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First Continental Congress (1774)

Time: Monday Sep 5, 1774

Place: Philadelphia

Details: The 1st Continental Congress, a meeting of delegates from 12 of the 13 British colonies that later became the United States, takes place in Philadelphia.



George Washington
George Washington-Joined the Continental Congress in Philadelphia
Friday May 5, 1775 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
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George Washington
George Washington-Congress appointed Washington General & Commander in chief of the army of the United Colonies
1775 - U.S.
Black Friday
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George Washington
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Aug, 1783 - U.S.

On This Day - 5 September

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Monday Sep 5, 1881 - Michigan, U.S.
Labor Day
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George Washington
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1774 - Massachusetts, U.S. (Currently)
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Ottoman Empire Coat of arms
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George Washington
George Washington-First Virginia Convention
Tuesday Aug 2, 1774 - Virginia, U.S. (then Colony of Virginia)
John Braham Birth
John Braham Birth
Sunday Mar 20, 1774 - London