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Nokia - Eduard Polón founded rubber business called Nokia

Time: 1904

Place: Nokia, Finland

Details: In 1904 Suomen Gummitehdas (Finnish Rubber Works), a rubber business founded by Eduard Polón, established a factory near the town of Nokia and used its name.



The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Nokian Tyres Split away from Nokia
1988 - Nokia, Finland
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Nokia-Opening the second pulp mill
1868 - Nokia, Finland
The logo of the Finnish telecommunications company, Nokia Corporation
Friday May 12, 1865 - Tampere, Finland


(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Rise of political terrorism
1904 - Russian Empire
Franklin Roosevelt Image
Franklin D. Roosevelt-School of Law
1904 - New York, U.S.
Nanjing Road during Xinhai Revolution
Xinhai Revolution-The Guangfuhui (Restoration Society)
1904 - Shanghai, China
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Union of Liberation
1904 - Russian Empire
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill defected from the Conservatives
1904 - England, United Kingdom
Nanjing Road during Xinhai Revolution
Xinhai Revolution-The Huaxinghui (China Revival Society)
Monday Feb 15, 1904 - Hunan, China
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill opposed the government's proposed Aliens Bill
May, 1904 - England, United Kingdom
John Maynard Keynes
John Maynard Keynes-First class BA in mathematics
May, 1904 - Cambridge, England
Salvador Dali Image
Salvador Dali-Birth
Wednesday May 11, 1904 - Figueres, Catalonia, Spain
FIFA logo
Sunday May 22, 1904 - Paris, France
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-First Flight attempt (Flyer)
Monday May 23, 1904 - Dayton, Ohio, U.S.
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill-Churchill crossed the floor
Tuesday May 31, 1904 - London, England, United Kingdom
Marcus Garvey
Marcus Garvey-Traveling to Port Maria each morning
1904 - Port Maria, Jamaica
Logo of the Library of Congress
Library of Congress-Purchase of a four-thousand volume library of Indica
1904 - Washington D.C., U.S.
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Governor-General of Finland killed
Thursday Jun 30, 1904 - Helsinki, Finland (Then Russian Empire)
Martial arts
Martial arts-FILA Wrestling World Championships and Boxing at the Summer Olympics were introduced
Jul, 1904 - St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.
The Second Boer War
Second Boer War-President Kruger Death
Thursday Jul 14, 1904 - Clarens, Switzerland
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Minister of Interior killed
Wednesday Aug 10, 1904 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-Best Kitty Hawk effort
Saturday Aug 13, 1904 - U.S.
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-The First complete circle in history
Tuesday Sep 20, 1904 - U.S.
The Bank of America Corporate Center, headquarters of Bank of America in Charlotte
Bank of America-Bank of Italy "San Francisco"
Monday Oct 17, 1904 - San Francisco, California, U.S.
Theodore Roosevelt
Theodore Roosevelt-Second Term
Tuesday Nov 8, 1904 - U.S.
Oliver Wright and Wilbur Wright Image
The Wright brothers-Wright's two best flights
Wednesday Nov 9, 1904 - U.S.
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Strike occurred at the Putilov plant
Dec, 1904 - Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Marie Curie
Marie Curie-Curie gave birth to their Second Daughter
Tuesday Dec 6, 1904 - Paris, France
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini attended the University of Lausanne's
1904 - Switzerland
Mussolini biografia
Benito Mussolini-Mussolini returned to Italy
Dec, 1904 - Italy
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Moscow City Duma
Tuesday Dec 13, 1904 - Moscow, Russian Empire
Incandescent light bulb with a medium-sized E27 (Edison 27 millimeter) male screw base - image
Incandescent light bulb-Sándor Just and Croatian Franjo Hanaman were granted a Hungarian patent for a tungsten Filament Lamp
Tuesday Dec 13, 1904 - Hungary
(1905 Russian Revolution) A train overturned by striking workers at the main railway depot in Tiflis
1905 Russian Revolution-Tsar issued a manifesto promising the broadening of the Zemstvo
Sunday Dec 25, 1904 - Zemstvo, Russian Empire