Lionel Messi - 2009 UEFA Champions League
Time: Wednesday May 27, 2009
Place: Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy
Details: The 2009 UEFA Champions League Final was played on 27 May 2009 at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome, Italy.

Diego Maradona-A Nightmare
Sunday Jul 8, 1990 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Lionel Messi-Sad night at Rome
Tuesday Apr 10, 2018 - Rome, Italy

Heysel Stadium Events-1984 European Cup Final
Wednesday May 30, 1984 - Stadio Olimpico, Rome, Italy

Diego Maradona-Match for Peace
Monday Sep 1, 2014 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Titus Verginius Tricostus Rutilus assigned in the war with Veii
479 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Unification of Italy-Rome was declared Capital of Italy
Wednesday Mar 27, 1861 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Alliance between Rome and Carthage
270s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Tiberius and Gaius
130s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Republic-Rome the overall victory
Thursday Mar 15, 474 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Rome was rent by internal dissension
480 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Libraries-Vatican Library
1475 - Vatican City

Roman Republic-Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
138 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Unification of Italy-The Italian Army crossed the papal frontier
Sunday Sep 11, 1870 - Italy

Pope Francis-World Food Day
Monday Oct 16, 2017 - Vatican City

Libraries-Cortile del Belvedere
1505 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-Rome capitulated on 29 June 1849
Friday Jun 29, 1849 - Rome, Italy

Pope Francis-The pope has also continued the practice of having beatifications
Saturday Aug 16, 2014 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
Sunday Mar 17, 1861 - Rome, Italy

Halloween-All Hallows' Day was officially switched to 1 November
Thursday Nov 1, 835 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

609 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

Halloween-Pope Gregory III
731 - Vatican City (then Rome, Roman Empire)

Galileo Galilei-Pope Benedict XIV authorized the publication of an edition of Galileo's complete scientific works which included a mildly censored version of the Dialogue
1741 - Rome, Italy (Now Vatican City)

Pope Francis-First Consistory
Thursday Aug 29, 2019 at 03:11:00 PM - Vatican City

Pope Francis-First Canonizations
Tuesday May 12, 2015 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-The Name
Saturday Mar 16, 2013 - Vatican City

Crusades-Eugene III recently elected pope
Saturday Dec 1, 1145 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Laudato si'
Thursday Jun 18, 2015 - Vatican City

Armenian Genocide-30 countries have recognized the genocide
2021 - Worldwide

Galileo Galilei-Galileo's earliest telescopic observations, Pope Benedict XVI praised his contributions to astronomy
Dec, 2008 - Vatican City

Rwandan genocide-Pope Francis
Monday Mar 20, 2017 - Vatican City, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Hildebrand
1080s - Rome, Italy

Pope Francis-First Easter homily
Sunday Mar 31, 2013 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Pope Francis signed a new apostolic constitution
Friday Dec 8, 2017 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Pope John Paul II expressed regret for how the Galileo affair was handled
Saturday Oct 31, 1992 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Nicola Cabibbo announced a plan to honor Galileo by erecting a statue of him inside the Vatican walls
Mar, 2008 - Vatican City

Holy Roman Empire-First German Pope
996 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Plan to erect a statue of Galileo on the grounds of the Vatican had been suspended
Jan, 2009 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-Met with Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria
Friday May 10, 2013 - Vatican City

Galileo Galilei-Pope Gregory XV died and was succeeded by Pope Urban VIII
Saturday Jul 8, 1623 - Rome, Papal States

Pope Francis-A Pope
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 - Vatican City

Diego Maradona-"Sell your ceiling then amigo"
1987 - Vatican City

Leonardo da Vinci-Leonardo spent much of his time living in the Belvedere Courtyard in the Apostolic Palace
Sep, 1513 - Apostolic Palace, Belvedere Courtyard, Vatican City (then Rome)

Holy Roman Empire-Pope Paul IV
1555 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire

Crusades-Pope Innocent III announced a new crusade "Fourth Crusade"
Saturday Aug 15, 1198 - Vatican City

Unification of Italy-Garibaldi declared that he would enter Rome as a victor or perish beneath its walls
1862 - Rome, Italy

Byzantine Empire-Pope Innocent III broached the subject of a new crusade through legates and encyclical letters
1198 - Rome (Present-Day in Vatican)

Pope Francis-Met with Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
Friday Jun 19, 2015 - Vatican City

Amancio Ortega-philanthropy
2012 - Vatican City

Leonardo da Vinci-Commissioned to paint the walls of the Sistine Chapel
1479 - Sistine Chapel, Vatican City (then Rome)

Holy Roman Empire-Charles V Holy Roman Emperor
1519 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Unification of Italy-The Bersaglieri entered Rome and marched down Via Pia
1870 - Rome, Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick III Holy Roman Emperor (Frederick III of Habsburg)
Friday Mar 19, 1452 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire-Henry VII is Holy Roman Emperor
Wednesday Jun 29, 1312 - Rome, Holy Roman Empire

Pope John Paul II-The death of Pope John Paul I
Thursday Sep 28, 1978 - Vatican City

Pope Francis-First Encyclical
Saturday Jun 29, 2013 - Vatican City

Crusades-Gregory VIII issued the bull Audita tremendi calling for "Third Crusade"
Thursday Oct 29, 1187 - Vatican City

Valentine's Day-Removal of saint valentine from the roman catholic calendar of saints
1969 - Vatican City

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick II Holy Roman Empror
Sunday Nov 22, 1220 - Rome, Italy, Holy Roman Empire

Pope John Paul II-Death
Saturday Apr 2, 2005 at 03:30:00 PM - Vatican City, Italy

Pope John Paul II-Unsuccessful Assassination
Wednesday May 13, 1981 - Vatican City

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus returned to Italy
275 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Pope John Paul II-A Pope
Sunday Oct 22, 1978 - Vatican City

Roman Empire-Claudius had his wife executed
48 - Gardens of Lucullus, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Republic-Marcus Valerius Volusus
505 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Porsena attacked Rome
508 BC - Ponte Sublicio, Italy

Etruscan civilization-The war between Clusium and Aricia
508 BC - Rome, Italy

Ptolemaic Kingdom-Rome split between supporters of Mark Antony and Octavian
44 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Libraries-Biblioteca Vallicelliana
1565 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Battle of Vercellae
101 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Libraries-Biblioteca Angelica
1604 - Rome, Italy

Benito Mussolini-Gentleman's Agreement
Jan, 1937 - Italy

Roman Republic-Setting up four plebeian pontiffs
300 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-Ptolemy XII decided to leave Rome
57 BC - Rome, Italy

Winston Churchill-King Victor Emmanuel sacked Mussolini
Tuesday Jul 25, 1944 - Rome, Italy

Winston Churchill-Churchill met Mussolini
1927 - Rome, Italy

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle meet the Pope and the new Italian government
Friday Jun 16, 1944 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Rome had established herself as the major power in Italy
4th Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cesare Borgia returned to Rome
Thursday Jan 17, 1501 - Rome

Galileo Galilei-Galileo Galilei Linceo
1580s - Italy

Roman Kingdom-Ancus further fortified the Janiculum Hill
630s BC - Rome

Roman Republic-Marcus Manlius Capitolinus to had sided with the plebeians
385 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Libraries-Biblioteca Casanatense
1701 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Cardinal Bellarmine had written that the Copernican system could not be defended without "a true physical demonstration"
1615 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Lucius Tarquinius Superbus
535 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Opiter Verginius Tricostus
Friday Sep 1, 502 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-The Temple of Venus Genetrix
46 BC - Rome, Italy

Unification of Italy-Lazio after the capture of Rome
1870 - Rome, Italy

Francesco Totti-Returned from Injury
Thursday May 11, 2006 - Rome, Italy

Ciro Immobile-Contract extension
Saturday Oct 21, 2017 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-An Astronomical Disputation on the Three Comets
1619 - Italy

Roman Republic-Assassination of Julius Caesar
Tuesday Mar 15, 44 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome, Italy)

Roman Empire-Temple of the Sun
Friday Dec 25, 274 - Rome

Galileo Galilei-Galileo became embroiled in a controversy with Father Orazio Grassi
1619 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Discourse on Comets
1619 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo visited the Collegium Romanum
1611 - Rome, Italy

Ciro Immobile-First European hat-rick
Thursday Feb 22, 2018 - Rome, Italy

Francesco Totti-He suffered a fracture of his left fibula and ligament damage
Sunday Feb 19, 2006 - Rome, Italy

Marc'Antonio Pasqualini Birth
Friday Apr 25, 1614 - Rome

Covid-19 Pandemic: 2020 Coronavirus outbreak-Italy Ministry of Health announced new guidelines
Thursday Feb 27, 2020 - Italy
On This Day - 27 May

Byzantine Empire-Death of Simeon I
Tuesday May 27, 927 - Preslav, Bulgaria

Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Egyptian force eventually captured Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim Pasha took Acre
Sunday May 27, 1832 - Acre, Israel

Unification of Italy-Garibaldi's force laid siege to the Porta Termini of Palermo
Sunday May 27, 1860 - Palermo

1905 Russian Revolution-Russian Baltic Fleet was defeated
Saturday May 27, 1905 - Tsushima, Japan (Then China)

1905 Russian Revolution-The delegates' meeting house is closed
Saturday May 27, 1905 - Russian Empire

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Action at Tighina
Tuesday May 27, 1919 - Bender (Then Tighina), Moldova

Eiffel Tower-The tower lost the title of the world's tallest structure
Tuesday May 27, 1930 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Great Depression-Securities Act of 1933 is enacted
Saturday May 27, 1933 - U.S.

FIFA World Cup-Qualification stage
Sunday May 27, 1934 - Italy

Edward VIII-Letters Patent
Thursday May 27, 1937 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill contacted Roosevelt
Wednesday May 27, 1942 - United Kingdom

Justin Trudeau-His parents publicly announced their separation
Friday May 27, 1977 - Canada

Falklands War-Darwin and Goose Green Attack
Thursday May 27, 1982 - Falklands

1989 Tiananmen Square protests-A Gathering Called "Democratic Songs dedicated for China"
Saturday May 27, 1989 - Hong Kong

Angelina Jolie-Second Divorce
Tuesday May 27, 2003 - United States

Disasters with highest death tolls-2006 Yogyakarta Earthquake
Saturday May 27, 2006 at 05:54:00 AM - Indonesia

Angelina Jolie-First Born Child
Saturday May 27, 2006 - Swakopmund, Erongo, Namibia

Angelina Jolie-First Biological Child
Saturday May 27, 2006 - Swakopmund, Erongo, Namibia

HTC-No lock on bootloader
Friday May 27, 2011 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan

James Bond-Carte Blanche was published
Friday May 27, 2011 - London, England, United Kingdom

Jim Carrey-Carrey delivered the commencement address at Maharishi University of Management
Tuesday May 27, 2014 - Fairfield, Iowa, U.S.

Nokia-Sari Baldauf succeeded Risto Siilasmaa as chairwoman of the board of directors
Wednesday May 27, 2020 - Espoo, Finland

Caspar Schoppe Birth
Thursday May 27, 1576 - Neumarkt

Nathaniel Gorham Birth
Tuesday May 27, 1738 - Charlestown

Elizabeth Charlotte Birth
Monday May 27, 1652 - Heidelberg Castle

Bonaventura Furlanetto Birth
Tuesday May 27, 1738 - Venice
May 2009

Facebook, Inc.-Organization Pages
May, 2009 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.

Lionel Messi-Team's greatest-ever score at Real Madrid's Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
Saturday May 2, 2009 - Madrid, Spain

Marco van Basten-Resigning from Ajax
Wednesday May 6, 2009 - Amsterdam, Netherlands

Atari, Inc.-Changing the name to Atari SA
May, 2009 - California, U.S.

2008 Sichuan earthquake-First anniversary
Tuesday May 12, 2009 - China

Friday May 15, 2009 - U.S.

Statue of Liberty-Barrack Obama
Sunday May 17, 2009 - U.S.

Vodafone-JSE Limited
Monday May 18, 2009 - Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act of 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009 - U.S.

Xerox-Burns became the first African American woman to head a company the size of Xerox
Thursday May 21, 2009 - U.S.

Joe Biden-Biden visited Kosovo
May, 2009 - Kosovo

Rafael Nadal-First loss in France Open
Sunday May 31, 2009 - France

Zlatan Ibrahimović-The League's Top goalscorer
Thursday Jan 1, 2009 - Italy

Huawei-One of The World's First LTE/EPC Commercial Networks
2009 - Oslo, Norway

George Weah-Returning From The United States
2009 - Liberia

Facebook, Inc.-China Blocked Facebook
2009 - China

Bitcoin-Nakamoto implemented the bitcoin software as an open-source code
Jan, 2009 - Japan

Warren Buffett-Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd (Swiss Re)
2009 - Zurich, Switzerland

Hong Kong independence-The construction of the Hong Kong section of the high-speed rail link to Guangzhou (XRL) escalated to a series of massive protests
2009 - Hong Kong, China

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The Big Three automobile manufacturers received a bailout from the TARP program
Jan, 2009 - U.S.

Mobile Phones-Looking To data-optimized 4th-generation Technologies
2009 - U.S.

2009 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Second Chechen War-Russia had severely disabled the Chechen separatist movement and large-scale fighting ceased
2009 - Chechnya, Russia

Lacoste-Hayden Christensen became The Face of The Challenge Fragrance
2009 - Troyes, France

Warren Buffett-Burlington Northern Santa Fe, LLC
2009 - Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.

Facebook, Study
Jan, 2009 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.

Marvel Studios-Marvel attempted to hire a team of writers to help come up with creative ways to launch its lesser-known properties
2009 - U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Compensations
2009 - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

Papa John's Pizza-Schnatter reacquired the Camaro back
2009 - Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.

Warren Buffett-The World's Greatest Money Maker
2009 - London, U.K.

American Sniper: Christopher Scott Kyle-Post-military life
2009 - Midlothian, Texas, U.S.

Kobe Bryant-Youngest player to 25,000 point
2009 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Android-2009 market share
2009 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

Marvel Studios-Sony returned all Spider-Man television rights
2009 - U.S.

Amancio Ortega-Industrias de Diseño Textil Sociedad anónima (Inditex Group)
2009 - Arteixo (A Coruña), Spain

Google LLC-Google Joined The PRISM Program
2009 - Mountain View, California, U.S.

Bank of America-Bank of America purchased Merrill Lynch
Thursday Jan 1, 2009 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Bitcoin-The genesis block
Saturday Jan 3, 2009 - Japan

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Takeoff
Monday Jan 5, 2009 at 03:24:00 PM - New York, U.S.

Prince Harry-The Royal Household
Tuesday Jan 6, 2009 - England

Bitcoin-Finney received ten bitcoins from Nakamoto
Monday Jan 12, 2009 - U.S.

Kaká-A Bid from Manchester City
Tuesday Jan 13, 2009 - Milan, Italy

Kim Jong-un-The Successor
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 - North Korea

Qasem Soleimani-Meeting in Iraq
2009 - Iraq

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Post-Evacuation
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:00:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Landing Decesion
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Evacuation
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Flight Details
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:24:00 PM - New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Pilot Detail
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:24:00 PM - New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Bird Strike
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:27:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-NY terminal radio call
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:27:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Ditching
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:31:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Rescue
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 03:55:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, USA

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Aftermath
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 at 04:05:00 PM - Hudson River, New York, U.S.

YouTube-YouTube launched "YouTube for TV"
Jan, 2009 - San Bruno, California, U.S.

Bank of America-Bank of America received $20 billion in the federal bailout from the U.S. government
Friday Jan 16, 2009 - U.S.

Bank of America-Massive Losses
Friday Jan 16, 2009 - U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Investigation
Saturday Jan 17, 2009 - Hudson River, New York, USA

Galileo Galilei-Plan to erect a statue of Galileo on the grounds of the Vatican had been suspended
Jan, 2009 - Vatican City

Kaká-Officially ended the bid
Monday Jan 19, 2009 - Milan, Italy

Barack Obama-A President
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - U.S.

George W. Bush-Last day as President
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - Washington D.C., U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-Crew awards and honors
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - U.S.

Joe Biden-First term (2009–2013)
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - U.S.

Joe Biden-Vice President
Tuesday Jan 20, 2009 - U.S.

US Airways Flight 1549: Sully-NTSB foundings
Wednesday Jan 21, 2009 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Donald Trump-Back to the Republicans
2009 - U.S.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan-The relationship between Israel and Turkey worsened
Wednesday Jan 28, 2009 - Davos, Switzerland

Vodafone-Vodafone in UAE
Wednesday Jan 28, 2009 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Rafael Nadal-2nd Longest match in Australia open
Friday Jan 30, 2009 - Melbourne, Australia

HTC-HTC Sense debut
2009 - Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Garry Kasparov-Coached Magnus Carlsen
Feb, 2009 - Russia

Colombian conflict-Releasing 6 Hostages
Feb, 2009 - Colombia

Warren Buffett-Buffett Sold Some Procter & Gamble Co. Shares
Feb, 2009 - Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.

Best Buy-Best Buy Mobile
Feb, 2009 - U.S., and United Kingdom

Kobe Bryant-Madison Square Garden record
Monday Feb 2, 2009 - Madison Square Garden, New York, U.S.

Kevin Hart-Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man
Tuesday Feb 3, 2009 - U.S.

Disasters with highest death tolls-Black Saturday Bushfires
Saturday Feb 7, 2009 - Victoria, Australia

2009 - U.S.

Facebook, Inc.-The "Like" Button Was First Enabled
Monday Feb 9, 2009 - Menlo Park, California, U.S.

Richard Branson-Branson's Virgin organization was reported as bidding to buy the former "Honda Formula One" team
Feb, 2009 - United Kingdom

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Friday Feb 13, 2009 - U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-Congress approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Friday Feb 13, 2009 - U.S.

Hugo Chávez-Referendum to abolish The Two-term Limit For all Public Offices
Sunday Feb 15, 2009 - Caracas, Venzuela

IKEA-UNICEF announcement at The ECOSOC Event
Monday Feb 23, 2009 - New York, U.S.

Nancy Pelosi-Pelosi was re-elected speaker
2009 - U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal scored 45 points and grabbed 11 rebounds
Friday Feb 27, 2009 - Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.

Lula da Silva-G-20 summit
2009 - London, England

Colombian conflict-Releasing The Swedish Hostage
Mar, 2009 - Colombia

Marc Patrick O'Leary: Washington and Colorado Serial Rapist (Unbelievable)-Marie Charges
Mar, 2009 - Lynnwood, Washington, U.S.

Diego Maradona-Italian officials announced that Maradona still owed the Italian government
Mar, 2009 - Italy

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal was outscored by Magic center Dwight Howard
Tuesday Mar 3, 2009 - Orlando, Florida, U.S.

Financial crisis of 2007–2008-The Dow Jones hit its lowest level of 6,443.27
Friday Mar 6, 2009 - U.S.

Uber-Uber was originally founded as Ubercab
Mar, 2009 - San Francisco, California, U.S.

Kim Jong-un-The Rubber stamp parliament of North Korea
Sunday Mar 8, 2009 - North Korea

Mass Shootings in the United States-Geneva County Massacre
Tuesday Mar 10, 2009 - Geneva County, Alabama, U.S.

Carlos Slim-the world's third-richest person 2009
Wednesday Mar 11, 2009 - U.S.

Robin Williams-Heart problems
Friday Mar 13, 2009 - California, U.S.

Ciro Immobile-Seria A
Saturday Mar 14, 2009 - Turin, Italy

PlayStation-The PlayStation 3 "slim" model
2009 - Tokyo, Japan

Bank of America-Bank of America received an additional $5.2 billion in government bailout money according to The New York Times
Sunday Mar 15, 2009 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Plague-Plague is reported in Libya
2009 - Libya

Second Chechen War-President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev met with Alexander Bortnikov, the Director of the Federal Security Service to discuss the official ending of counter-terrorism operations
Friday Mar 27, 2009 - Russia

Richard Branson-It was announced that Virgin would be sponsoring the new Brawn GP team
Mar, 2009 - Australia

Donald Trump-Twitter
Mar, 2009 - U.S.

Lionel Messi-Argentina's number 10
Saturday Mar 28, 2009 - Argentina

Magdi Yacoub-The Aswan Heart Center
Apr, 2009 - Aswan, Egypt

Symbian OS-Symbian Foundation
Apr, 2009 - Espoo, Finland

Symbian OS-Symbian community
Apr, 2009 - Espoo, Finland

Colombian conflict-The Colombian Armed Forces launched strategic leap
Apr, 2009 - Arauca, Colombia

Shaquille O'Neal-The 2008–09 season improved for O'Neal
2009 - U.S.

Shaquille O'Neal-O'Neal did not participate in the playoffs
2009 - U.S.