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Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)

Schindler's list

Sunday Oct 15, 1944
Brünnlitz, Czech Republic

On 15 October 1944, a train carrying 700 men on Schindler's list was initially sent to the concentration camp at Gross-Rosen, where the men spent about a week before being re-routed to the factory in Brünnlitz. Three hundred female Schindlerjuden were similarly sent to Auschwitz, where they were in imminent danger of being sent to the gas chambers. Schindler's usual connections and bribes failed to obtain their release. Finally, after he sent his secretary, Hilde Albrecht, with bribes of black market goods, food, and diamonds, the women were sent to Brünnlitz after several harrowing weeks in Auschwitz.
