Mikhail Gorbachev - Candidate member of the Communist Party
Time: Jun, 1950
Place: Russia
Details: In June 1950, Gorbachev became a candidate member of the Communist Party.
1905 Russian Revolution-40,000 workers assemble before the Administration Building to give Svirskii
Saturday May 13, 1905 - Russian Empire
Mikhail Gorbachev-Gorbachev resigns from the office
Wednesday Dec 25, 1991 - Russia
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Union-wide referendum
Sunday Mar 17, 1991 - Russia
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Struggle emerged between the RSFSR and the Soviet Union
Tuesday Jun 12, 1990 - Russia
Dissolution of the Soviet Union-Less centralized state
Tuesday Aug 20, 1991 - Russia
June 1950
Korean War-North Korean forces numbers
Jun, 1950 - South Korea
Korean War-Kim Il-sung called for a Korea-wide election and consultative conference
Wednesday Jun 7, 1950 - North Korea
Korean War-The North sent three diplomats to the South as a peace overture
Sunday Jun 11, 1950 - South Korea
Korean War-Kim Il-Sung revised his war plan
Wednesday Jun 21, 1950 - North Korea
FIFA World Cup-World Cup Returns
Saturday Jun 24, 1950 - Brazil
First Indochina War-Hồ Chí Minh's government gained recognition from China and the Soviet Union
Jan, 1950 - Vietnam
Margaret Thatcher-Conservative Candidate For Dartford
Jan, 1950 - Kent, England
Stephen Hawking-Family Moved
1950 - St Albans, Hertfordshire, England
Akio Morita-Selling The First Tape Recorder
1950 - Tokyo, Japan
Alan Turing-The Chess Program was Completed
1950 - England