Roman Republic - Act abolishing the kingship
Time: 500s BC
Place: Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)
Details: The Senate agreed to abolish kingship. In turn, most of the former functions of the king were transferred to two separate consuls. These consuls were elected to office for a term of one year.

Roman Republic-Battle of the Allia
387 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
Wednesday Sep 29, 106 BC - Rome, Italy

Mohamed Salah-To Roma
Thursday Aug 6, 2015 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Battle of the Colline Gate
82 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Libraries-Biblioteca Alessandrina
1667 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Speech delivered at the Sapienza University of Rome
Thursday Feb 15, 1990 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus landed in Italy
Dec, 280 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Republic-Marcus Horatius Pulvillus
457 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-The last battle of the war
275 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Galileo Galilei-Letter to Kepler
Aug, 1610 - Italy

Roman Republic-Spurius Larcius
506 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-A Lucanian delegation went to Rome
298 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-Caesar was assassinated
Tuesday Mar 15, 44 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Lucius Sergius Catilina
108 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Rome was at war with three Italic tribes
494 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Empire-Nerva died
Monday Jan 27, 98 - Gardens of Sallust, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Republic-The Decemviri sacris faciundis
376 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Galileo Galilei-Galileo made a telescope with about 3x magnification
1609 - Italy

Roman Republic-Dionysia
487 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Caesar presented an ultimatum to the senate
Friday Jan 1, 49 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Lucius Aemilius Paullus Macedonicus
229 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Opiter Verginius Tricostus
Friday Sep 1, 502 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Publius Valerius Poplicola
509 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Cleopatra-Ptolemy XII responded to the threatened Roman annexation by offering lavish gifts to commanders of Roman
050s BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-The patrician censor Appius Claudius Caecus was appointed senators
312 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Marc'Antonio Pasqualini Birth
Friday Apr 25, 1614 - Rome

Roman Republic-The Conflict or Struggle between the Plebeians and Patricians
500 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Crusades-Innocent III called for another Crusade at the Fourth Lateran Council
Wednesday Nov 11, 1215 - Rome

Roman Empire-Gordian I proclaim himself emperor
Mar, 238 - Rome

Cleopatra-Octavian accused Antony
Saturday Jan 1, 33 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-The Roman army of the late Republic
1st Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Sack of Rome (1527)
Friday May 6, 1527 - Rome

Roman Republic-First Samnite War
343 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Roman Empire-Trajan suppressed the Kitos War
117 - Roman Empire

Etruscan civilization-Battle of the Allia
387 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus sends Cineas to Rome
Dec, 280 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Pompey returned to Rome
71 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Etruscan civilization-The war between Clusium and Aricia
508 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-The executive magistrates of the Roman Republic
510s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
138 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Setting up four plebeian pontiffs
300 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Benito Mussolini-Britain and Italy signed the Easter Accords
Apr, 1938 - Italy

Diego Maradona-Italian officials announced that Maradona still owed the Italian government
Mar, 2009 - Italy

Roman Republic-Tiberius' brother Gaius was elected
123 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Empire-Claudius had his wife executed
48 - Gardens of Lucullus, Rome, Italy, Roman Empire

Roman Republic-Pyrrhus returned to Italy
275 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Unification of Italy-Garibaldi declared that he would enter Rome as a victor or perish beneath its walls
1862 - Rome, Italy

Galileo Galilei-Caccini arrived at the Inquisition's offices
Thursday Mar 19, 1615 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Marcus Manlius Capitolinus to had sided with the plebeians
385 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Unification of Italy-Rome capitulated on 29 June 1849
Friday Jun 29, 1849 - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Hieronymus broke the long alliance with Rome to side with Carthage
215 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Empire-Colosseum
69 - Rome

Byzantine Empire-Sole Augustus
313 - Rome, Roman Empire

Cleopatra-Cleopatra traveled to Rome
46 BC - Rome, Italy

Roman Republic-Rome the overall victory
Thursday Mar 15, 474 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Roman Republic-Tarquinius became king
530s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Crusades-Ultimatum and Challenge
1189 - Holy Roman Empire

Galileo Galilei-Galileo was called to Bellarmine's residence
Friday Feb 26, 1616 - Italy

Diego Maradona-Maradona met with Pope Francis
Sep, 2014 - Rome, Italy

Roman Empire-Aurelian set out for another campaign against the Sassanids
275 - Roman Empire

Galileo Galilei-Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems
1632 - Italy

Holy Roman Empire-Frederick Barbarossa was crowned Emperor
Sunday Jan 2, 1155 - Rome, Italy

Roman Kingdom-Numa Pompilius established the Vestal Virgins
700s BC - Rome

Galileo Galilei-The controversy subsided
1718 - Italy

Roman Republic-Roman–Sabine wars
500s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Byzantine Empire-The Tetrarchy systems
293 - Roman Empire

Valentine's Day-Saint Valentine's death
Tuesday Feb 16, 269 - Rome, Italy

Audrey Hepburn-Dotti-Hepburn marriage dissolved
1982 - Italy

Roman Republic-Senatus consultum ultimum was vested Pompey with dictatorial powers
Thursday Jan 7, 49 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Galileo Galilei-Foscarini sent a copy of his book to Bellarmine
Sunday Apr 12, 1615 - Italy

Galileo Galilei-Galileo was found guilty
Wednesday Jun 22, 1633 - Italy

Roman Republic-Tiberius and Gaius
130s BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Libraries-Ulpian Library
113 - Rome, Roman Empire

World War II-New Roman Empire
1922 - Italy

Byzantine Empire-West's end
476 - Western Roman Empire

Roman Empire-Marcus Aurelius Carinus
283 - Roman Empire

Valentine's Day-The legend of Saint Valentine
3rd Century - Rome, Italy

Francesco Totti-First Goal
Sunday Sep 4, 1994 - Rome, Italy

Roman Empire-Second Triumvirate
43 BC - Rome

Roman Empire-Hadrian
Wednesday Aug 11, 117 - Roman Empire

Galileo Galilei-Lorini accordingly sent a copy to the Secretary of the Inquisition
Feb, 1615 - Italy

Byzantine Empire-Ostrogoths captured Rome
546 - Rome

Unification of Italy-Lazio after the capture of Rome
1870 - Rome, Italy

Roman Empire-Severus Alexander
Wednesday Mar 13, 222 - Rome

Roman Republic-Pompey returned victorious from Asia
62 BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Italy)

Pope John Paul II-Successfully defended his doctoral thesis
Saturday Jun 19, 1948 - Rome, Italy

Roman Kingdom-Numa Pompilius constructed a new temple to Janus
710s BC - Rome

Roman Republic-Rome had established herself as the major power in Italy
4th Century BC - Roman Republic (Present-Day Rome, Italy)

Galileo Galilei-Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report
Wednesday Feb 24, 1616 - Italy

Roman Empire-Augustus renounced his consulship
23 BC - Rome

Mozart-Receiving the Order of the Golden Spur
Thursday Jul 26, 1770 - Rome, Italy

World War II-Rome was captured
Sunday Jun 4, 1944 - Rome, Italy

Roman Empire-Nerva adopted Trajan
97 - Rome

Roman Empire-Commodus died
Monday Dec 31, 192 - Rome, Roman Empire

Holy Roman Empire-Otto deposed the current Pope John XII and chose Pope Leo VIII
963 - Italy

Byzantine Empire-Rome is captured
538 - Rome

Roman Empire-Trajan's Column
105 - Rome

Libraries-Rome's first public library
2nd Century BC - Rome, Roman Empire

Roman Empire-Antoninus Pius
Friday Jul 11, 138 - Roman Empire

Galileo Galilei-Monsignor Francesco Ingoli initiated a debate with Galileo
Jan, 1616 - Italy