Joshua Barnes Birth
Time: Saturday Jan 10, 1654
Place: London
Details: The English scholar, Joshua Barnes, was born in London.

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle denied the legitimacy of the government at Bordeaux
Wednesday Jun 19, 1940 - London

Akio Morita-The First Japanese To Receive The Albert Medal
1982 - London, England

Heysel Stadium Events-Extradited and formally charged with manslaughter
Feb, 1987 - London, England, United Kingdom

Richard Branson-Virgin purchased the gay nightclub "Heaven"
1982 - London, England, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle's Appeal to continue to resist the occupation of France
Tuesday Jun 18, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth appointed as an honorary second subaltern
Feb, 1945 - London, United Kingdom

Prince William-Hosting World Cup Attempt
Dec, 2010 - London, United Kingdom

Richard Branson-Branson was questioned in connection with the selling of records declared export stock
1971 - London, England, United Kingdom

Joseph Mallord Birth
Sunday Apr 23, 1775 - Covent Garden

Charles de Gaulle-The financial agreement between France and London after the war
Mar, 1941 - London, England, United Kingdom

Black Friday-£2bn spent in shops and online in 24 hours
2015 - United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-Marriage
Thursday Dec 13, 1951 - Wesley's Chapel, London, England

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth undertook her first appearance
1943 - London, United Kingdom

Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt-The Convention of London of 1840
Wednesday Jul 15, 1840 - London, United Kingdom

Ellie Goulding-Marylebone Project
Thursday Dec 24, 2015 - London, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-Elizabeth and Philip were married
Thursday Nov 20, 1947 - London, United Kingdom

Brexit-EU negotiators said that an agreement must be reached between UK and the EU
Oct, 2018 - United Kingdom

Brexit-The extension options were agreed between the UK government and the European Council
Friday Mar 22, 2019 - United Kingdom

Ben Jonson Birth
Sunday Jun 11, 1572 - London

Prince William-Early statement
1989 - London, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-De Gaulle broadcast again
Monday Jun 24, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Winston is back
Sunday Sep 3, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom

Queen Elizabeth II-First communication between Queen and Congress
1991 - London, United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-British Government denounced the armistice
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Lloyd George moved Churchill to the War Office
Jan, 1919 - England, United Kingdom

Buckingham Palace-Battle of Britain Day
Sunday Sep 15, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Brexit-related jargon entered popular use
Thursday Jun 23, 2016 - United Kingdom

The palace of Westminster England-Henry VIII acquired York Place from Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
1534 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-67.2% of the electorate and all but two UK counties and regions voted to stay in
Thursday Jun 5, 1975 - United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-Moving to United Kingdom
1962 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Prime Minister David Cameron initially rejected calls for a referendum
2012 - United Kingdom

Thanksgiving-Reducing Church holidays
1536 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Speaker of the House of Commons informed the House of Commons that a third meaningful vote could be held only on a motion that was significantly different from the previous one
Monday Mar 18, 2019 - United Kingdom

Alan Turing-Turing started a relationship with Arnold Murray
Jan, 1952 - England

John Maynard Keynes-Official government position at the Treasury
Jan, 1915 - England

Penicillin-There had been many accounts by scientists and physicians on the antibacterial properties of the different types of moulds
19th Century - United Kingdom

Charles de Gaulle-Jean Monnet broke with de Gaulle
Sunday Jun 23, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Tunnel Talks
Thursday Oct 17, 2019 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-The Centenary of Queen Mary's birth
1967 - London, England, United Kingdom

Penicillin-William Roberts observed that bacterial contamination is generally absent in laboratory cultures of Penicillium glaucum
1874 - United Kingdom

Black Friday-Retail sales in the UK grew faster in November than in December for the first time
2017 - United Kingdom

Black Friday-Asda announced that it would not take part in the 2015 Black Friday
2015 - United Kingdom

Falklands War-War Cabinet dissolved
Thursday Aug 12, 1982 - United Kingdom

Prince William-Royal ranks
Friday Jan 1, 2016 - London, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip served in the British forces
1940 - United Kingdom

David Copperfield-Household Words
Sunday Mar 31, 1850 - United Kingdom

Robin Williams-Singing for charity
Dec, 1999 - London, United Kingdom

The palace of Westminster England-National Portrait Gallery
1856 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-The result was announced
Friday Jun 24, 2016 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was promoted to lieutenant-colonel
Jan, 1916 - England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip's active naval career had ended
Jul, 1951 - United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was appointed Minister of Munitions
Jul, 1917 - England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip returned to Britain
Sep, 1939 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-Cameron announced in his Bloomberg speech that a Conservative government would hold an in-or-out referendum on EU membership
Wednesday Jan 23, 2013 - United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-The Medical Research Team Led by Yacoub
Apr, 2007 - England

Winston Churchill-Luftwaffe began bombing London
Saturday Sep 7, 1940 - London, England, United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was flotilla leader HMS Wallace
Jun, 1942 - United Kingdom

1884 - Worldwide

Uber-Uber begins mapping UK streets
Friday Sep 16, 2016 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip was promoted to commander
Monday Jun 30, 1952 - United Kingdom

David Cameron-Suffering From a Foreign-policy Defeat
Thursday Aug 29, 2013 - England

Princess Diana-Engagement
Tuesday Feb 24, 1981 - London, England, United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-Closing Her Office
Saturday Jul 30, 2011 - London, England

Winston Churchill-Churchill assumed full responsibility for Britain's aerial defense
Sep, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill was tasked with overseeing Britain's naval effort when the First World War began
Aug, 1914 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Churchill threatened to resign as First Lord of the Admiralty
Dec, 1913 - London, England, United Kingdom

Winston Churchill-Asquith appointed Churchill First Lord of the Admiralty
Oct, 1911 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-A Pray
1920s - United Kingdom

Alan Turing-The Queen Officially Pronounced Turing Pardoned
Aug, 2014 - London, England

Brexit-The second Margaret Thatcher government
1985 - United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned United Kingdom
Mar, 1958 - United Kingdom

Alan Turing-Turing Encountered Albert Einstein's Work
1928 - England

Edward VIII-The last royal ceremony the Duke attended
1968 - England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Worries
1920s - United Kingdom

Dwight D. Eisenhower-Eisenhower accompanied Lt. Gen. Henry H. Arnold
May, 1942 - London, England, United Kingdom

Brexit-21-month transition period
Mar, 2018 - United Kingdom

Magdi Yacoub-Senior Surgical Registrar
1964 - London, England

Edward VIII-Duke of Windsor
Saturday Dec 12, 1936 - England, United Kingdom

Valentine's Day-Chaucer's poetry about "Valentine's Day"
1382 - Londen, United Kingdom

Uber-Uber launches in London
Monday Jul 2, 2012 - London, England, United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Letters Patent
Thursday May 27, 1937 - United Kingdom

David Cameron-The Conservative Party's decisive win in the General Election
Thursday May 7, 2015 - England

Margaret Thatcher-She retired From The parliamentarian
Thursday Apr 9, 1992 - London, England

Angelina Jolie-A Generous Donation
Sep, 2021 - London, England, U.K.

John Roger was the first protestant martyr in London
Friday Feb 4, 1555 - London

Edward VIII-Last act of his reign was the royal assent to His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936
Friday Dec 11, 1936 - England, United Kingdom

Falklands War-War Cabinet
Tuesday Apr 6, 1982 - United Kingdom

Brexit-Labour Party won the February 1974 general election
Thursday Feb 28, 1974 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip became the first lieutenant of HMS Wallace
Oct, 1942 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-King Edward VII planned to marry Simpson
Oct, 1936 - United Kingdom

Edward VIII-Most photographed celebrity of his time
1920s - United Kingdom

Margaret Thatcher-Death
Monday Apr 8, 2013 - the Ritz Hotel, London, England

Audrey Hepburn-Chorus girl in London
1940s - London, England, United Kingdom

Jacinda Ardern-A toast to the Commonwealth
Friday Apr 20, 2018 - London, England, United Kingdom

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Townsend returned from Brussels
Wednesday Oct 12, 1955 - England, United Kingdom

David Cameron-Cameron submit his resignation to the Queen
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016 - London, England

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Philip spent four months on the battleship HMS Ramillies
Jan, 1940 - United Kingdom

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh-Promotion to lieutenant
Thursday Jul 16, 1942 - United Kingdom

John Maynard Keynes-Civil Service career
Oct, 1908 - London, England

David Cameron-Cameron resigning his seat in the Parliament
Monday Sep 12, 2016 - London, England
On This Day - 10 January

Holy Roman Empire-Golden Bull of 1356
Saturday Jan 10, 1356 - Nuremberg and Metz, Holy Roman Empire

Napoleon-Napoleon divorced Joséphine
Wednesday Jan 10, 1810 - France

World War II-League of Nations
Saturday Jan 10, 1920 - Geneva, Switzerland

United Nations-League of Nations
Saturday Jan 10, 1920 - Geneva, Switzerland

Max Planck-Retirement
Sunday Jan 10, 1926 - Berlin

United Nations-First meetings of the General Assembly
Thursday Jan 10, 1946 - London, England, United Kingdom

Martin Luther King-SCLC
Thursday Jan 10, 1957 - Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.

Algerian War-A "General Offensive"
Wednesday Jan 10, 1962 - Algeria

Nicaraguan Revolution-Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Cardenal was Murdered
Tuesday Jan 10, 1978 - Nicaragua

Slobodan Milošević-The Anti-bureaucratic Revolution continued in Montenegro
Tuesday Jan 10, 1989 - Montenegro

Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon-Margaret was hospitalized
Wednesday Jan 10, 2001 - England, United Kingdom

SARS Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)-Another SARS infection found in china
Saturday Jan 10, 2004 - China

Apple Inc.-First Apple computers to use Intel's Core
Tuesday Jan 10, 2006 - U.S.

Richard Branson-Virgin Healthcare announced that it would open a chain of health care clinics
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - United Kingdom

Colombian conflict-FARC released Rojas and Gonzalez
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Colombia

Disasters with highest death tolls-2008 Afghanistan Blizzard
Thursday Jan 10, 2008 - Afghanistan

Lionel Messi-2010 FIFA Ballon d'Or
Monday Jan 10, 2011 - Zürich, Switzerland

Qaboos bin Said al Said-Death
Friday Jan 10, 2020 - Beit al-Baraka, Seeb, Oman

Roman Republic-Caesar with his army crossed the river Rubicon
Sunday Jan 10, 49 BC - Bellaria-Igea Marina, Rimini, Italy

Imperial China (Qin and Han dynasties)-Xuan died
Friday Jan 10, 48 BC - Chang'an, China

James Varicick Birth
Sunday Jan 10, 1768 - Newburgh

Leiden gunpowder disaster
Monday Oct 12, 1654 - Netherlands

The Reign of Louis XIV King of France started in 1654
Sunday Jun 7, 1654 - France

Emperor Reigen Birth
Thursday Jul 9, 1654 - Kyoto

Ferdinand IV's death
Thursday Jul 9, 1654 - Hungary