatemala City, Guatemala
    May, 1986
    Nicaraguan Revolution

    The Summit Meeting, "Esquipulas I"

    Guatemala City, Guatemala
    May, 1986

    The Esquipulas Peace Agreement was an initiative in the mid-1980s to settle the military conflicts that had plagued Central America for many years, and in some cases (notably Guatemala) for decades. In May 1986, a summit meeting, "Esquipulas I," took place, attended by the five Central American presidents.

  • Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
    Saturday May 10, 1986
    Chernobyl disaster

    The fires were extinguished but many firefighters received high doses of radiation

    Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
    Saturday May 10, 1986

    The fire inside reactor No. 4 continued to burn until 10 May 1986; it is possible that well over half of the graphite burned out. The fires were extinguished but many firefighters received high doses of radiation.

  • Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R
    Sunday May 11, 1986
    Chernobyl disaster

    Volodymyr Pravyk died of acute radiation sickness.

    Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R
    Sunday May 11, 1986

    Lieutenant Volodymyr Pravyk died on 11 May 1986 of acute radiation sickness. He was the First on the scene was a Chernobyl Power Station.

  • Mehran, Ilam Province, Iran
    Wednesday May 14, 1986
    Iran–Iraq War

    Capturing The City of Mehran

    Mehran, Ilam Province, Iran
    Wednesday May 14, 1986

    On 15–19 May, Iraqi Army's Second Corps, supported by helicopter gunships, attacked and captured the city of Mehran. Saddam then offered the Iranians to exchange Mehran for al-Faw. The Iranians rejected the offer. Iraq then continued the attack, attempting to push deeper into Iran. However, Iraq's attack was quickly warded off by Iranian AH-1 Cobra helicopters with TOW missiles, which destroyed numerous Iraqi tanks and vehicles.

  • Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
    May, 1986
    Donald Trump

    Trump Plaza

    Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
    May, 1986

    Soon after it opened Harrah's at Trump Plaza was renamed "Trump Plaza", but the property's poor financial results worsened tensions between Holiday and Trump, who paid Holiday $70 million in May 1986 to take sole control of the property.

  • Belgrade, Serbia
    Wednesday May 28, 1986
    Slobodan Milošević

    The 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists

    Belgrade, Serbia
    Wednesday May 28, 1986

    Milošević was elected by a majority vote at the 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists on 28 May 1986.

  • Guatemala City, Guatemala
    May, 1986
    Nicaraguan Revolution

    The Summit Meeting, "Esquipulas I"

    Guatemala City, Guatemala
    May, 1986

    The Esquipulas Peace Agreement was an initiative in the mid-1980s to settle the military conflicts that had plagued Central America for many years, and in some cases (notably Guatemala) for decades. In May 1986, a summit meeting, "Esquipulas I," took place, attended by the five Central American presidents.

  • Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
    Saturday May 10, 1986
    Chernobyl disaster

    The fires were extinguished but many firefighters received high doses of radiation

    Chernobyl, Ukraine, U.S.S.R
    Saturday May 10, 1986

    The fire inside reactor No. 4 continued to burn until 10 May 1986; it is possible that well over half of the graphite burned out. The fires were extinguished but many firefighters received high doses of radiation.

  • Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R
    Sunday May 11, 1986
    Chernobyl disaster

    Volodymyr Pravyk died of acute radiation sickness.

    Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R
    Sunday May 11, 1986

    Lieutenant Volodymyr Pravyk died on 11 May 1986 of acute radiation sickness. He was the First on the scene was a Chernobyl Power Station.

  • Mehran, Ilam Province, Iran
    Wednesday May 14, 1986
    Iran–Iraq War

    Capturing The City of Mehran

    Mehran, Ilam Province, Iran
    Wednesday May 14, 1986

    On 15–19 May, Iraqi Army's Second Corps, supported by helicopter gunships, attacked and captured the city of Mehran. Saddam then offered the Iranians to exchange Mehran for al-Faw. The Iranians rejected the offer. Iraq then continued the attack, attempting to push deeper into Iran. However, Iraq's attack was quickly warded off by Iranian AH-1 Cobra helicopters with TOW missiles, which destroyed numerous Iraqi tanks and vehicles.

  • Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
    May, 1986
    Donald Trump

    Trump Plaza

    Atlantic City, New Jersey, U.S.
    May, 1986

    Soon after it opened Harrah's at Trump Plaza was renamed "Trump Plaza", but the property's poor financial results worsened tensions between Holiday and Trump, who paid Holiday $70 million in May 1986 to take sole control of the property.

  • Belgrade, Serbia
    Wednesday May 28, 1986
    Slobodan Milošević

    The 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists

    Belgrade, Serbia
    Wednesday May 28, 1986

    Milošević was elected by a majority vote at the 10th Congress of the Serbian League of Communists on 28 May 1986.
