First Sino-Japanese War - Chinese Forces Retreated To The Northern City of Pyongyang
Time: Saturday Aug 4, 1894
Place: Pyongyang, Korea (Now North Korea)
Details: By 4 August, the remaining Chinese forces in Korea retreated to the northern city of Pyongyang, where they were met by troops sent from China. The 13,000–15,000 defenders made defensive repairs to the city, hoping to check the Japanese advance.

Korean War-Pyongyang was Captured
Thursday Oct 19, 1950 - Pyongyang, North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Chairman of the National Defence Commission
Friday Apr 13, 2012 - North Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Battle of Pyongyang
Saturday Sep 15, 1894 - Pyongyang, Korea (Now North Korea)

Nuclear Power-First nuclear weapon test in North Korea
Monday Oct 9, 2006 - North Korea

Korean War-Parliamentary elections in the North
Wednesday Aug 25, 1948 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-"Eternal General Secretary"
Wednesday Apr 11, 2012 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Birth
Jan, 1982 - Pyongyang, North Korea

Korean War-Stalin dispatched General H. M. Zakharov to North Korea
Monday Sep 18, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-First public speech
Sunday Apr 15, 2012 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Kim Jong-il died
Saturday Dec 17, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Declared Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army
Thursday Dec 29, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Demonstrate Loyalty
Monday Jan 9, 2012 - Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, North korea

Korean War-State of War
Saturday Mar 30, 2013 - North Korea

Korean War-North Korea confirmed it ended the 1953 Armistice
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Supreme People's Assembly
Sunday Mar 9, 2014 - North Korea

Korean War-The PVA First Phase Offensive
Wednesday Oct 25, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-The Successor
Thursday Jan 15, 2009 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Chairman of the Central Military Commission and Supreme leader of the country
Monday Dec 26, 2011 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-First Official Image
Thursday Sep 30, 2010 - North Korea

Korean War-Kim Il-Sung revised his war plan
Wednesday Jun 21, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-A Daejang
Monday Sep 27, 2010 - North Korea

Korean War-The Command of the US Eighth Army
Tuesday Dec 26, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Fourth Conference of the Workers' Party
Tuesday Mar 27, 2012 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-North Korea's nuclear arsenal
2018 - North Korea

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Gongsun Kang established the Daifang Commandery on the Korean Peninsula
204 - Korean Peninsula

Korean War-The UN Command forces followed the ROK forces northwards
Saturday Oct 7, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-China entered the war
Wednesday Oct 18, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-Kim Il-sung called for a Korea-wide election and consultative conference
Wednesday Jun 7, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-The First confrontation between Chinese and US military
Wednesday Nov 1, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-The Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River
Saturday Nov 25, 1950 - Ch'ongch'on River, North Korea

Korean War-Chinese New Year's Offensive
Sunday Dec 31, 1950 - North Korea

Korean War-The Home-by-Christmas Offensive
Friday Nov 24, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Workers' Party's 65th-anniversary celebration
Sunday Oct 10, 2010 - North Korea

Korean War-The Right of command of KPA
Sunday Dec 17, 1950 - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-The Rubber stamp parliament of North Korea
Sunday Mar 8, 2009 - North Korea

Korean War-The Battle of Kumsong
Wednesday Jun 10, 1953 at 12:00:00 AM - North Korea

Kim Jong-un-Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission
Tuesday Sep 28, 2010 - North Korea
On This Day - 4 August

Mozart-Mozart marries Constanze
Sunday Aug 4, 1782 at 09:03:00 PM - St Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, Austria

Unification of Italy-Austria tried to persuade the Italian government to accept Venetia
Saturday Aug 4, 1866 - Italy

Frederick Douglass-Anna died
Friday Aug 4, 1882 - Washington D.C., U.S.

Louis Armstrong-Birth
Sunday Aug 4, 1901 - New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.

World War 1-Romania's Political Treaty
Friday Aug 4, 1916 - Romania

Adolf Hitler-Iron Cross
Sunday Aug 4, 1918 - Germany

Hungarian–Romanian War-The Romanian Forces Continued Their advance Into Hungary and Stopped at Győr
Monday Aug 4, 1919 - Győr, Hungary

World War II-Siege of Myitkyina
Friday Aug 4, 1944 - Myitkyina, Burma

Korean War-Mao reported to the Politburo that he would intervene in Korea
Friday Aug 4, 1950 - China

Barack Obama-Birth
Friday Aug 4, 1961 - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.

Marilyn Monroe-Death
Saturday Aug 4, 1962 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex-Birth
Tuesday Aug 4, 1981 - Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Prince William-Baptized
Wednesday Aug 4, 1982 - London, United Kingdom

Shaquille O'Neal-1994 FIBA World Championship
Thursday Aug 4, 1994 - Canada

Croatian War of Independence-Operation Storm
Friday Aug 4, 1995 - Croatia

Bosnian War-Operation Storm
Friday Aug 4, 1995 - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Michael Ballack-His professional debut
Friday Aug 4, 1995 - Germany

Hot Dog-The world's longest hot dog
Friday Aug 4, 2006 - Akasaka Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

Shaquille O'Neal-Celtics announced that they had signed O'Neal
Wednesday Aug 4, 2010 - Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.

England attacked the Netherlands in 1666
Wednesday Aug 4, 1666 - Netherlands

Johannes Evertsen Birth
Wednesday Aug 4, 1666 - Brielle

Hurricane Guadeloupe
Wednesday Aug 4, 1666 - St Christopher

Sebastiaan's death
Friday Aug 4, 1578 - Portugal
August 1894

First Sino-Japanese War-War was Officially Declared
Wednesday Aug 1, 1894 - China

Joseph Stalin-School
Aug, 1894 - Gori, Tiflis Governorate, Caucasus Viceroyalty, Russian Empire (Now Georgia)

Second Boer War-British imperial interests were alarmed
1894 - South Africa

Marie Curie-Marie Was able to Earn a Second Degree
1894 - Paris, France

Marie Curie-Skłodowska Returned To Warsaw
1894 - Warsaw, Congress Poland, Russian Empire (Now Poland)

Xinhai Revolution-Xingzhonghui (Revive China Society)
1894 - Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.

Nikola Tesla-X-Rays
1894 - U.S.

Plague-The plague spreads to Guangdong
1894 - China

First Sino-Japanese War-The assassination of Kim Ok-gyun
Wednesday Mar 28, 1894 - Shanghai, China

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi-The Abdullah case concluded
May, 1894 - South Africa

First Sino-Japanese War-Violating The Convention of Tientsin
Monday Jun 4, 1894 - Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Sending Chinese Soldiers
Wednesday Jun 6, 1894 - Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Japanese Response
Saturday Jun 9, 1894 - Seoul, South Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-End of The Donghak Rebellion
Sunday Jun 10, 1894 - Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Discuss The Future Status of Korea
Saturday Jun 16, 1894 - Japan

First Sino-Japanese War-Additional Japanese Troops arrive in Korea
Friday Jun 22, 1894 - Korea

Edward VIII-Birth
Saturday Jun 23, 1894 - White Lodge, Richmond Park, London, England, United Kingdom

First Sino-Japanese War-Replacing The Existing Korean Government With Members of the pro-Japanese Faction
Monday Jun 25, 1894 - Seoul, South Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-Japanesse reform Proposals
Tuesday Jun 26, 1894 - Korea

Edward VIII-Baptised
Sunday Jul 15, 1894 - Green Drawing Room of White Lodge, London, England, United Kingdom

First Sino-Japanese War-Establishment of The Japanese Combined Fleet
Thursday Jul 19, 1894 - Japan

W. E. B. Du Bois-Du Bois accepted a teaching job at Wilberforce University
1894 - Wilberforce University, Ohio, U.S.

First Sino-Japanese War-Occuping Seoul
Monday Jul 23, 1894 - Seoul, Korea (Now South Korea))

Labor day-Canadian Prime Minister John Thompson and his government made Labor Day, to be held in September
Monday Jul 23, 1894 - Canada

Korean War-The First Sino-Japanese War
Wednesday Jul 25, 1894 - Korea

First Sino-Japanese War-The Battle of Pungdo
Wednesday Jul 25, 1894 - Asan, Korea (Now South Korea))

First Sino-Japanese War-The Battle of Seonghwan
Saturday Jul 28, 1894 at 07:30:00 AM - Asan, Korea (Now South Korea)

First Sino-Japanese War-War was Officially Declared
Wednesday Aug 1, 1894 - China

Joseph Stalin-School
Aug, 1894 - Gori, Tiflis Governorate, Caucasus Viceroyalty, Russian Empire (Now Georgia)

Chichen Itza-Purchasing the Hacienda Chichén
1894 - Yucatán, Mexico

First Sino-Japanese War-Transporting Troops to Dalian
Wednesday Sep 12, 1894 - Dalian, Liaoning, China

Disasters with highest death tolls-Great Hinckley Fire
Sep, 1894 - Minnesota, United States

First Sino-Japanese War-Arriving near The Shandong Peninsula
Thursday Sep 13, 1894 - Shandong, China

Gustav Stresemann-Early education
1894 - Berlin, German Empire (Present day Germany)

First Sino-Japanese War-Battle of Pyongyang
Saturday Sep 15, 1894 - Pyongyang, Korea (Now North Korea)

First Sino-Japanese War-Admiral Ding (Chinese fleet) decided To Return To Dalian
Saturday Sep 15, 1894 - Dalian, Liaoning, China

Ottoman Empire-Hamidian massacres
1894 - Ottoman Empire

First Sino-Japanese War-Admiral Ding decided to redeploy the embarked soldiers on the Yalu River
Sunday Sep 16, 1894 - The mouth of the Yalu River

First Sino-Japanese War-Battle of The Yalu River
Monday Sep 17, 1894 - The mouth of the Yalu River

Dahomey Amazons-A lot of Dahomey death after the Second Franco-Dahomean War
Saturday Oct 6, 1894 - Benin

First Sino-Japanese War-The Japanese pushed toward Manchuria
Wednesday Oct 10, 1894 - Manchuria

First Sino-Japanese War-The Japanese Crossed The Yalu River
Wednesday Oct 24, 1894 - The Yalu River

First Sino-Japanese War-The Japanese Landed on The Coast Liaodong Peninsula
Wednesday Oct 24, 1894 - Liaodong Peninsula, Liaoning, China

First Sino-Japanese War-Assaulting The outpost of Hushan
Thursday Oct 25, 1894 at 07:00:00 PM - Hushan, China

First Sino-Japanese War-Capturing Jinzhou
Tuesday Nov 6, 1894 - Jinzhou, Liaoning, China

First Sino-Japanese War-The Port Arthur massacre
Tuesday Nov 20, 1894 - Lüshunkou District, Dalian, Liaoning, China

First Sino-Japanese War-Taking the City of Lüshunkou
Wednesday Nov 21, 1894 - Lüshunkou District, Dalian, Liaoning, China

First Sino-Japanese War-Kaipeng (present-day Gaizhou) Fell to the Japanese
Monday Dec 10, 1894 - Gaizhou, Yingkou, Liaoning, China