Vietnam War - Cambodia is neutral
Time: 1955
Place: Cambodia
Details: Prince Norodom Sihanouk had proclaimed Cambodia neutral since 1955, but permitted the NVA/Viet Cong to use Cambodia as a staging ground for the Sihanouk Trail.
Vietnam War-Cambodian coup of 1970
Wednesday Mar 18, 1970 - Cambodia
Angelina Jolie-Contributions in Cambodia
2003 - Cambodia
Juan Carlos I-Joining The Army
1955 - Military Academy, Zaragoza, Spain.
Margaret Thatcher-The Orpington by-election
Jan, 1955 - England
Algerian War-The Soustelle Plan
Jan, 1955 - Algeria
Neil Armstrong-College Graduation
Jan, 1955 - Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.
Fidel Castro-Divorce
1955 - Cuba