Marcus Garvey - Arrived U.S.
Time: 1916
Place: Harlem, New York City, New York, U.S.
Details: Arriving in the United States, Garvey initially lodged with a Jamaican expatriate family living in Harlem, a largely black area of New York City. He began lecturing in the city, hoping to make a career as a public speaker, although at his first public speech was heckled and fell off the stage.
Marcus Garvey-Circulation of Negro World was nearing 10,000
1919 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-UNIA put forward its plans to bring 3000 African-American migrants to Liberia
Feb, 1924 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey attracted Hubert Fauntleroy Julian
Jun, 1922 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Negro World
Apr, 1918 - Harlem, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Assassination attempt
Oct, 1919 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Dissatisfaction with Sherrill's leadership
Feb, 1926 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Ho Chi Minh-Thành (Ho) traveled to The United States
1912 - New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey shared a stage with Harrison at the inaugural meeting of the latter's Liberty League of Negro-Americans
Jun, 1917 - U.S.
Lucky Luciano-"Night of the Sicilian Vespers"
Thursday Sep 10, 1931 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Fidel Castro-Travelling to New York City for the General Assembly of the United Nations
Sep, 1960 - Hotel Theresa, Harlem, New York, U.S.
Red Summer-New York race riots
Sunday Jul 20, 1919 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Separated
1921 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey was arrested
Jan, 1922 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey sacked both the Black Star Line's secretary and its captain
Jul, 1920 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-UNIA also began selling shares for the Black Star Line
1919 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Black Star Line company had accumulated $50,000
Sep, 1919 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey initially signed up to fight but was ruled physically unfit to do so
Apr, 1917 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Marriage
Thursday Dec 25, 1919 - Harlem, New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-UNIA also obtained Liberty Hall
Apr, 1916 - Harlem, New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Liberty Hall's dedication ceremony
Jul, 1919 - Harlem, New York City, New York, U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Garvey incorporated the Negro Factories League
Jan, 1920 - U.S.
Winston Churchill-Churchill was crossing Fifth Avenue in New York City
Sunday Dec 13, 1931 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Warren Buffett-Columbia Business School
1951 - Columbia Business School, New York, U.S.
George Washington-Alexander was captured
Saturday Aug 31, 1776 - New York, U.S.
Malcolm X-Leader of Temple No.7
May, 1954 - Harlem, New York, U.S.
John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Beautiful Mind-Lecture fail
1959 - Columbia University, New York, U.S.
Laser-Gordon Gould noted his ideas for a "laser"
Nov, 1957 - Columbia University, New York, U.S.
Franklin D. Roosevelt-School of Law
1904 - New York, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower tendered his resignation as Colombia University president
Saturday Nov 15, 1952 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Laser-Charles Hard Townes and graduate students James P. Gordon and Herbert J. Zeiger produced the first microwave amplifier
1953 - Columbia University, New York, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower became President of Columbia University
1948 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Trustees of Columbia University declined to accept Eisenhower's offer to resign
Dec, 1950 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Meili Aftermath
Monday May 1, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Spanish Flu-Mount Sinai School of Medicine Report
Jun, 2010 - New York, U.S.
Hot Dog-The use of the complete phrase hot dog in reference to sausage
1900 - New York, U.S.
Kevin Hart-Hart has also hosted on HQ Trivia and gave away $100,000 to 1 person with Scott Rogowsky
Wednesday Sep 26, 2018 - U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-The Attacks
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 09 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Bank of America-Top federal prosecutor in Manhattan filed a lawsuit alleging that Bank of America fraudulently cost American taxpayers more than $1 billion
Wednesday Oct 24, 2012 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-The Female Jogger
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 01:30:00 AM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Trisha Meili Assault
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 01:30:00 AM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-The Reservoir Area Attack
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 09 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Louis Armstrong-Death
Tuesday Jul 6, 1971 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Dwayne Johnson-Survivor Series (1996)
Sunday Nov 17, 1996 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Titanic-The Plan
Apr, 1912 - New York, U.S.
Donald Trump-Trump's parents joined the Marble Collegiate Church
Jan, 1970 - Manhatten, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Michael Briscoe
Thursday May 4, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-The Jogger's Identity
Thursday Apr 20, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Barack Obama-Graduated
1983 - New York, U.S.
Google LLC-Building a Headquarters For Google In Manhattan's Hudson Square Neighborhood
Dec, 2018 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Lady Gaga-Going to school
1997 - 1 East 91st Street Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Living in a rented house
1940s - 90th East, Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Donald Trump Action
Monday May 1, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Other victims attacked by members of the large group while jogging near the reservoir
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 09 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Birth
Thursday Dec 28, 1922 - West 98th Street, Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Other victims identified by The New York Times in a 2002 review of the case
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 09 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Warren Buffett-Buffett's 2001 Lincoln Town Car
2006 - U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Arrests of youths
Wednesday Apr 19, 1989 at 09:30:00 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Jermaine Robinson
Thursday May 4, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-April 21st media coverage
Friday Apr 21, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Central Park Jogger Case-Six youths
Wednesday May 10, 1989 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
George Washington-Battle of Fort Washington
Sunday Nov 17, 1776 - Washington Heights, Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge-Visiting The Metropolitan Museum
Dec, 2014 - New York, U.S.
Richard Nixon-Death
Friday Apr 22, 1994 at 09:08:00 PM - New York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center, Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Bin Laden-11 September attack
Tuesday Sep 11, 2001 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Debut as a text filler
May, 1941 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
W. E. B. Du Bois-The Birth of a Nation
Monday Feb 8, 1915 - U.S.
Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky was taken to the Hospital
Thursday Mar 18, 1971 - New York, U.S.
Malcolm X-Death
Sunday Feb 21, 1965 at 03:30:00 PM - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump-Fred and Mary were married
Saturday Jan 11, 1936 - New York, U.S.
Igor Stravinsky-Death
Tuesday Apr 6, 1971 at 05:20:00 AM - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.
Igor Stravinsky-The Edema Returned
Sunday Apr 4, 1971 - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.
Igor Stravinsky-Stravinsky moved into a Newly Furbished Apartment
Monday Mar 29, 1971 - 920 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York, U.S.
Angelina Jolie-Anybody Seen My Baby?
Jul, 1997 - New York, United States
Vodafone-Verizon Wireless
Tuesday Sep 21, 1999 - New York, U.S.
Joe Biden-Released a comprehensive strategy to end sectarian violence in Iraq
Nov, 2006 - U.S.
Stan Lee-Working at Timely Comics
1939 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Lucky Luciano-Anastasia's assassination
Friday Oct 25, 1957 - Apalachin, New York, U.S.
IBM-100th Anniversary
2012 - U.S.
Stan Lee-Actual writing of comics
Aug, 1941 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Becoming the editor
1941 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Standard of living as a teen
1930s - 1720 University Ave, Bronx, New York, U.S.
Richard Branson-Branson appeared on the Season 9 Premiere of Shark Tank
Oct, 2017 - U.S.
Stan Lee-Anti drugs Awareness
1971 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Dissatisfaction with his career
1950s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Writing at Atlas Comics
1950s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Creating superheros with Kirby
Nov, 1961 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-The Amazing Spider-Man
1966 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Directing Marvel's series
1960s - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
1973 oil crisis-Kissinger's interview
Monday Jan 13, 1975 - New York, U.S.
Amazon-Amazon has about a 5 percent share of US retail spending
Wednesday Aug 8, 2018 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Robin Williams-Reeve's Friendship
1970s - New York, U.S.
Robin Williams-Leaving Juilliard
1976 - New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-More work and The Avengers creation
Sep, 1963 - Manhattan, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump-Citibank
1995 - New York, U.S.
Stan Lee-Stepping from Marvel regular duties
1990s - New York, U.S.
Robin Williams-Full scholarship to the Juilliard School
1973 - New York, U.S.
Bernard Arnault-LVMH Tower
Dec, 1999 - New York, U.S.
Donald Trump-He registered as a Republican
1987 - Manhatten, New York, U.S.
Donald Trump-Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015 - New York, U.S.
Jacinda Ardern-Working at a soup kitchen
2005 - New York, U.S.
Josip Broz Tito-The Ardatov POW (Prisenor of War) camp
1916 - Samara, Russian Empire
Salvador Dali-Drawing School
1916 - Figueres, Catalonia, Spain
Armenian Genocide-Typhoid inoculation
Saturday Jan 1, 1916 - Turkey (then Ottoman Empire)
Edward VIII-Military Cross
1916 - United Kingdom
Irish War of Independence-Plan for revolt was realised in the Easter Rising of 1916
1916 - Ireland
Winston Churchill-Churchill was promoted to lieutenant-colonel
Jan, 1916 - England, United Kingdom
Mexican Revolution-Villa Attacked Columbus
1916 - Columbus, New Mexico, U.S.
Memorial day-Celebrated around the country
1916 - U.S.
World War 1-Battle of Mojkovac
Thursday Jan 6, 1916 - Mojkovac, Montenegro
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower was a football coach for St. Louis College
1916 - San Antonio, Texas, U.S.
Mexican Revolution-Huerta's Death
Thursday Jan 13, 1916 - El Paso, Texas, U.S.
Carter G. Woodson-Woodson began publication of the scholarly Journal of African-American History
Jan, 1916 - Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
Yasunari Kawabata-Boarding House
Jan, 1916 - Japan
World War 1-Battle of Verdun
Feb, 1916 - Verdun, France
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower proposed to Mamie Doud
Monday Feb 14, 1916 - U.S.
Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle was a company commander at Douaumont
Thursday Mar 2, 1916 - Verdun, France
Tuesday Mar 7, 1916 - Munich, Germany
Father's Day-President Woodrow Wilson went to Spokane to speak at a Father's Day celebration
1916 - Spokane, Washington, U.S.
St. Patrick's Day-1916 Parades
Friday Mar 17, 1916 - Ireland
Marcus Garvey-Marcus sailed to U.S.
Mar, 1916 - U.S.
Irish War of Independence-Irish republicans launched the Easter Rising against British rule
Saturday Apr 1, 1916 - Ireland
Anna May Wong-Wong had come up with her stage name of Anna May Wong
1916 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-Speaking tour, crossing 38 states
1916 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey-UNIA also obtained Liberty Hall
Apr, 1916 - Harlem, New York City, New York, U.S.
World War 1-Decimation of the Russian economy
1916 - Russia
World War 1-Battle of Jutland
Wednesday May 31, 1916 - North Sea, near to Denmark
Chinese Civil War-Death of Yuan Shikai
Tuesday Jun 6, 1916 - Beijing, China
Ottoman Empire-Arab Revolt
Saturday Jun 10, 1916 - Arabian Peninsula, Ottoman Empire
World War 1-Battle of Mecca
Tuesday Jun 13, 1916 - Mecca, Saudi Arabia
W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois and his supporters prevailed, and he continued in his role as editor
1916 - U.S.
World War 1-Battle of Somme
Wednesday Jun 21, 1916 - Somme river, France
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Wedding
Saturday Jul 1, 1916 - Denver, Colorado, U.S.
Disasters with highest death tolls-Matheson Fire
Saturday Jul 29, 1916 - Ontario, Canada
Statue of Liberty-Damage to the statue during WWI
Sunday Jul 30, 1916 - New York, U.S.
World War 1-Romania's Political Treaty
Friday Aug 4, 1916 - Romania
World War 1-Battle of Doberdo
Sunday Aug 6, 1916 - Gorizia, Gorizia, Italy
Hungarian–Romanian War-Romania Entered The World War I
Sunday Aug 27, 1916 - Romania
World War 1-Romania Attacks
Sunday Aug 27, 1916 - Transylvania, Romania
World War 1-Battle of Flers–Courcelette
Friday Sep 15, 1916 - Flers and Courcelette, France
Marcus Garvey-Marcus returned to New York City
1916 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Kroger-Kroger company began self-service shopping
1916 - Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Hirohito-Hirohito was formally proclaimed Crown Prince and Heir Apparent
Thursday Nov 2, 1916 - Tokyo, Japan
World War 1-Bitolia recapturing
Sunday Nov 19, 1916 - Bitolia, Macedonia
Statue of Liberty-Lighting the Statue
Saturday Dec 2, 1916 - New York, U.S.
World War 1-Battle of Bucharest
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - Bucharest, Romania
Winston Churchill-Asquith resigned as Prime Minister and was succeeded by Lloyd George
Wednesday Dec 6, 1916 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War 1-Rejected Negotiations
Tuesday Dec 12, 1916 - Germany
Disasters with highest death tolls-White Friday Avalanches
Wednesday Dec 13, 1916 at 05:30:00 AM - Italy
W. E. B. Du Bois-Waco Horror
1916 - U.S.