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Hot Dog - An early use of the term hot dog in reference to sausage-meat

Time: Saturday Sep 13, 1884

Place: Evansville, Indiana, U.S.

Details: An early use of the term hot dog in reference to sausage-meat appears in the Evansville (Indiana) Daily Courier (September 14, 1884): even the innocent 'wienerworst' man will be barred from dispensing hot dog on the street corner.



Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth Blackwell-Blackwell procured a teaching job
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Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln
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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln-Thomas obtained clear title to 80 acres
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On This Day - 13 September

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First Sino-Japanese War-Arriving near The Shandong Peninsula
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Howard Hughes 1938 Image
Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Setting records
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World War II
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First Indochina War COLLAGE - image
First Indochina War-A Franco-British task force
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Alfred Nobel Image
Alfred Nobel-Nobel was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
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Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
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Lady Liberty under a blue sky
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Nuclear power
Nuclear Power-A steam turbine
1884 - United Kingdom
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Charles Batchelor was brought back to the United States to manage the Edison Machine Works
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