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Magdi Yacoub - Born

Time: Friday Nov 15, 1935

Place: Bilbeis, Al Sharqia, Egypt

Details: Yacoub was born on 16 November 1935 in Bilbeis, Al Sharqia, Egypt to Coptic family.



All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Foreign Dynasty
1650s BC - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Tanite Dynasty
1070s BC - Sharqia, Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-End of the Dynasties
332 BC - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-The Weak Rameseses
1079 BC - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Hyksos
1650s BC - Sharqia, Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Two states
830s BC - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Shoshenq I
945 BC - Sharqia, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali to found the Qasral-‘Ayni School of Medicine
1827 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Adil was the 10th Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Dec, 1294 - Egypt
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Shah leaves Iran on vacation, never to return
Tuesday Jan 16, 1979 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the ninth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Dec, 1293 - Egypt
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah-Debut
Monday May 3, 2010 - Nasr City, Cairo
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah-First goal
Saturday Dec 25, 2010 - Cairo, Egypt
Mohamed Salah
Mohamed Salah-International debut
Saturday Sep 3, 2011 - Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim succeeded his brother Tusun Pasha in command of the Egyptian forces
1816 - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-The assassination of President Anwar Sadat
Tuesday Oct 6, 1981 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Badr al-Din Solamish was the sixth Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Aug, 1279 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Qalāwūn aṣ-Ṣāliḥ was the seventh of the Mamluk sultan
Nov, 1279 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Under Saladin, the power of the Mamluks increased
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Assyrian Empire
Assyria-Esarhaddon crossed the Sinai Desert
671 BC - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Siptah
1197 BC - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-His inauguration
Friday Oct 14, 996 - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Ramesses III
1186 BC - Sharqia, Egypt
Portrait d'Ibrahim Pacha
Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-Ibrahim was appointed Regent when his father became senile
Thursday Mar 2, 1848 - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Seti I
1290 BC - Luxor, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Allied with the Egyptian leader Umar Makram
1801 - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Seti II and Amenmesse (Step-brothers)
1203 BC - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-Zawahiri was sentenced to death in absentia
1999 - Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Tantamani's attempt
660s BC - Lower Egypt
Mother's Day-Mother's Day (Egypy)
Wednesday Mar 21, 1956 - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-A deal with Telecom Egypt
Friday Sep 8, 2006 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Interreligious relationships (First period)
1006 - Egypt
Ayman al-Zawahri
Ayman al-Zawahiri-The Egyptian Islamic Jihadleader Leader
1991 - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh 's mother
980s - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Exiting Egypt
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020 - Cairo, Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Start of the Twentieth Dynasty
1189 BC - Sharqia, Egypt
All Giza Pyramids in one shot
Ancient Egypt-Twosret
1191 BC - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Al-Hakim decreed that the Christians could no longer celebrate Epiphany or Easter
1004 - Egypt
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Selim I established Ottoman rule in Egypt
Jan, 1517 - Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-School of Medicine for women
1832 - Egypt
Vodafone logo
Vodafone-Vodafone in Egypt
Nov, 1998 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Second period
1012 - Egypt
Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
Ottoman Empire-Coward Damned
1882 - Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Disappearance
Feb, 1021 - Egypt
Sky Petroleum advertisement, Garage and Motor Agent magazine, 7 July 1973
1973 oil crisis-Heads of the state of Algeria, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia discuss oil strategy in view of the progress in Arab-Israeli disengagement
Feb, 1974 - Middle East
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qaitbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Friday Aug 7, 1496 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Ashraf was was the Mamluk sultan from August 1341
Saturday Aug 5, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in June 1342
Jun, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah
Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah-Third period
1021 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Bilbay was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1467
Wednesday Oct 9, 1467 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Qutuz was a military leader and the third Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Nov, 1259 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Bahri dynasty or Bahriyya Mamluks
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-As-Salih Hajji was the Mamluk sultan in 1382
1382 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The war which led to the conquest of Egypt
1515 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Abu Sa'id Qansuh was the twenty third Mamluk Sultan of Egypt
Monday Oct 31, 1498 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Yusuf dispatched a Bahri-led expedition to Egypt
1256 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Mamluks End of power in Egypt
Thursday Jan 3, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Faraj was the second Sultan of the Burji dynasty of the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria
Jul, 1399 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Khushqadam was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt and Syria
Friday Jun 28, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mansur Fakhr-ad-Din Uthman was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1453
Tuesday Feb 1, 1453 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Muzaffar was the 12th Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
Apr, 1309 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik as-Salih was the Mamluk sultan in 1351
Saturday Aug 21, 1351 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-After Napoleon
1801 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Mamluk rose to become sultan
15th Century - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Tuman bay II was the last Sultan of Egypt
Tuesday Oct 17, 1516 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Sha'ban was a Mamluk sultan in 1363
1363 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Mamluk sultan in 1361
Tuesday Mar 17, 1361 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Qansuh al-Ghuri was the second-to-last of the Mamluk Sultans
Saturday Apr 20, 1501 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Tatar was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Wednesday Aug 29, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik al-Mansur was the Bahri Mamluk sultan in 1341
Wednesday Jun 7, 1341 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir ad-Din Muhammad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Friday Nov 30, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Ali Bey Al-Kabir declared independence from the Ottomans
1768 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Bahri Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1342
Sunday Jan 21, 1342 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shihab al-Din Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1461
Tuesday Feb 26, 1461 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Coptic decline in Egypt occurred under the Bahri sultans
1301 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mu'ayyad Shaykh was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1412
Friday Nov 6, 1412 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Many Mamluks were appointed
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Barsbay was the ninth Burji Mamluk sultan of Egypt
Monday Apr 1, 1422 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Musta'in was the only Cairo-based caliph to hold political power as Sultan of Egypt
1406 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Muzaffar Ahmad was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1421
Saturday Jan 13, 1421 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Malik an-Nasir was the Mamluk sultan in 1347
1347 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Sayf ad-Din Jaqmaq was the Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1438
Sunday Sep 9, 1438 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Nationalization
1810s - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Bahriyya Mamluks era
1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-State of Law and Order
1830 - Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali asked the Porte for the territory of Syria
1820s - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-An-Nasir Faraj was briefly a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1405
1405 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali's mind became increasingly clouded
1843 - Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Muhammad Ali acquiesced
Friday Nov 27, 1840 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Barquq was the first Sultan of the Mamluk Burji dynasty of Egypt
1382 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The sultan Turanshah arrived in Egypt
Sunday Feb 27, 1250 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The Mamluk Sultanate collapsed
Thursday Jan 25, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-The last of the Ayyubid sultans
1240 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Ashraf Janbalat was a Mamluk sultan of Egypt in 1500
Saturday Jun 30, 1500 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Wali ruled until 1848
1848 - Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Salih promoted large numbers of his original and newly recruited Mamluks
1240 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Al-Mansur Ali was the second Mamluk Sultan of Mamluk
1257 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Timurbugha was the seventeenth Burji Sultan of Mamluk Egypt
Wednesday Dec 4, 1467 - Cairo, Egypt
Mamluk lancers
Mamluks-Ottoman sultan Selim I captured Cairo
Thursday Dec 20, 1517 - Cairo, Egypt
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Muhammad Ali of Egypt-Massacre of the Mamelukes
Friday Mar 1, 1811 - Cairo, Egypt

On This Day - 15 November

Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass-Three Boxes
Friday Nov 15, 1867 - Pennsylvania, U.S.
Rwandan genocide
Rwandan genocide-Berlin Conference
Saturday Nov 15, 1884 - Berlin, Germany
Communist troops in the Battle of Siping - Chinese Civil War Image
Chinese Civil War-Preventing the CPC from strengthening its already strong base
Thursday Nov 15, 1945 - China
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower tendered his resignation as Colombia University president
Saturday Nov 15, 1952 - New York City, New York, U.S.
Johan Cruyff
Johan Cruyff-Debut
Sunday Nov 15, 1964 - Netherlands
Cyprus flag
Cypriot intercommunal violence-Engaged in heavy fighting with the Turkish Cypriots
Wednesday Nov 15, 1967 - Cyprus
Intel microprocessor
Microprocessor-The First Commercially Available Microprocessor
Monday Nov 15, 1971 - California, U.S.
Margaret Thatcher Image
Margaret Thatcher-The Anglo-Irish Agreement
Friday Nov 15, 1985 - Hillsborough, Northern Ireland, UK
River Phoenix
River Phoenix-The cause of death
Monday Nov 15, 1993 - West Hollywood, California, U.S.
Dwayne Johnson
Dwayne Johnson-Survivor Series (1998)
Sunday Nov 15, 1998 - St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
Zlatan Ibrahimović - image
Zlatan Ibrahimović-The 1st Guldbollen award
Tuesday Nov 15, 2005 - Sweden
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Releasing "Under the Sheets"
Sunday Nov 15, 2009 - United Kingdom
Facebook Image
Facebook, Inc.-Facebook Acquired The Domain Name fb.com
Monday Nov 15, 2010 - Palo Alto, California, U.S.
Wordmark of Sony - image
Sony Corporation-Releasing PlayStation 4
Friday Nov 15, 2013 - Japan
Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding-Aid 30
Saturday Nov 15, 2014 - Notting Hill, London, United Kingdom
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci-Salvator Mundi
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017 - New York, U.S.
America's First Kosher Butcher in 1660
America's First Kosher Butcher in 1660
Monday Nov 15, 1660 - New York City
Glorious Revolution
Glorious Revolution
Monday Nov 15, 1688 - England
Catherine of York's death
Catherine of York's death
Tuesday Nov 15, 1527 - York
Louis Bertrand Castel Brith
Louis Bertrand Castel Brith
Monday Nov 15, 1688 - Montpellier
Treaty of Schoonhoven
Treaty of Schoonhoven
Tuesday Nov 15, 1527 - Utrecht
Hermann von der Hardt Birth
Hermann von der Hardt Birth
Monday Nov 15, 1660 - Melle

November 1935

Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-The Chairman of The Military Commission
Nov, 1935 - Shaanxi, China
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower-An improved 180-line transmitter was installed
Sunday Nov 17, 1935 - Paris, France
Second Sino-Japanese War (Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces in Battle of Shanghai 1937) Image
Second Sino-Japanese War-East Hebei Autonomous Council
Monday Nov 25, 1935 - China


Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-Mao was elected to a position of leadership at Zunyi Conference
Jan, 1935 - Zunyi, Guizhou, China
Marie Curie
Marie Curie-Her Last Book
1935 - Paris, France
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Joining German Party
1935 - Germany
Schindler, Oskar Image
Oskar Schindler (Schindler's List)-Father Abandoning
1935 - Czech Republic
Alan Turing
Alan Turing-He Was Elected a Fellow of King's on The Strength of a Dissertation
1935 - England
Martin Bormann
Martin Bormann-Bormann was appointed as Overseer of Renovations at The Berghof
1935 - Obersalzberg, Berchtesgaden, Germany
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-The earliest DC Comics character to still be in the DC Universe
1935 - U.S.
Harry S. Truman
Harry S. Truman-United States Senator from Missouri
Thursday Jan 3, 1935 - Missouri, U.S.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower accompanied MacArthur to the Philippines
1935 - Philippines
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-Saarland
Sunday Jan 13, 1935 - Saarland, Germany
The official opening of the League of Nations.
League of Nations-1935 Saar status referendum
Sunday Jan 13, 1935 - Germany
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-The Big Comic Magazine
Feb, 1935 - U.S.
Westminster Palace
The palace of Westminster England-Opening Speech
Feb, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-Expansion of the army
Mar, 1935 - Gemany
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-The Rhineland
Thursday Mar 7, 1935 - Rhineland, Germany
Hachiko Image
Hachikō-Hachikō's Death
Friday Mar 8, 1935 - Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Battle of Madrid (Spanish Civil War)
Spanish Civil War-Violence against farm-workers and socialists
1935 - Spain
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Moving to London
Mar, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Ho Chi Minh
Ho Chi Minh-Member of the Politburo
Sunday Mar 31, 1935 - Vietnam
World War II
World War II-Stresa Front
Sunday Apr 14, 1935 - Stresa, Italy
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong-Wong also appeared in the King George Silver Jubilee program
1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-Crossing the Tatu River
May, 1935 - Luding, Garze, Sichuan, China
World War II
World War II-Franco-Soviet pact
Thursday May 2, 1935 - Paris, France
Disasters with highest death tolls-1935 Quetta Earthquake
Friday May 31, 1935 at 02:33:00 AM - Balochistan, British India (now part of Pakistan)
1935 Quetta earthquake
1935 Quetta earthquake-Largest aftershock
Sunday Jun 2, 1935 - (Present-Day Pakistan)
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-MacDonald resigned and was replaced as Prime Minister by Baldwin
Friday Jun 7, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Second Sino-Japanese War (Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces in Battle of Shanghai 1937) Image
Second Sino-Japanese War-The He–Umezu Agreement
Monday Jun 10, 1935 - China
Anna May Wong
Anna May Wong-Wong returned to the U.S.
Jun, 1935 - U.S.
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-The happiest day of his life
Tuesday Jun 18, 1935 - Germany
World War II
World War II-Anglo-German Naval Agreement
Tuesday Jun 18, 1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
W. E. B. Du Bois
W. E. B. Du Bois-Black Reconstruction in America
1935 - U.S.
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Black Man
1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
Josip Broz Tito Image
Josip Broz Tito-Tito lectured on trade unions to foreign communists
Jul, 1935 - Moscow, Russia
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-Father left
1935 - London, England, United Kingdom
World War II
World War II-Neutrality Act 1935
Saturday Aug 31, 1935 - U.S.
Frank Sinatra 1957 - image
Frank Sinatra-The Major Bowes Amateur Hour
Sunday Sep 8, 1935 - U.S.
Howard Hughes 1938 Image
Howard Hughes: The Aviator-Setting records
Friday Sep 13, 1935 - Santa Ana, California, U.S.
Adolf Hitler
Adolf Hitler-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Germany
Heinrich Himmler
Heinrich Himmler-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Germany
The Holocaust-Nuremberg Laws
Sunday Sep 15, 1935 - Berlin, Germany
Severo Ochoa
Severo Ochoa-Spanish Civil War
1935 - Madrid, Spain
World War II
World War II-Second Italo-Ethiopian War
Thursday Oct 3, 1935 - Ethiopia
Lucky Luciano Image
Lucky Luciano-Schultz assassination
Thursday Oct 24, 1935 - Newark, New Jersey, U.S.
Mao Zedong 1963 - image
Mao Zedong-The Chairman of The Military Commission
Nov, 1935 - Shaanxi, China
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower-An improved 180-line transmitter was installed
Sunday Nov 17, 1935 - Paris, France
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn-Ella moved with Hepburn to her family's estate in Arnhem
1935 - Arnhem, Netherlands
Second Sino-Japanese War (Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces in Battle of Shanghai 1937) Image
Second Sino-Japanese War-East Hebei Autonomous Council
Monday Nov 25, 1935 - China
DC Comics logo
DC Comics-New Comics
Dec, 1935 - New York, U.S.
Disasters with highest death tolls-1935 Yangtze River Flood
1935 - China
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels-"Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself"
1935 - Berlin, Germany
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels declared that Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself
1935 - Berlin, Germany
Joseph Goebbels
Joseph Goebbels-Goebbels wanted to expulsion Jews from Berlin
1935 - Berlin, Germany