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Flag of Bhutan - Current flag

Time: 1969

Place: Bhutan

Details: Beginning in the late 1950s, Dasho Shingkhar Lam, former Secretary to Jigme Dorji Wangchuck and Sixth Speaker of the National Assembly (1971–74), was requested by the king to make several modifications to the flag; he is responsible for its current design, which has remained unchanged since 1969. The king was reportedly dissatisfied that the early square Bhutanese flags did not flutter like the rectangular Indian flag displayed on the visit of an Indian official to the country. The standard measurements of the flag of Bhutan were thereafter altered to resemble the flag of India, which was 9 feet by 6 feet.



Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-Mayeum Choying Wangmo
Mar, 1947 - Bhutan
Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-Bhutan flag code of conduct
Monday Jun 19, 1972 - Bhutan
Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-The early flag description
1949 - Bhutan
Current Bhutan flag
Flag of Bhutan-The second version
1956 - Bhutan


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Vietnam War-Troops Withdrawals
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Shimon Peres-Minister of Immigrant Absorption
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