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  • U.S.
    Nov, 1971
    1973 oil crisis

    U.S. Phase II price controls begin

    Nov, 1971

    U.S. Phase II price controls begin. The plan is to allow for gradual 2-3 percent annual price increases, however, domestic petroleum prices remain at Phase I levels.

  • California, U.S.
    Monday Nov 15, 1971

    The First Commercially Available Microprocessor

    California, U.S.
    Monday Nov 15, 1971

    The Intel 4004 is generally regarded as the first commercially available microprocessor, and cost US$60 (equivalent to $371.19 in 2018). The first known advertisement for the 4004 is dated November 15, 1971 and appeared in Electronic News. The microprocessor was designed by a team consisting of Italian engineer Federico Faggin, American engineers Marcian Hoff and Stanley Mazor, and Japanese engineer Masatoshi Shima.

  • U.S.
    Nov, 1971
    1973 oil crisis

    U.S. Phase II price controls begin

    Nov, 1971

    U.S. Phase II price controls begin. The plan is to allow for gradual 2-3 percent annual price increases, however, domestic petroleum prices remain at Phase I levels.

  • California, U.S.
    Monday Nov 15, 1971

    The First Commercially Available Microprocessor

    California, U.S.
    Monday Nov 15, 1971

    The Intel 4004 is generally regarded as the first commercially available microprocessor, and cost US$60 (equivalent to $371.19 in 2018). The first known advertisement for the 4004 is dated November 15, 1971 and appeared in Electronic News. The microprocessor was designed by a team consisting of Italian engineer Federico Faggin, American engineers Marcian Hoff and Stanley Mazor, and Japanese engineer Masatoshi Shima.
