Edward VIII - A King's Story
Time: 1951
Place: France
Details: In 1951, the Duke had produced a ghost-written memoir, A King's Story, in which he expressed disagreement with liberal politics.

Edward VIII-A Family Album
1960 - France

Edward VIII-Weekend Country Retreat
1952 - Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France

Edward VIII-Death
Sunday May 28, 1972 - Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France

Edward VIII-Queen Elizabeth II visited the Windsors
Thursday May 18, 1972 - France

Edward VIII-The Crown and the People
1953 - France

Marie Curie-Verifing From Her Hypothesis
Thursday Apr 14, 1898 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-She Wrote a Biography of Her Late Husband
1923 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was posted as a "drafting officer"
Nov, 1931 - France

Marie Curie-Bronisława Invited Maria To Paris
1890 - Paris, France

Zinedine Zidane-The Ballon d'Or
Tuesday Dec 22, 1998 - Paris, France

Hungarian–Romanian War-French Foreign Minister Stéphen Pichon Summoned Ion I.C. Brătianu
Wednesday Apr 30, 1919 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Curie succeeded in isolating Radium
1910 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-The 25th anniversary of The Discovery of Radium
1920 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Announcing The Existence of an Element Which They Named "polonium"
Jul, 1898 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-She Enrolled In The University of Paris
1891 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-The Radium Institute
1914 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Her Last Book
1935 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Marie Was awarded a Degree In Physics
1893 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Travelling to Paris
1891 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-The Curies Announced The Existence of a Second Element, Which They Named "radium"
Monday Dec 26, 1898 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Marie Discovered that the Element Thorium was Radioactive
1898 - Paris, France

André Michaux Birth
Tuesday Mar 8, 1746 - Satory

Marie Curie-Marie Was able to Earn a Second Degree
1894 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Pierre Curie Received His Own Doctorate
Mar, 1895 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Returning To Her Laboratory
Dec, 1912 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-The Initiative For Creating The Radium Institute
1909 - Paris, France

Rodolphe Kreutzer Birth
Sunday Nov 16, 1766 - Versailles

Élisabeth Birth
Thursday May 3, 1764 - Versailles

Spanish Flu-President Woodrow Wilson Collapses
Saturday Jun 28, 1919 - Versailles, Yvelines, France

John Maynard Keynes-Financial representative for the Treasury to the 1919 Versailles peace conference
Saturday Jun 28, 1919 - Versailles, Paris, France

Armenian Genocide-A Congress of the Young Turks
1902 - Paris, France

World War II-Treaty of Versailles
Monday Jun 28, 1920 - Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, Paris, France

United Nations-Treaty of Versailles was signed
Saturday Jun 28, 1919 - Palace of Versailles, Paris, France

Marie Curie-The International Atomic Weights Committee
1930 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Curie became The First Woman Faculty Member at The École Normale Supérieure
1900 - Paris, France

Lacoste-Bernard's Death
Tuesday Mar 21, 2006 - Paris, France

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Paris Peace Conference
Friday Feb 28, 1919 - Paris, France

Iranian Revolution-agreement for a draft constitution that would be "Islamic and democratic"
Wednesday Nov 1, 1978 - Paris, France

1997 - Paris, France

Bernard Arnault-Graduation
1971 - Palaiseau, France

Marie Curie-Pierre Curie's Death
Thursday Apr 19, 1906 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-The Curries had acquired Traces of Radium
1898 - Paris, France

Marco van Basten-2nd Ballon d'Or
Tuesday Dec 26, 1989 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's graduated
1912 - France

George Weah-Winning The African Footballer of The Year For The Second Time
1994 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle worked harder at school
Jul, 1906 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle won a place at St Cyr
Friday Jan 1, 1909 at 02:50:00 PM - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle enlisted in the 33rd Infantry Regiment
Oct, 1909 - France

Marie Curie-She Was Hospitalised With Depression and a Kidney Ailment
Jan, 1912 - Paris, France

Rafael Nadal-Withdraw from the Paris Masters
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-France's First Military Radiology Centre
1914 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Curie gave birth to their Second Daughter
Tuesday Dec 6, 1904 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Marie Curie was awarded Her Doctorate
Jun, 1903 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-She visited Poland
1902 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Pierre Curie decided to join her
1898 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's rank of brigadier-general
Saturday Jun 1, 1940 - France

Marie Curie-She became a Fellow of The French Academy of Medicine
1922 - Paris, France

Zlatan Ibrahimović-Ibrahimović Had Extended His Contract With PSG
Tuesday Sep 24, 2013 - Paris, France

Vietnam War-Paris Peace Accords
Saturday Jan 27, 1973 - Paris, France

Prince Charles-Princess Diana's Death
Sunday Aug 31, 1997 - Paris, France

Algerian War-De Gaulle was elected president
Feb, 1959 - France

Ottoman Empire-Treaty of Sèvres
Tuesday Aug 10, 1920 - Sèvres, France

Armenian Genocide-Treaty of Sèvres
Sunday Aug 1, 1920 - Sèvres, France

Marie Curie-The First Woman To become a Professor at The University of Paris
Sunday May 13, 1906 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Curie Produced Hollow Needles Containing "Radium Emanation"
1915 - Paris, France

George Weah-Winning The African Footballer of The Year For The First Time
1989 - Paris, France

Igor Stravinsky-Coco Chanel Invited Stravinsky and His Family To Reside at Her New Mansion "Bel Respiro"
Sep, 1920 - Garches, France

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was first educated at The Elms
1920s - Paris, France

Zlatan Ibrahimović-Moving To PSG
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012 - Paris, France

Charles de Gaulle-Gaullists achieved major success
Jun, 1968 - France

Marie Curie-The Curials Published 32 Scientific Papers
1902 - Paris, France

Carlos the Jackal-The car-bombing of the newspaper Al-Watan al-Arabi
Thursday Apr 22, 1982 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-She isolated Pure Radius Metal
1910 - Paris, France

Ruhollah Khomeini-Visit to Paris
Friday Oct 6, 1978 - Paris, France

Nokia-Nokia's Merger on Alcatel-Lucent was completed
Thursday Nov 3, 2016 - Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Carlos the Jackal-Bombing of the Paris-Toulouse
Monday Mar 29, 1982 - Paris, France

3D printing-Alain Le Méhauté, Olivier de Witte, and Jean Claude André filed their patent
Monday Jul 16, 1984 - France

Marie Curie-The French Academy of Sciences Failed, To Elect Her To Membership In The Academy
1911 - Paris, France

Occupation of Boulogne Occupation of Boulogne in 1544
Monday Sep 18, 1544 - Boulogne

George Weah-Winning the Ballon d'Or
Sunday Dec 24, 1995 - Paris,France

Bernard Arnault-Carrefour
2007 - Boulogne-Billancourt, France

Marie Curie-Curie's Press Scandal
1911 - Paris, France

Napoleon-Josephine death
Sunday May 29, 1814 - Rueil-Malmaison, Kingdom of France

Ho Chi Minh-Criticizing The Use of English Words by French Sportswriters
May, 1922 - Paris, France

Emmanuel Macron-"Revolution"
Thursday Nov 24, 2016 - France

Marie Curie-Marriage
Friday Jul 26, 1895 - Sceaux, France

Cristiano Ronaldo-Runner-up for the 2018 Ballon d'Or
Monday Dec 3, 2018 - Paris, France

Lionel Messi-Seventh Ballon d'Or
Monday Nov 29, 2021 - Paris, France

Ho Chi Minh-Arriving in Paris
Jun, 1919 - Paris, France

Ronaldinho-To Europe
Saturday Jan 13, 2001 - Paris, France

Lionel Messi-Messi joined the French club Paris Saint-Germain
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021 - Paris, France

Lionel Messi-Messi scored his first goal for PSG
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021 - Paris, France

Nokia-Nokia announced its intent to acquire Withings
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016 - Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Marie Curie-Separating One-Tenth of a Gram of Radium Chloride
1902 - Paris, France

Yasunari Kawabata-An Officer
1960 - France

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle had advocated would be a German war
1940 - France

Juan Trippe-Pan Am's First Scheduled Jet Flight
Sunday Oct 26, 1958 - Paris, France

Marco van Basten-1st Ballon d'Or
Tuesday Dec 27, 1988 - Paris, France

Edward VIII-NBC radio broadcast
May, 1939 - France

Armenian Genocide-Paris Peace Conference
Saturday Jan 18, 1919 - Paris, France

Harry S. Truman-The United States ratified the 22nd Amendment
1951 - U.S.

Martin Luther King-B.Div. degree
1951 - Chester, Pennsylvania, U.S.

Jimmy Carter-USS Barracuda
1951 - U.S.

Carlos Slim-First Investment
1951 - Mexico City, Mexico

John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-First relationship
1951 - Massachusetts, U.S.

NATO Establishment-The Formation of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE)
1951 - Mons, Belgium

Korean War-The PVA and KPA to capture Seoul
Thursday Jan 4, 1951 - Seoul, South Korea

Neil Armstrong-His first flight in a Jet
Friday Jan 5, 1951 - U.S.

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower voiced his disagreements with the Democrats and declared himself to be a Republican
1951 - U.S.

The Holocaust-Yom HaShoah
1951 - Israel

First Indochina War-Giáp moved the 308th and 312th Divisions
Saturday Jan 13, 1951 - Vietnam

First Indochina War-The Battle of Vĩnh Yên and Giáp's withdrawal
Tuesday Jan 16, 1951 - Vĩnh Yên, Vĩnh Phúc, Vietnam

Audrey Hepburn-Minor roles
1951 - England, United Kingdom

Korean War-Operation Thunderbolt
Thursday Jan 25, 1951 - Han River, South Korea

First Indochina War-USS Windham Bay delivered Grumman F8F Bearcat fighter aircraft to Saigon
Friday Jan 26, 1951 - Saigon, South Vietnam

Korean War-Development of Conflict
Feb, 1951 - South Korea

Korean War-The United Nations General Assembly passed Resolution 498
Thursday Feb 1, 1951 - New York, U.S.

Ho Chi Minh-The Chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Vietnam
Monday Feb 19, 1951 - Vietnam

Korean War-A Cable to Stalin
Thursday Mar 1, 1951 - Soviet Union, (Russia)

Korean War-The KPA and PVA expelled from Seoul
Wednesday Mar 14, 1951 - Seoul, South Korea

Korean War-Operation Tomahawk
Friday Mar 23, 1951 - South Korea

Korean War-Operation Courageous
Friday Mar 23, 1951 - South Korea

First Indochina War-Giáp tried again
Friday Mar 23, 1951 - Mạo Khê, Vietnam

The Holocaust-Israel asked for compensation from the Federal Republic of Germany
Mar, 1951 - Israel

Korean War-Relieved the General MacArthur as Supreme Commander in Korea
Wednesday Apr 11, 1951 - South Korea

Marilyn Monroe-Fox's New Contract
Wednesday Apr 11, 1951 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Brexit-Treaty of Paris
Wednesday Apr 18, 1951 - Paris, France

Korean War-MacArthur was the subject of congressional hearings
May, 1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.

The palace of Westminster England-The Lords Chamber was then renovated over the ensuing months
May, 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom

First Indochina War-The Battle of the Day River
Tuesday May 29, 1951 - French Indochina (Now Vietnam)

Neil Armstrong-Neil was promoted to ensign
Tuesday Jun 5, 1951 - U.S.

Lucky Luciano-$57,000 cash and new car
Saturday Jun 9, 1951 - Naples, Italy

Ayman al-Zawahiri-Born
Tuesday Jun 19, 1951 - Maadi, Cairo, Egypt

Neil Armstrong-VF-51 Flew ahead to Naval Air Station Barbers Point in Hawaii
Thursday Jun 28, 1951 - Kapolei, Hawaii, U.S.

Juneteenth-Seventy thousand people attended a "Juneteenth Jamboree"
1951 - Texas, U.S.

Laser-Joseph Weber submitted a paper on using stimulated emissions to make a microwave amplifier
1951 - U.S.

Korean War-Protracted Armistice Negotiations
Tuesday Jul 10, 1951 - Kaesong, North Korea

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip's active naval career had ended
Jul, 1951 - United Kingdom

Robin Williams-Birth
Saturday Jul 21, 1951 - Chicago, U.S.

Charles de Gaulle-Marshal Pétain died
Monday Jul 23, 1951 - Port-Joinville, Île d'Yeu, Vendée, France

First Indochina War-French General Charles Chanson was assassinated
Tuesday Jul 31, 1951 - South Vietnam

Warren Buffett-Columbia Business School
1951 - Columbia Business School, New York, U.S.

International Monetary Fund-Ivar Rooth
Friday Aug 3, 1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Wind turbine-Utility grid in the United Kingdom
1951 - Orkney Islands, Scotland, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Love for Margaret began
Aug, 1951 - United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-21st Birthday party
Tuesday Aug 21, 1951 - Balmoral Castle, Scotland, United Kingdom

Anna May Wong-The Gallery of Madame Liu-Tsong
Monday Aug 27, 1951 - U.S.

Neil Armstrong-An escort for a Photo Reconnaissance Plane in the Korean War
Wednesday Aug 29, 1951 - Kimchaek, North Hamgyong, North Korea

Korean War-The Battle of the Punchbowl
Friday Aug 31, 1951 - Haean, Korea

Neil Armstrong-Neil flew armed reconnaissance over the primary transportation and storage facilities
Monday Sep 3, 1951 - Wonsan, Kangwon, North Korea

Korean War-The Battle of Bloody Ridge
Wednesday Sep 5, 1951 - Yanggu County, Gangwon Province, South Korea

Igor Stravinsky-The Premiere of The Rake's Progress
Tuesday Sep 11, 1951 - Venice, Italy

Korean War-The Battle of Heartbreak Ridge
Thursday Sep 13, 1951 - Yanggu County, Gangwon Province, South Korea

World Trade Organization-Torquay Round
Sep, 1951 - Torquay, England, United Kingdom

Audrey Hepburn-Monte Carlo Baby
1951 - Monte Carlo, Monaco

Yasunari Kawabata-The Master of Go
1951 - Japan

Frank Sinatra-1st Divorce
Oct, 1951 - U.S.

Audrey Hepburn-Coincident
1951 - Monte Carlo, Monaco

Winston Churchill-Churchill again became Prime Minister
Friday Oct 26, 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh were both appointed to the Privy Council
Sunday Nov 4, 1951 - London, England, United Kingdom

Black Friday-The earliest known use of "Black Friday"
1951 - U.S.

Frank Sinatra-2nd Marriage
Wednesday Nov 7, 1951 - U.S.

First Indochina War-The French seized Hòa Bình
Wednesday Nov 14, 1951 - Hòa Bình, Vietnam

Audrey Hepburn-Gigi
Saturday Nov 24, 1951 - New York City, New York, U.S.

Ted Bundy-Louise met Johnny Culpepper Bundy
1951 - Tacoma, Washington, U.S.

Margaret Thatcher-Marriage
Thursday Dec 13, 1951 - Wesley's Chapel, London, England

Jimmy Hoffa-A Million Members
1951 - Washington D.C., U.S.