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Nikola Tesla - It has been hypothesized that he may have intercepted Guglielmo Marconi's European experiments

Time: Jul, 1899

Place: Colorado, U.S.

Details: It has been hypothesized that he may have intercepted Guglielmo Marconi's European experiments in July 1899—Marconi may have transmitted the letter S (dot/dot/dot) in a naval demonstration, the same three impulses that Tesla hinted at hearing in Colorado—or signals from another experimenter in wireless transmission.



Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla set up an experimental station at high altitude
1899 - Colorado, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla conducted experiments with a large coil operating in the megavolts range
1899 - Colorado, U.S.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla-Tesla observed unusual signals from his receiver which he speculated to be communications from another planet
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July 1899

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